General Discussion

General Discussioncan i go to vhs if i win every normal skill match in unranked?

can i go to vhs if i win every normal skill match in unranked? in General Discussion
all role player

    ^ can i ? currently 10 winstreak playing with approx 2.8-3.1 if i get another 10 winstreak can i play on vhs? anyone ever try it?

    all role player

      also why my radiant win is 68% but my dire is fucking shitty?


        the answer to your question will be revealed on the ..........

        NEXT EPISODE OF DRAGON BALL Z!!!!!!!!!!!

        Bonjour je débute à dota

          The skill bracket you're playing in relies on:
          -your mmr in ranked games (if u have one, party or solo), then it must be over 3,8 k mmr
          -your stats in the game (the most important stat isn't your KDA, but your lh,tower damage and the GPM/XPM)
          -your teamates skill bracket (wich relies on the previous statements)

          I played few VHS games because my firends were 4-5k mmr (so our global mmr was around 3,9k mmr)

          Hope it will help you.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            you're a normal skill player, just accept it
            only way to get to vhs is to gitgud


              Yes you can, just keep playing good, improve yourself, and you will eventually reach VHS unranked, not that hard just takes time..


                best way: "hey im actually not so good at the game, how can i improve" then improve = u will be vhs

                this is to every1 asking and this is the asnweer


                  pretty sure that lhs gpm xpm td isnt the main criteria. when u play carry maybe, but totally not support. pretty sure what really matters is how well you use your skills, and in general if you play good as a player (as a carry you need good farm to be seen as good ofc thats obvious) i was playing shadow demon in high skill matches, some consistent clutch disruption saves and soul catcher first blood etc easily put me into vhs bracket next game even though we lost due to the our "high skill" carry players being dumb braindead pieces of shit.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა