General Discussion

General Discussion7.02 AM's lvl 25 (-3 secs Blink to -50 cd on Mana void)

7.02 AM's lvl 25 (-3 secs Blink to -50 cd on Mana void) in General Discussion

    Is he even more OP with this or just the same as having 2 secs blink?


      lol, he is trash


        I think it makes the hero stronger, however I think he still has issues with being runover before he comes online.


          Why not buy octarine and enjoy both?

          Negative Mental Attitude

            Am lvl 25 talents are useless because the enemy team will 5 man and take all ur raxes 20-25 mins in


              Yup i bet the will rax u everytime. Of course. Am doesnt have to be just completely uninvolved ya know.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                Future School Shooter
                37 minutes ago
                LAST MATCH
                SOLO MMR
                Smurf theory crafter are so cute