General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's faster?

what's faster? in General Discussion
Feichang Gaoxing

    Midas -> Radiance -> other items


    Radiance -> Midas -> other items


    [K]nighttime ඞ

      I dont think any hero right now wants to build midas and radiance but in general Radiance>midas when it comes to farming speed


        midas first, u dont build midas not only for gold but mostly for exp


          never try to get both items on an hero that is not LD (on him midas radiance but this is old meta)

          general advice : don't build midas on fast farming hero (AM , Luna ) or on heroes that fight early (jugg , mk) , actually never build midas unless you know what are you doing


            midas as a gold item LUL


              only build it on supports or invoker. smh.

              Father Jack from Marketing

                Out of curiosity, how many deaths does it take to make a midas ineffective? I'm talking losing x seconds of use while its not on cooldown but you are dead and the gold lost?

                Feichang Gaoxing

                  Was thinking of building rad on wk after armlet and bm. But its a lot of gold to farm. But if i build midas first i can farm for rad faster because of extra attack speed and transmute? Idk or ill just go straight radiance?

                  casual gamer

                    stop buying midas on any hero that would go rad


                      what about ld guys??


                        get maelstorm on ld now

                        casual gamer

                          rad on ur heros retarded and rad on the bears outdated just go aquila dlance maelstrom/deso

                          Optimus Drip

                            Don't build midas if you have to ask how to use it.if u can get a 5 minute midas on anyone however, do it (not on alchemist though)


                              Well this is the strategy I do. I mostly play on two heroes in this patch Wraith King and Necrophos. I always buy midas mb 90% of the games. Found out that if you rush midas on safe lane around 5-7 mins you still get your radiance on 17-20 mins. As for my offlane Necrophos I get midas at 8-13mins. Radiance 23-25. Even if I have a late midas it still helps a lot cuz both of my heroes increase their farming speed at lvl 10.
                              So, Midas then Radiance is the way to go. However, if you only start playing with midas be aware that your hero is pretty weak during first 5-8 mins. No mana for extra skill or money for consumable. Still if you build it everygame getting used to it.


                                HotD | Arcanes | Radiance

                                Easy 15 minute farm and t3 towers.


                                  why radiance on necro in the first place , aside from the flashy thing necro with midas+rad at 23-25 min is super squishy


                                    too much gold, also midas is more about lvl up faster than farming faster..


                                      Too slow, takes too much time..

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Midas is for heroes that desperately(well not really desperately) needs levels you know for leveling up skills, ult, reaching certain talent or having a level advantage from enemies plus tomes.

                                        It's also a good source of reliable gold.

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          @The Rider

                                          Rad is not the way to go. It is a situational item. Frankly, I prefer fast dagger to greaves/shivas to secure scythe kills over rad. However, if the enemy gives me space and my position one is doing bad I buy radiance to increase dps in team fights.


                                            @The Rider

                                            Oh, yeah you also gotta have rain drops + pt if you are going for the rad build on necro.

                                            Optimus Drip

                                              I hate radiance on necro. i dont see the point. I do go midas on necro but thats for early level 18, not any gold.