General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat da fuck my thread go

What da fuck my thread go in General Discussion

    Where da fuck my how to git a gf thread go


      Maybe it got abit too sexual
      Or maybe it was my lightbulbs :thinking:

      1-IceTea 🌟

        Deleted/banned,it has nothing important there except that my female friend's friend(girl) is crazy about Dota and ideal GF is in my graps.All other is irrelevant


          What da fuq man can mods explain this i feel like i didnt do nothing wrong
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            Fight me mods puppyface


              Is it the daddy's post or whut. Rules says that i cannot speak of others rl but i can speak of mine r8.


                first mods deleted offensive stuff, now they delete not-dota-related stuff

                soon they will delete the forum, u heard it here first


                  No reason to delete the thread mods wtf. I summon @Lawlie


                    Fk man i think i will get banned for this shit. I dont know what skim/kawaii socks or mods out there thinking about my thread. Just explain me whats wrong


                      Im going to wake up in 6 hour if i dont have an ans nothing will happen undertand mods :)


                        goat attention seeker


                          kawaiisocks thinks splitpushing is dead. Proof that he doesn't know what he's doing

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                            I mean you have three other threads that you posted within several other hours of each other. The mods are doing their job.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              it was deleted because
                              a) you keep spamming threads all week
                              and b) it just invited a lot of very sexist remarks.


                                where s the borderline between a sexist remark and a joke?


                                  I keep spamming threads, yeah to some extend it was true. But it was not shitposting and it was permitted in dotabuff code and conduct. I only remember 2 thread that is the "ns question" and "how to post screenshot here". The ns question one is obviously me flaming my team have too low on their networth when we were losing while i still on the top of the networth vs am. And the how to post the screenshot here is basically what you need to post in the forum guidelines. I have read the forum guideline over and over again and i cant seems find how to post your screenshot in dotabuff, would it be wrong if i have a thread to ask for the solutipn. I may have gone crazy or blind if i dont seen it. On the other hand, i was just really bored irl.
                                  It just invited a lot of sexist remark
                                  The word invited itself is something that is not really happen there. Maybe you are seeing the gold digger girl and even so, the problem is already solved. Secondly, the thread is not heading toward the sexism part of it but it just me wanting opinion from "million of people who visit dotabuff from various country -dotabuff code and conduct". So I am offering you a solution which is you dont randomly deleted a thread and leave the creator thinking why it is deleted, you can post in that thread like this "dear ppl who commend on this(dunno what is it called),
                                  I would like to remind you that if this thread consist of sexism and did not find any solution to this i will deleted this thread." And why you deleted a thread that have no sexism. I hope you can fix this mistake and make dotabuff a better place for us.


                                    Ph and btw why you deleted that thread specifically and not the other one that is made by me and have a bigger potential on violating dotabuff code and conduct :)


                                      Delete the sexist remarks and not the legit thread. Didn't know spamming threads was illegal


                                        Skim if u dont want dota related threads then delete ayy lmao.

                                        Player 345068850

                                          Lmao mine is also gone


                                            Explain @notthistime thread too


                                              I will get banned because i offended skim lmao

                                              Player 345068850

                                                Lol how did my thread go sexual unless something shit happened to my thread when i went to sleep

                                                Player 345068850

                                                  Maybe i went off topic from dota

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Which thread actually

                                                    Player 345068850

                                                      The one asking qbout wad to do after igcse

                                                      Player 345068850

                                                        ^i couldnt find it...thx and sorry


                                                          Oh lmao. Gud for you then

                                                          Player 345068850

                                                            I feel sorry for you doe...Good luck and may your dreams come true.Btw add me on steam

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                              I will add you st steam


                                                                I cant find you at steam can you tell me your dota2 id?

                                                                basement :)

                                                                  I did not get to read all of the thread.

                                                                  Player 345068850



                                                                      It was pretty interesting to read tbh

                                                                      basement :)

                                                                        How to get a girlfriend:

                                                                        1. Buy HoTD.
                                                                        2. Dominate girl.


                                                                          Lmfao sexist remarks 😂😂 skim are you a child? Grow up lmao
                                                                          Learn to deal with humor? These threads of yours are already dumpster trash where only about 40 avid users, and you steadily turn them away for..?
                                                                          It's clear to see the team behind dotabuff wants money, I mean shit you guys have overbuff which is an EXACT copy of this and you throw ads there too. Lightin up or your already trashy site will get worse lul

                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                            ^Dotabuff was a great side with alot of free info to access and a forum to participate,I can even saw your filthy 45%winrate smurf with last match as abbadon,wonderful right?
                                                                            I am with mods btw because alot of 12 y/of kid here hahaha

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              ^ this is a troll smurf that I dumpster kids to get VHS, then ruin other smurfs Bc usually they tilt hard.
                                                                              I've seen your acc multiple times and laugh lol
                                                                              And it's *abandon.
                                                                              I never abandoned but was afk fallowing a teammate and got an afk abandon.
                                                                              I don't need a 4K smurf trying to call out shit lul

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Im not saying that dotabuff is a bad site but mods can do much better in deleting thread.


                                                                                  rip gf


                                                                                    Mods? There is only one mod that does anything here Lol.
                                                                                    The "team" behind this site are lazy.
                                                                                    Just take a look at overbuff.
                                                                                    The ranking system is horrible on dotabuff, people have complained about it forever now and the "team" has still kept saying they are working on things.
                                                                                    sites a joke, I just come here to mess with kids.

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                             England is so bad not even a auto correction can save me now...:cry:

                                                                                      This is acc that I made to lower my party memer so I can play with my low memer irl friend.

                                                                                      I never abandoned but was afk fallowing a teammate and got an afk abandon.
                                                                                      That's call abandon,you abandoned your humanity and become nothing more then a bot when you doing it.

                                                                                      Player 345068850

                                                                                        Tbh dotabuff is still a pretty decent site doe


                                                                                          That's called*
                                                                                          Really terrible grammar lol, and this is nothing but a troll account. Idk how you cannot see that.