General Discussion

General DiscussionPatch 7.xx Vengeful Spirit carry

Patch 7.xx Vengeful Spirit carry in General Discussion

    Any thoughts and opinions about this guys?

    I actually experienced it on my most recent match VS carry as enemy its okay. I can't really say anything about her since i was an offlane Void on that game not a position 1 carry.


      she hit hard and hit fast but she cant farm at all so it is not ideal


        Inb4 mjolnir carry venge :(
        Kinda situational imo but decent right now


          only if she could farm. Mael is not really an option for venge since she has the highest base agility with 1.7 bat. And chain lightning does not go well for a hero that takes advantage of low enemy armor.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            I have played it quite a bit and I think it is really strong. It brings a lot more utility to the table than other carries with stun/vision/swap and it fits very nicely into the deathball meta currently prevalent. I don't think it is a spam every game hero for solo queue like Jugg or Luna but if you have a mid hero that benefits from the -armour and the swap save like SF or TA or other damage buffing heroes like BM, Lycan and Mag then it is a great pick.


            As a general rule you don't farm that fast so you don't want to get into a farm war with other carries but if you do manage to make it to high levels your talents are probably amongst the strongest in the game so don't be afraid to go lategame if it isn't a passive farming game. Venge has very good stat growth so lategame you are quite tanky and you hit like a truck.

            Build path usually treads->aquila->helm->pike->situational (silver edge, mjollnir, linkens, manta, bkb satanic etc all great depending on game state)

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              What do you think about deso on her?


                Vs is very invalueable in pro games and high skill games. She is very versatile that can be played at any role even pos 3. Her best strength is tricking enemy that your vs is a pos 1 or 2 or 3 and so on. Vs has a potential to be 1st pick in pro games because she is versatile.


                  Deso is OK but generally you don't need raw damage you need utility items. You are very short ranged and you have no escape skill. The hero functions best when you can stand in the frontline and draw focus and keep your aura on your whole team for ages which glass cannon deso builds don't really suit. Also aura works off your base stats not your +damage so it is a bit of anti-synergy in that regard. I occasionally get it but it's not an every game item like a TA or a Naix.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    Is Blink Dagger still good on VS or its situational? like what position she is in or something.

                    I want to use her again because she is 1 of my most used heroes back when I first played DOTES in 2014 aside from DK and Slar

                    I have'nt really used her recently

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      skill tree make her more versatile, is like when u pick a naga for supporting, and if u can farm her, will be amazing in late game, otherwise, good support.. no waste


                        @Cun*tpaste thanks for your view on it, very usefull, again i learn something on db forum


                          You need a good mid/offlane with physical damage output for venge to shine. Something like mid Medusa, SF, TA or else. As a solo hero venge is decent but there are just better options such as drow or luna that basically do the same.


                            Fapped to this a week and a half ago when I saw it in a 7k game.