General Discussion

General Discussionhow could dire win this game?

how could dire win this game? in General Discussion

    honestly it looks really impossible but im thinking if meepo got bot and luna 4 manned with his team at 15-20 mins they could probably pressure techies and tinker into guessing which lanes to mine/which lane to tp to. they just need sentries and a good domi creep (and obvious vision so that pudge/mriana can pickoff tinker)

    like for example dire goes for an obvious 4 man, commits vision to the area, then radiant goes to def. meanwhile meepo is somewhere else splitpushing and maybe forcing tink to commit a tp. now the defense against the 4 man is obv weaker so maybe they can push it since they have good fighting potential with mirana ult/luna ult + good creep

    but then my knowledge is limited so i may be wrong


      Kerel meepo, can't.


        The Dire side will have a hard time because of Axe initiation not unless if they can do something about it like zone him out or something.

        Also Mirana didn't build Aghs DAH**L what cave did he lived in Aghs is core in Mirana now a days, He could have flashed farmed and had a great impact for his team.

        The Dire also failed to push objectives it would had been good if Luna got paired up with SD or OGRE but well not on this game.

        Its a real shame the Radiant side don't have that much physical dmg I don't understand how Dire really lost they probably had poor coordination.


          is that it tho? poor coordination?

          im not asking for a really complicated solution but assuming all of dire played perfectly whats the single best strat they could take on the game?


            ^Cookie level shit right there


              @alice becomes bomberman Well lets say for example Mirana Builds Aghs then she got EBlade or probably also have Dagon (since that shit is Meta this days and I don't agree with that Dagon build) to have great team impact and Pudge gets his Blink Dagger.

              Pudge need to watch out for Axe and that's his job to get Axe away from the fight, hook him and then Dismember, then Dire proceeds in engaging fights with the remaining Radiant heroes.

              Mirana will then Shotgun burst IDK Tinker or Rubick, Luna Ults and right clicks like a madman pop bkb so that she wont be interupted.

              Meepo also joins the fray killing everyone, Lion throw all of his skills then after this they proceed to push objectives (this is assuming they won the clash).

              Well my point is they need to do something about Axe cause I'm pretty damn sure that Axe is seriously f**cking things up for the Dire side.

              That Ember Build TBH I'm not really impressed by it and I also experienced it not really that great.

              And the Dire side had the physical damage advantage a shame they wasn't able to display it.

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                but by the time mirana gets aghs ethblade dagon radiant's alr in their power spike which is around 30+ mins where they can just pretty much turtle forever in their highground, right?

                though i do agree. they needed to do something about axe but i also believe that tinker is as huge of a threat. the sustained magic damage that fucker does is way too much. or am i overestimating tinker's burst?

                i mean if dire were to go use their power spike (which i think is around 20-25 mins assuming dire still hasnt crumbled gigahard before that) would tinker still be a massive threat as i think he is? i know axe is a big priority and since dire has a great amount of burst they would be able to take down axe easily but can they even push against tinker techies at 20 mins? is their defense alr strong at this point? im thinking not. (so what u say actually makes sense, i just need clarification)


                  Tinker is not really that threatening tho I mean he doesn't have AGHS, EBlade, and Scythe of Vyse heck he has Bloodstone and Soul ring on his inventory which is in my opinion is pretty stupid I mean why? Soul ring would have been enough he could have build those things I mentioned.

                  There is actually no need to kill AXE he can be killed last all Pudge needs to do is hold him down and the team will do the rest.

                  Mirana could also build BKB in this Scenario and also Gem.

                  Also Techies is not an really big issue in this game since I'm pretty sure Luna was planning on building Satanic and she could take mines no problem.

                  It was not too late for the Dire side they just didn't knew what to do, Come Back IsRael could had been real on this game real shame.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Or not I forgot HOTD is not a recipe on Satanic anymore she is probably building AC.

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      Before 15 minutes,
                      Mirana, Lion and Pudge can form a squad to gank the whole map, they should avoid area where they spotted techies
                      Luna and Meepo gets the space to farm as enemy team lineup sucks at ganking
                      Meepo can get Aegis, Luna can send dominated creeps to blow up mines

                      Pick off and push
                      Pick off and push
                      Avoid or kill Axe
                      Destroy ancients


                        The radiant have great high ground defence but at the same time they have pretty bad tower push. I think the only way direwould lose a rax to them is if they got wiped during a failed push and then radiant pushed while dire was dead. I think the best way to win it would be to slowly chip away their towers without getting pulled into a teamfight. If one of dire's heroes die the rest fall back and farm/ defend until they're ready to try siege again.


                          git gud