General Discussion

General DiscussionCan I run support naga

Can I run support naga in General Discussion

    I like naga. I like to win. I'm low mmr,which means no support. Then i have to support.
    So would i be able to spam a sup naga?


      I wudnt spam it, but sure its viable. I just dont know the build tbh.


        You build radiance and transition into carry, and become the highest networth player in the game.

        Giff me Wingman

          ah man, naga is pretty shit.

          1-IceTea 🌟

            Support Alchemist is better then support naga


              I agree, Naga is pretty shit and an awful support.


                She isnt a lane support, she works well in ganks, especially when the lanes can provide the damage, as naga ganking will rlly only provide the disable. She was a good support paired with qe invoker mid, cuz she sets up sun strike, and invoker provides the damage, while he only rlly needs the disable early to get kills. However since qe invoker is kinda dead, i dont think naga support is good. My point is that naga support is a thing, its just that the meta isnt fit for it.



                  She's decent. Not a popular choice and VERY item dependant. I have 54%wr on her over 580+ games. 10% of the time i play support Naga b/c everyone wants to carry. She's not a lane support. You have to play her like a ganking crystal maiden. Max Net and riptide. Don't bother with Illusions till level 14+ She has 6 armour and 320 move speed at level 1 so she can chase and take a beating with just an oov and poor mans. But her real dmg is riptide + armour reduction. And net is a solid lockdown.

                  Above is a game I played 4 days ago. Focus on the first 15min.

                  You'll want a medalion, smokes and wards. Kill jungle creeps in between lane rotations. I had a WK on safelane with a stun so that helped. After he snowballed we just went around raping everyone with his deso.

                  Net +Stun (7 sec disable) + medalion + riptide + deso (-20 armour) = dead hero

                  I built radiance after 20min, but thats only b/c we were stomping and dire had no response. In a more balanced game. I'd use that 5.4K gold for a Greaves and then either go vlads or diffusal. Aghs on her is okay, The heal is OP but its a defensive buy. Only purchase if you're using song to reset team fights not initiate

                  So when to pick support Naga?
                  Well if they have squishy cores without escapes lina/sniper/luna....or cores with blink AM/QoP/Puck and to counter initiate nasty ults like Blackholes and RP. If The enigma has BKB then you need Aghs to heal through the ult and separate his teammates. She's also nice against Lifestealer/Omni(repel) and BKB rushers.

                  Finally Below is a textbook play from SingSing on how to Abuse Naga's early game. he has his serious cap on so you'll learn some stuff.




                    Glimmer haHAA


                      I like how both of the support naga spammers on this thread are 2k

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        ^That hurt

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          So is a Radiance Naga a support compared to Radiance Phoenix?
                          Well they use it for very different purpose
                          Radiance Support Naga is a lie


                            Only kind of support Naga outside of the pro scene you'll get is the kind that can't climb mmr. Let that be a lesson to the rest of you.

                            And what's wrong with 2k anyway? I personally enjoy the trench bracket over 3-4k. Too many try hards that pretend they aren't still 2k if they get even slightly tilted in my opinion.


                              naga can't run.

                              she doesn't have legs

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                ^Good logical post


                                  Here is the problem m, you waste too much time playing naga because game around 50min. Meanwhile when u pick luna you will get 30min game