General Discussion

General Discussionthis is why you NEVER give up

this is why you NEVER give up in General Discussion

    huskar got fed real hard early both teams had an abandon to start then their ursa abandoned before ten and our bristle left at like 25. They fed a rapier from huskar getting megas. We then proceeded to defend our ancient for over 20 minutes including at one point losing the rapier and stoping their push with our ancient on a tenth of its health. This game should have been over at 30 min but sometimes your enemy fucks up and that is why you should never give up.


      Statistically you should just give up. I've only ever won one game where we got megad


        I have won abt 2 games with one rax remaining where they choke on the critical teamfight, we win then either run down mid or get a stupid amt of comeback gold and choke all lanes till they die. However i played one comeback game as wk where i bought a rapier at like 20 min and one shotted the luna. It was 3v5 and we won lmao.


          statistically if you are playing at 1300 mmr you have nothing valuable to say


            i was just talking about any game whether you got mega'd or they are just beating you. If you give up in a game though I am reporting you because the game is not over until they destroy your ancient especially sub 5k.


              but yeah dont give up <3


                Don't give up
                Especially in subhuman bracket where the enemy team doesn't even punish you at all for gamelosing mistakes