General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvance techniques for terrorblade

Advance techniques for terrorblade in General Discussion

    I only know that your illu can be your own baby sitter in lane or you can stack and pull with him. Anyone know any more advance techniques with him? And do you separate your illu from you main hero for teamfight or you just keep them together


      Jdf pls


        when pushing lane i send ilu lans and hero jungle
        when hitting tower i make them close to me not to recognize main but they have Es blink i separate


          The item choice? When to go butter intead of skadi

          casual gamer

            After a certain point u want ur shorter duration illus + you hitting jungle creeps while the longer duration illus pushing the lane out and gets cd, then next wave u spawn another illus for lane and bring the previous lane illus into jungle

            in the early laning phase illus can stack, pull, or deny enemy runes

            usually i clump the illus unless they have aoe stuns / echo in which case i spread them out as much as possible

            when u learn the basic farming pattern of how to time where ur illusions go u get a ton of gold and its usually pretty safe


              is terrorblade a good hero

              i dont think ive ever seen him win in my pubs regardless of who was playing him


                i remember last time ive played that hero and i couldnt break t1 because there was an offlane earthshaker who spammed fissures and i couldnt do anything

                then i died like twice and game was over


                  Tb is definitely a hard hero in general. Once you mastered his farming pattern things goes easier. Btw that did u use for the control group. I use 2 and 3 for each illu and 2 for tb illu and 3 for manta illu.


                    When is this "certain point" jdf?
                    Post laning phase?

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      the most advanced tb techinque is not picking this hero i believe

                      pubg only accunt

                        Hes back in dumbster? xD


                          Shadow blade dagon troll the build is best. I saw one guy do it in one of my game. 1st I thought he was a retard. But then he rekt the enemy and it was funny as hell.
                          He stood near ancient went low health sb found an enemy farming ultimate dagon

                          Hue hue hue

                          PS. It was ns game


                            I can do better than that. Give me am and i eill do vod eblade dagon shiva am


                              Lol that be fun to see. But it will take time for you to farm these items. And team will be at too much disadvantage. It's not just the build that was funny it was the enemy who doesn't have any idea what to do lol


                                For me Its much more fun doing serious build and getting a rampage for being too powerful.


                                  You can't control group the illusions, anyway you just build helm then send illusions down sidelanes while you afk farm the jungle, not much to his farming patterns.


                                    Just chill and use your illusions for as much efficiency as possible..


                                      Pretty sick damage output though.. After getting your core fun to play..xD

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        I have been thinking a mjonir on tb. AS farming capability. When to get it
                                        Tbh i think luna is a much much better hero than tb because when you are far enough it look like you have meta forever


                                          same like naga
                                          tb is good vs heroes like alch weaver sven ls
                                          why ?
                                          cause he has 10armor at lvl 1
                                          butter get after skadi
                                          first get manta then difusal then skadi
                                          whats hard to understand about TB ?
                                          hes not picked in pubs cause hes maybe boring hero and people think hes weak but hes actually OP i know miracle plays tb non stop


                                            btw is it possible to have working hotkeys on conjure image illusions
                                            everytime i spawn a new one it just fucks up

                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                              "I can do better than that. Give me am and i eill do vod eblade dagon shiva am"

                                              casual gamer

                                                tb doesnt need extra farm speed on the hero and mj doesnt give him anything he actually wants besides ias


                                                  Come bws party meme with me i will show you the true build of am. Does butter gives more dps to pa than a mkb or not?


                                                    Naga is a shit hero right now tbh. Tb is not picked because he is a hard hero

                                                    Player 123655765

                                                      pick tb when they don't have aoe stunner like es/magnus. best in safelane and split pushing. always switch to int power threads when conjuring illu. TB illu are quite good this patch because of illu buff and benefit from hotd/drums. good hero if paired with fast pushing heroes. just my 2k cents tho.


                                                        Illu buff?


                                                          Butter gives more DPS on any hero that buys manta against anything

                                                          Player 123655765
                                                            კომენტარი წაიშალა
                                                            Player 123655765

                                                              @bws buff that illu now benefit from attack speed auras

                                                              casual gamer

                                                                they always benefited from ias aura AC, now they benefit from hyperstone and drum active type


                                                                  My playstyle now is to burst ppl before they can burst me. Its pretty much the meta now


                                                                    "burst ppl before they can burst me"
                                                                    Hasn't that always been the idea?


                                                                      "burst ppl before they can burst me"
                                                                      AM has been a manfighting hero before? :thinking:


                                                                        is melee/range manta illu thing still there? if it is use manta before metamorphosis because it gives more stat and manta has lower cd if it's used for melee heroes


                                                                          Skadi lets you tank up butter giv u damage.


                                                                            Go armlet because u can turn it on to lower ur life for dank sunders. Plus ur illusions have purple hands. Top tier item.