General Discussion

General Discussionanyone heard of cent right clcik build

anyone heard of cent right clcik build in General Discussion

    +30 damage lv10 OSfrog talents change so much hahAA

    Player 345068850

      CM can right click too plus 50 dmg at lvl 10 hahahahahha


        Get Armlet and Abyssal with Radiance, you can take out a Axe with heart


          I found this build pretty good. The moonshard and AC really do wonders for his attack speed and the abyssal gives him the extra lockdown you need to finish someone off once you get on top of them, stomp, then abyssal. Nearly 4 full seconds.

          Pretty sure this one was before the abyssal change where it incorporated the vanguard, otherwise would have gone for the abyssal but at the time the crimson guard was the only option.

          In both cases an SnY to provide the extra speed and main to offset the lack of blink, ac is also necessary to buff his attack speed and the outgoing damage he deals. Extra heart over the moonshard was because the idiots would try to stay and fight me. Was hilarious watching windranger kill herself by attacking me while I stood still and didn't move.


            Anyone heard of ember right click build?

            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              Thats cute. Underlord right click build is the new hope


                Listen the true cent right click build is like treads blink armlet mjollnir abyssal ac heart or something. Maybe switch mjollnir and ac.

                casual gamer

                  ok guys

                  ive done this

                  u go tranq hood vanguard for regen lets you farm with double edge

                  then u either get abyssale or heart, abyssals cheaper. both these items give enough regen to sell tranq for tread

                  now u get mjol and AC, congrats ur the carry. if the game goes longer end it with bfly

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    rush echo obviously