General Discussion

General DiscussionGameleap

Gameleap in General Discussion

    Hi guys,

    On Youtube there is alot of advertising for gameleap. Has anyone got it and do you think it is worth it?


      only if you're like 0-4k mmr, at that range it's pretty good

      if you're 4k+, it's a giant waste of time, learn to analyse replays

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      doc joferlyn simp

        From what I've gathered Gameleap is good for beginners/2-3k MMR players, because the coaches cover basic concepts well but if you want help regarding mechanical skill, decision-making, any case-to-case basis problem, you will have to learn that on your own because you can't suddenly learn and effectively employ a certain strat against certain heroes in a certain strat. Too many what-ifs and variables to cover.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          i saw one of their vids by bsj and found it incredibly useful. but what cookie said is probably right

          1-IceTea 🌟

            I found it useless.It teach you lane mechanic but I only play jungle what lane machanic gonna do with meeeee?

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
            doc joferlyn simp

              I think Gameleap is even more valuable to exclusive-Jungler players because you need to learn how to stack, optimal farm patterns, kiting enemy creeps, estimating putting item in backpack for max regen and putting it back in once you reach the next camp, all those little details that make the difference in jungling.