General Discussion

General DiscussionLook at my last game :D

Look at my last game :D in General Discussion

    Guuuuuuuuuuuys calm down a bit

    bum farto

      Aight I am not going further into this cause it's seems someones more into their image than I thought. This is a Dota2 forum and we're discussing the nuances of this game, I am not going to delve into your personal life which is yours alone and no one elses business.

      Cannot state this enough this is a games forum I don't know how you turned this into a topic about how enriched your life is, but if that's the way you feel then kudos to you.

      If you want to get back to the game topic then I am all ears but I am not going to discuss personal life on a games forum. Plus you seem like a happy dude and I bear no ill will towards you, don't get so triggered by your perceived image in game.


      A lot of people who know me know how serious I am about the information and getting it accurate, and telling the story it should. I feel nothing about what I represented was inaccurate, or off mark whereas you haven't yet brought a single piece of hard evidence to back up your claim of being at the rating you claim.

      People lie, stats don't and if there is something I am missing I am happy to admit mistake and stand corrected but until irrifutable proof is brought to the table as it stands you're 4.1k solo, and 4.1k party.

      I don't feel as I have been unreasonable or malicious about the statements I have made, and apologies if it came of that way, that was not my intention.


      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        Skim just close the thread already man its not going to be productive anyways


          Man he is an imgur guru or some shit, he should zap up a cropped screenshot of his MMR to just shut the people up. :)


            I AM CRYING.. LOL
            omg it's like weeds.. you smack one nerd.. 5 appear.
            HHHHHHHHHHOLY SHIT LOL. This kid is real. It's not an anime (im sure he'd watch). He's a real life definition of how to suck at life.
            f u c k i n g c r y i n g
            L O L
            like, why type? why give opinions? why act like you matter? of course you'll never expose your identity online.. you're hiding away from what you were born with. a shitstain.. who continuously plays the same game and resorts to pos 4-5 (according to your cute profile as if anyone cares) to still not break 4k.

            HOW CAN I SLEEP? with such entertainment?


              do you see this paragraph on his profile LOL
              i picture this kid having like a sunset or some art piece as his facebook profile, because he's that ashamed of his own reflection.
              omg... fuck Louis C.K., fuck eddie murphy, fuck, katt williams, fuck dave chappelle..
              Baron from SE Asia is my new favorite comedian


                holy dog eating fuck.. it'd be even more insane if he ended up being peruvian. I'd probably suffocate in laughter.


                  Somebody close this thread and throw it in the trash can.

                  This needs to STOP.




                      How does my profile disprove anything that I say? I don't even understand how this changes anything.

                      Btw if you're so curious my profile picture is me posing with my sister, and my profile picture is me looking from the deck of a ferry towards the beautiful island of Camiguin. :)

                      Man you look so happy just look at my Steam. You can screenshot it so you can forever commemorate how it took you at least 24 minutes minutes to tap the mouse twice. Have you seen my games? How many pos 4-5 heroes do you even see there? xD. Retard a little analysis and you could have seen I didn't stay true to my word, didn't even realize I still had this on ty for remembering.

                      Makes me so happy you can finally have something to laugh about. Between your dogshit Dota 2 profile and your 11k hours I'd say that's the most fun you get in a while.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                        10,644 hrs on record

                        Holy fucking hell you've only played 7k games what did you do to the other 3k hours? Keep Dota 2 open so you can listen to the music as you blankly stare at the ceiling?


                          im fucking.. crying.. holy shit.
                          THANK YOU, BARON
                          THANK YOU
                          I haven't fucking laughed this hard in god knows how long.
                          Holy shit, what's your paypal, I need to at least leave a tip.


                            Jesus.. I'll prob buy you and your family tickets to the yulin dog eating festival.


                              Maybe there you'd learn to break 4k.


                                I think I added you on dota, feel free to check my MMR while you're trying to figure out ways that your life doesn't suck.
                                shit I'll split 1% of my earnings from this video and probably feed your village. or maybe the NEL tourney we won 3 years ago.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Hahaha in 4 years you only managed to break 4k only 4 games' worth, that's real cute. Same to you man, this is so funny actually, like you bring EVERYTHING to the argument just so that you can feel a bit good about yourself. What's happening to you irl that you desperately grasp at straws for some respite of how shit you are.

                                  Yeah go on man, you can't add anything constructive to this conversation because it's too hard for you to think. Only over-used insults that are mainstream and weak af HAHAHA

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Meanwhile I've been opening multiple points for discussion and for some reason the only thing you can use to defend yourself are shit gigs that happened YEARS ago and absolutely pathetic disses that 99% of the fucking Internet uses xD

                                    Instead of making that 10k hours into 11k go fucking make a new gig so you can continue arguing here, if you can even call that arguing. Because without the self-proclaimed glamour of your real life, you are as good in an argument as a cucumber.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      This conversation was started because I was in a 3 stack of 2k players while my party mmr was 4.1k and he wanted to brag he beat some 5k kid. You think it mattered to begin with?
                                      You decided to join in (not even being in the same region nor game, mind you) simply because it must be boring in korea.
                                      Holy fuck. Mind you, the same person who started the thread 'grasped at straws' (as you said) to ask what I look like in real life, to furthermore shit on him and let him know I make more than his parents.
                                      Oh, man. Crying. Holy, Henry Kim trying to feel important. "Motherless" child. I just posted my baby's-mama LOL the blonde one
                                      Just give up kid. LOL. Your next post better be a paypal address so I can atleast help you and your fam. OMG, dying.
                                      I never post on these forums because my buddies say theres nothing but suicidal losers.. holy shit was he right.. LOL


                                        this roger guy so upset lol

                                        when people aren't responding to you it's best to stop


                                          Fucking Haffy Kang has me FUCKING DYING.. OMG


                                            shitty 3k and 4ks drama SeemsGood


                                              Upset at what? some third world country?
                                              I've never had this level of entertainment. I've heard of it. I've seen meme's of it. I just never knew there were actual people out there who 'catfish,' and just genuinely a bunch of fucking losers.
                                              This is great!


                                                Notice how all of SE Asia come out to play. while their biggest news is pulp and paper mill causing environmental damage.
                                                HOLY FUCK


                                                  Lmao who is trying to make himself feel important here? The guy armed with just wit, or the guy posting social media accounts and stalk others as well to cement his argument?

                                                  Why would I give up? It's so funny trying to visualize you. Knotting your eyebrows at 4AM in the morning, trying to think of ANYTHING that resembles a comeback to a kid from SEA.


                                                    i hope you realise everyone knows you're just acting
                                                    clearly you've been upset by this and you've decided to try and attack everyone who's insulted you, and you're covering it all up as "entertainment" when really nothing is out of the ordinary here except your excessive amount of hours and relatively low skill level

                                                    but sure go ahead and pretend you're enjoying yourself and post your 100th reply in this awful thread


                                                      Well maybe that's because of timezones you uneducated swine, it's 8:30 PM or so here of course people need to wind down and check a video game forum. You, on the other hand, is apparently drunk and typing shit in the middle of early morning.

                                                      You are the entertainment, hahahaha.

                                                      Btw do you know what "catfish" means?

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        Omg I can see you in my mind's eye, searching for "catfish" on Google HAHAHAHA


                                                          It's fucking hilarious how there's always 1 "captain save-a-hoe.' Must be lonely on australian servers..

                                                          If you truly think I'm upset by some kid that looks like
                                                          LOL please. This is fucking aweosome as fuck.
                                                          Combine drinking with arguing with people who will never make an impact.. dude.. crying
                                                          Don't they make 4-5k accounts in SE Asia easily? How are you stuck at 3k? LOL


                                                            Isn't your sibling in some internet cafe as we speak trying to sell accounts to pay for rent? LOL
                                                            DEAD dude OMG


                                                              lol mad :^)


                                                                GOT'EM AUSSIE ^


                                                                  Haha yeah, downplay me in terms of how you see me. I don't care because I know, that this is how you try to get even with me, because you don't have the ability to just argue like a logical person would and talk about the facts.


                                                                    kicking ass in those normal games bro.. keep it up. you're relevant here.


                                                                      Argue in what logical sense? That this site doesn't update? It stated I'm 4k and 3.5k mmr when the last game was posted? Or how you tried to show relevance in a game you weren't even involved in? Or how your people had to create an "online gaming addiction" clinic because you were dying from playing excessive hours for pay? You don't win.. any.. argument.
                                                                      You're 3.8k. You serve no purpose in this thread. You feel this false sense of importance as if you're leaving Seoul anytime soon. Stop already. lol cmon loser.


                                                                        Skill =/= Relevance you hahahahahahahahahahahaha

                                                                        You've been kicking as.s for 10k hours, definitely relevant HAHA


                                                                          Grab yourself a dalmation-on-a-stick and call it a day.


                                                                            HAHA LOOOL

                                                                            Keep convincing yourself with baseless facts, and pretend you are having the time of your life. Actually I encourage this behaviour, it means you'll stick around more which means I get to have more fun how you are so dense.

                                                                            The clinic was also made for you who has 10K FUCKING HOURS BUT REMAINS IN 4.1K HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


                                                                              OMG there's no breaks on this thread. CHOO CHOO the train is not stopping.

                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                  Yes, try and make me go away. You see Luis, this environment is what I mostly thrive in. You being yourself, ie stupid, allows me an abundance of ways to just fucking verbal rape you, meanwhile all you can manage is old af insults that are half-baked, probably looked for in the internet.


                                                                                    Your thought process is so repetitive actually I'd think I'd do a convincing imitation of your idiocy. But please, stay and amuse me.


                                                                                      Argue in what logical sense? That this site doesn't update? It stated I'm 4k and 3.5k mmr when the last game was posted? Or how you tried to show relevance in a game you weren't even involved in?

                                                                                      Argue in terms of not just saying "OH MAGERD NOT 4k IRRELEVEANT SDadfDFHSfdy" or "EAT DOG ASIAN SHIT FST DF" you stupid cuck.

                                                                                      It's not about the game you retard, it's about the thread. You even stayed after arguing with OP and argued with the people here lmfao, so yes I'm relevant here as far as discussion is concerned.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                        People lie, stats don't and if there is something I am missing I am happy to admit mistake and stand corrected but until irrifutable proof is brought to the table as it stands you're 4.1k solo, and 4.1k party.

                                                                                        TLDR, Read @Oldman Badger posts and thats the answers guys.


                                                                                          What is happening? is the world ending here? wow.


                                                                                            ^ LOL they've been going at it like they're lives are on the line or something hahaha.


                                                                                              maybe their lives are on the line theyve been talking about suicide for quite some time a while back xdd


                                                                                                first to give up prob commits suicide. method decided by the winner


                                                                                                  Well if he decides to stop I can't work with anything anymore.

                                                                                                  Alice I resorted to picking verbal fighting because you were too busy playing bomberman smh


                                                                                                    ^Ayyyy LMAO

                                                                                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                                      I wanna feel bad for thisJollyRoger dude but goddamn, you really are a pathetic, retarded, delusional, narcissistic c u n t who is stuck in 4k solo after seven thousand games, and lies about being a 5k. Jesus Christ, i sincerely want to feel bad for you, but nope, you're a dipshit.