General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you AFK 'lost' games?

Do you AFK 'lost' games? in General Discussion

    Just wondering.

    Do you guys play 'till the end, when 'the end' is fairly certain or do you sometimes buy a Shadow Amulet and AFK in such times?

    I am not talking about feeding and going AFK or crying in chat.

    No. Nothing like that.

    You just realise that the game is almost certainly over and you'd be just prolonging it, get an amulet and AFK in trees.

    No chat trash talk, no prior feeding or salt.

    I sometimes do that, not that I really will change my take on that, but still.

    I want to spark a discussion, whether or not you personally do this and whether it even feels appropriate to you.

    P.S. I've noticed, the higher avg MMR is, the more likely the people are to resort to such a thing.

    Upper 4k's and 5k's let you finish off their throne if they realise they've lost and would just make their 'torture' longer 99% of the games.

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Player 345996680

      yeah if i have retard sups.


        no, unless we alrdy lost all the rax, or there are at least 2 ppl alrdy afking

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          Done it before. When everyone seems to buy shadow amulet and typed gg.

          casual gamer

            people doing this before megas makes me irrationally angry, even if we have 99% lost


              yye thats indeed pretty annoying when some tunnel vision retards who only see their hero in the game realize they fucked up and are not gonna be efficient, and therefore conclude the game is lost


                I always do this but instead i blink into the tree keep blinking till i reach my opponent base cut the creepwave sometime using important spell ravage and things like that


                  On the other hand, why would you be playing when, for example, you have all lanes failed, enemy excessively overfarmed compared to you (I mean insane type of overfarmed like 2-3 slot difference) and no real 'comeback' heroes.

                  In such games you just prolong the game by 5-10 mins of literally wasted time. E.g. you have a very poor performing Dusa with barely Linkens (1 slot) and enemy AM already has an Abyssal (3-4 slotted), his team is also packed well.

                  You have lost all the lanes, several rax, don't have any real heroes to comeback with against the enemy lineup, but have means of just prolonging the inevitable by 5-6 mins.

                  You may say that 'you can still win', but you know in some games that's just not true.

                  The chance of the enemy fucking up is so low, that it is negligible in such extreme cases. And even if they die, let's assume they have all T1's standing and you have a definite weaker lategame.

                  I don't play games like that.
                  That's my take on it and I am OK to get reported for it, if someone ingame wishes to. Haven't been to LP more than once/twice in a year anyway.

                  Or these weird guys, who defend against 20-27 mins megas. Haven't seen them win once yet.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    It's predicting the outcome of the game. Even pros do. They type gg when they know they will lose, with mega or no mega, sometimes t2 not even down.


                      I wouldn't AFK with T2's or even T3's up.

                      I am not a pro, so I wouldn't predict that far ahead. Again, I am talking about fairly obvious losses, not personal fuckups or tilt (for these, I am OK to know I got reported and would report myself in rare times, when such happens).

                      Pub games can't be compared to coordinated pro matches anyway. It's kinda missing the point of the topic.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        Never ever give up!!! Just a few days ago I won a match over mega creeps and our ancient had something about 20 or 30 health... My teammates were about to give up 30 minutes before we actually won. But I could convince them that we have a chance :)

                        Of course this is unlikely to happen and it might be a waste of time, if you are trying this every time and you lose like 99%.
                        But this satisfying feeling... ^^

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          When enemy slark starts 4-0 your Lc is jungling, your drow rushed morbid mask and your carry lion is walking down mid because he thought he was a better mid than TA- yes

                          Story Time

                            ^Pls read again the previous post: NEVER GIVE UP


                              I do that but it's because in my skill bracket, if you can't carry the team then you lose


                                idk when literally my entire team has a k/d of less than 0.2 i do go afk

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  If it's a healthy game, no flame no salt, I would play it to the end seriously
                                  It's not torturing to lose a game with well behavior players, I think
                                  (Unless it's a 50 - 3 double networth disadvantage rape then it is torturing, but that wouldn't happen too long if opponent takes you seriously)
                                  Even if the game is lost and ancient is controlled I would buy a force staff to counter fountain rapes


                                    When im alone and 5 of the enemy hitting our throne and i cant do anything

                                    GRANT MACDONALD

                                      @story time

                                      Im willing to lose the 999 out of 1000 unwinnable games if it means being able to put it behind and queue for another. Besides with battle pass, most of the time the enemy is afk trying to accomplish quests anyways instead of trying to hit the ancient


                                        I just walk to their fountain


                                          I afk sometimes if people on my team are already doing so or if enemy are fountain farming us or something dumb. Otherwise I tend to defend to the last possible moment.


                                            I don't afk, as far as I'm concerned the game is never lost.

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              Depends on your team makeup. If we have no towers or only a couples t1s and we just lost two rax I'll say hey guys don't defend, or after megas for sure. But if your team is like sniper and medusa and you can D highground forever we'll keep at it. Usually though your team is some scrub AM who doesn't have battlefury at minute 30 and you're losing raxes and then it's time to just throw in the towel.


                                                If its obvious that we cannot win (eg: they have megas and we're horribly underfarmed) I play my own little personal minigame where I see how much damage I can do to the enemy carry, or if possible kill them. I ignore the rest of their team and just go Yolo at their carry. Sure it gives me an extra death nearly all the time but its fun.


                                                  I usually try to afk enemy fountain, I buy blink shadow amulet and all the smokes.

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    playing till the very end is a bad habit imo and will do u no good in a long run
                                                    u can win absolutely every game with some chance but playing games u have a very slim chance of winning is super tilting and morally exhausting

                                                    i'd rather give up on a game and afk with amulet if i have less than 2-3% chance of winning and preserve my nerve cells and will to play the game rather than try to win impossible games, most likely lose them anyway and queue next game tired and irritated which will affect my gameplay




                                                        Does forcing enemy heroes into my fountain or pushing allies out of my fountain count as AFK?


                                                          I do it when the other team got our racks and fall back to do a last rosh or finish the build..
                                                          I hate players with a win game going back to finish farm instead of just push and end.

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            yes, although rarely (mostly when the games definetly lost)


                                                              Until the bitter end..

                                                              Story Time

                                                                ^Six feet under,
                                                                bad habit because it is exhausting? is fitness also a bad habit? :D Lol! And if u tilt, and cant control your emotions, you are not ready for dota...


                                                                  Only afk if they have megas and it's clearly lost.


                                                                    ^^Don't know about fitness, but I am pretty sure lifting implies efficient time spending.
                                                                    You wouldn't do a lot of worthless exercises everyday if you want to get big, you'd stick to only 2-3 days per week and avoid unwanted stress. You grow muscle when you rest. Lol. Don't know why you would even bring that up.

                                                                    Any sports, if it's a serious one, would require constant periods of rest and abstaining from stress factors in order to ensure efficiency anyway, so your fitness analogy is kinda pointless.

                                                                    But I do believe the same principle kinda works here: why exhaust on a game, where a loss is 99.(9)%, when you can start the next one and it's extremely highly likely that it won't be like that.

                                                                    If anything, I get irritated when I see guys defending megacreeps at 20-25 mins either in my or enemy team, when such a thing happens. There's a reason games like Hearthstone and Dota CM matches have a concede option.

                                                                    Hell, even chess matches have a concede option.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      can ppl seriously stop using analogies in 2017 this is a shitty debate argument and it corrupts or completely misses the point 99% of the time

                                                                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                                                        People who start threads like these have to be retarded right?

                                                                        Lets do Science

                                                                          I rarely afk in a game even if its lost 90%. Now I usually won't run into certain death to try to "defend" my ancient even if i'm our only chance ie: every one else died with no bb and i'm the only one whos up for 60+ seconds, thats just stupid. I will say this though, most of the time when people <6k actually start afking, it was a game that was merely not going well for them and they don't wanna have to fight their way out of the hole they dug themselves into.


                                                                            If you don't want to just afk, I recommend trying to get something out of the game for you. For example:
                                                                            - pushing out one lane while simultaneously progressing with jungle-farming, in order to at least take out a T1/T2;
                                                                            - trying to hunt down lone enemies who are (for example) going back to a shrine/shop'
                                                                            - hunting down a courier;
                                                                            - getting solo Rosh xd


                                                                              i only do that if enemy tries to farm fountain, otherwise im tryhard


                                                                                I once have a team who goes chain feeding. He said "we need to clash we are stronger than them" i would just laugh at his treads aquila and ogre club


                                                                                  Many times, had a slar game where my mid (invo fresh level 20 acc) lost mid, and left the lane to jungle 4 minutes in while the enemy team never ganked he simply got shit on 1v1. Then they 5 manned and started fucking us as my lion support rushed blink over wards and Mek.
                                                                                  I died and tilted. Destroyed my items, then took a second, bought items I could and we won.
                                                                                  Sometimes just give it a try, however doing so is much harder than saying so.
                                                                                  I want to say Ended the game with 10-5-13

                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                    nah. i just abb game when i know comeback is impossible


                                                                                      when does that happen exactly? because i've thrown and won mathematically impossible games so when do i know thati am gonna lose?