General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal skill Phantom assassin

Normal skill Phantom assassin in General Discussion
    I tried playing pa in unranked(normal skill game, we were playing against really bad players). The game was surprisingly hard, I felt powerless playing pa, I was well awared that wd maxed his e and bought stupid items, necro max heartstopper first, 0 sentry was perchased on their team. But we lost horribly in the early game, they were just roaming around and killing people.I was sure that we were gonna lose, but somehow they never pushed high ground, they just accepted the fact that kotl can nuke down creep waves and never initiated. Then at 38 min we started winning every single fight, and we won. I'm so confused, is this even Dota? I need a normal skill expert to analyze this.



        NS skill games are where you can get away with anything unpunished and the last team that throws loses the game
        Farm is non existent
        Kill is everything
        Towers are just bonuses
        Teamwipe is just 5 extra kills


          you are just not used to the normal skill playing style
          just like how will 1st world person will face when forced to live in 3rd world country

          in normal skill a lot of players tend to max a skills that looks stupid (and it is) but lead to very high impact early on (like bane 1st skill - AM 1st passive - earthshaker 2nd skill - furion 1st + 2nd skill ) are example of what you may face and since those skills have high impact in laning stage one team tend to win hard early and snowball unless the other have very good HG defense then the scenario is they start losing their impact while having a skills that don't allow smooth transition and don't help much fighting into the late game so they losing.
          ( GG ff cumbck is real)

          hope this NS analysis was useful :)

          Not Saske

            lol, how can you lose laning phase in NS ?


              i played AM solo safelane vs (vengeful+drow / silencer+slark / ursa+undying / warlock + bloodseeker )


                To be fair the Dire side don't have strong High Ground siege potential since nobody build blink dagger hence having a hard time pushing HG plus KOTL, Invoker, and LC on your team great HG defence.

                Even VHS with those kind of build will have a hard time pushing HG. Probably


                  Heck they dont even have BKB Ohhhh Boi.


                    What bothers me it that they didn't even try to push, they went back to farming after destroying all the tier 2s


                      Even if they pushed they will fail cause they don't have BKBs or Blink Daggers, I don't know if they even considered building these items so that they could push HG; and then they became INTRO BOYS hahahaha Cringe Worthy.

                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Aren't your mama still stay with you?
                        And stop play games that much go rolling on the snow


                          Pa tends to win ns by existing


                            @Rated 'K' for Kevin
                            in normal skill teams only push accidentally , how ?
                            we were 3-5 was seeking a kill and just happened the we was able to kill their most important heroes and thats happened to be when we are near their tower so we decided to take it

                            in this game i can imagine drow player feeling that he don't kill=doing fine in normal skill so he decided he need to farm more and so the rest wasn't able to ( accidentally) pushing the tower.

                            thats why i prefer lycan in and like to spam him if possible cause he is the only hero that can come online/kill/solo push and being tanky enough to break HG on his own if he is ahead


                              It's just click-Q --> click on enemy hero --> click-W --> click on enemy hero --> win game.


                                if you're having problems with heartstopper early, buying ring of health/perservance into later linken is kinda ok i think


                                  Is PA still a thing this patch? What are his builds nowadays?

                                  I haven't really used PA when HOTD changed and i switched her out with Spec as my safe lane carry.


                                    Inb4 VG rush spec build :(


                                      @bws Well i'm rushing VG since first of all i'm a really slow farmer an second i always haunt when my team fights and I don't like dying that much when I haunt.

                                      Is rushing VG bad idea I'm asking so that I can improve my Spec?


                                        It's not bad, it's just doesn't give you much benefit for it's gold, if you're really desperate for HP you can just get the vitality booster to make abyssal or HoT later
                                        Urn is usually enough for me to sustain myself
                                        Or just don't listen to me because I'm an NS scrub xd


                                          You can also not die after haunt by haunting carefully


                                            PA is more of mid this patch with aquilla/phase/deso/vanguard/bkb into abyssal or whatever but she still viable


                                              @bws but VG also transitions into Abbysal that's also the reason why I build VG for later Abbysal.


                                                @ The Rider what about just you know morbid mask then BF then farm like crazy util BKB and Abyssal.

                                                Is that still viable? cause I want to get back on using PA and I want to know.


                                                  i think that BF pa is kinda of dead (just like BF jugg and sven) since camps spawn way slower and you are open to ganks since warding is harder and you don't have much hp.
                                                  i guess it works if you have a good team willing to turtle and protect you but it is kind of hard to find in NS


                                                    ^Bfury PA should never have been alive, the item does not complement the hero's tempo at all. The only thing that made it popular was because of the cool part where a lot of people have a lot of their HP brought down.


                                                      bfury on pa is situational, only get it when you need cleave,
                                                      i would rather go the vlads deso build, really strong, instead of afk farming creeps, you farm heroes


                                                        But can a PA fast farm without BF lets say for example enemy have AM, Luna, Spec or other fast farming Safe lane carry, how will PA catch up in net worth and item progression?

                                                        Before patch 7.00 I only build BF, Domi and BKB PA if those are the enemy core but if not proceed with the Vlads, Deso and BKB build.


                                                          you're playing pa wrong then, you cant outfarm am or luna, you go for early to mid game where pa is strong, hence the vlads deso build

                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                            pa is mostly a pos 2 now

                                                            u dont want to outfarm am or the like, you'll want to have vlads or vang + deso by 15 minutes and snowball from there

                                                            and fury isnt rly good for the reason ur buying it. u can never outfarm and AM heck even luna so u might as well just kill them when they havent gotten their core items yet


                                                              Owwww ok so a Safe lane PA is not viable any more ok, well I will not be using PA then since i suck at mid hahaha.


                                                                Don't get safe lane wrong. Safe lane is given to the hero that needs a specific amount of farm to start getting active around the map. Be it ultra late Terrorblade or Ursa with a Morbid Mask and Dagger.

                                                                PA can still be played position 2 now, as long as her team complements her power spike which is mid game. Active roamers, or basically just sustain heroes are great for the like Omni/KotL. It's all about the draft.