General Discussion

General DiscussionMost of my matches are in high skill, but sometimes I got into very h...

Most of my matches are in high skill, but sometimes I got into very high skill bracket. in General Discussion

    Most of my game are place in high skill bracket. Just sometime I got into very high skill bracket. I don't understand how and why? I've play so far so good on my very high skill bracket.. but sadly I can't maintain it. Try check my dotabuddotabuff and help me out. Thanks


      you lose too much in high skill to have vhs


        So win rate does related to hidden mmr? But sometimes when I get into very high skill bracket, and I play pretty well and won the game, but after that, the next game drop to high skill again even though I won the VHS bracket. Why ya?

        monk, tibetan

          You're performing real bad on some of your HS games... I don't really know, honestly. I got put into HS for only one game after a VHS win streak so idk wtf is going on here.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            performance only matters


              Yea I guess so.. cause sometimes I play really rough by open war and dead.. affected my kda ratio. Do I still have a chance to get into vhd bracket?


                just keep playing i think , you don't need high winrate to get vhs to be honest .


                  You probably got VHS matches when you queue with and/or against people w/ VHS hidden mmr.

                  Let's say you have hidden MMR of 3400 which puts you in high bracket. If you get matched with a 4.7k, 4.4k, 4.2k & a 5k. Your avg tmmr would be around 4.3k which is on VHS bracket.

                  If the avg tmmr>4000(or 3700?), your match will be labelled as VHS so I don't think it has anything to do with your skill.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    This is my second acc actually, my old account was 3.3k . So I wish to boost new account hoping to get 3.8 or higher. And I decided to play supp to boost. Can I get 3.8k ? Your opinions pls


                      Making a new account won't change anything.


                        You can get to any bracket you want. If you can afford it.

                        And by afford I didn't mean account buying. You won't get anywhere with that.

                        Can you provide time & effort into actually learning how games are won? Are you willing to read in-depth analysis of the meta? Can you actually go try hard amidst real life things to accomplish?

                        monk, tibetan

                          Yes, getting VHS with support is possible. I only play support and i'm VHS.


                            Yea. Thanks for all your comments and advices. Gonna work hard on it. Hopefully can get into VHS asap :)


                              Specific advice:

                              For the purpose of going to VHS bracket, Pick 1-3 heroes you think you can really win games with and grind them til you get to VHS.


                                One of it, spamming necro haha or maybe techies?


                                  1/5/3 abandoned so far so good on vhs :D

                                  Badluck x 10⁻²⁴

                                    Do I have any hope of vhs? No? Yes? How?


                                      Ikr kormoranas.. because I play d2 at cyber, so if the line or pc fucked up, then abandoned is the answer T_T_T


                                        badluck, yes you can. try elvz advice. works for me. 4 month grinding from normal bracket to vhs.