General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win against ridiculously strong HG defense?

How to win against ridiculously strong HG defense? in General Discussion

    just played this shitfest of a game against a sniper + kotl HG def and we couldnt get into their base at all even when 3v5 in favour of us, how do you get around this, did we just get outdrafted really hard?

    the game im referring to:

    ps .2k mmr dota is where your ursa doesn't finish his silver edge vs bristle lul


      i think you need an initator to break that hg defence


        Need fast paced aggressive diving lineup I think


          @Desolated yeah I'm pretty our team comp was complete shit, i first picked TA, i had to rely on my fellow 2k teammates to pick sensibly after...

          DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing


            DOOM: ETERNAL is now playing

              Someone like rubick is completely useless in this game tho.... should have picked someone like tide-jakiro-warlock-eldertitan even the ursa pick seems underwhelming against this lineup....abaddon would have been a fucking pain or luna..... there is no way to deal with kotl and sniper high ground defense with your lineup.... you should just w8 till one of them goes to farm jungle or some shit

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
              Bosnian Blade

                with ridiculously strong HG attacker

                Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                  Its very hard since there is a shrine nearby. Your hope is to get out of there and try to catch them outside their base or dive them. Aegis also helps

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    blink dagger


                      i am wondering more how your ember was going to deal damage with this build at this stage of the game


                        Your lineup doesn't really have good HG siege potential so... and no silver edge break for bb passive so its hard


                          i guess you never played against techies, zeus, spectre, and sniper in a same team

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            kill t2s, kill shrines, proceed to farm the whole map while ur enemies only get 3 creepwaves and then try to breach hg when rosh is off cd

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              ^What he said


                                1. Get aegis if you can.
                                2. Let them push out of their base and pick one off.
                                3. Blade Mail is great against sniper and kotl so consider working that into your build.
                                4. If they pick Sniper, pick a counter or at least consider how you will get to him. I prefer Venge with Aether Lens.
                                5. As we have seen in pro games, tho not as effective as it once was, you can chip away high ground with illusions so Manta may be a viable work around in some cases.

                                In this game, Rubic is a bad pick. I would go as far as to say Rubic is almost always a bad pick in 2k.
                                Ember's build is garbage and has no damage.
                                Ursa should have finished the Silver Edge.
                                BKBs may not have been as good as other items. Most of their damage is physical they don't have much lock down. (Besides Legion, who cuts BKB).
                                Theres my 2 cents

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                Dire Wolf

                                  many, many issues with that game. No one has break for bb, though ursa has shadow blade.

                                  You have no one to break high ground, no initators beyond ursa diving and popping ult. Ember can sort of blink in, fist, remnant out if he's good.

                                  You should've built hurricane pike. That makes her range 520 which isn't great, but you can hit tower from low ground and maybe slowly chip at it at least, force them to init on you. Cus you guys have a decent amount of escapes and they only really have duel to lock you down. Maybe a linkens would've been good as well to negate that.

                                  Ember has no dmg in his build.

                                  Vem Comigo

                                    if they can only defend high ground keep sieging, farm all lanes and jungle, you have the advantage there.

                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                      U farm everything and try to pick off people, I played as the bb in some dumb tinker game vs Luna sniper underlord silencer sd.
                                      I turned my ass to them in front of the tower while my treant heals the tower and tinker spam March while morphing rats unfortunately my treant was shit and my morphing was an account buyer and I had a useless Jakiro that bought a 25 minute mek which did nothing


                                        Thanks for the replies guys, I see now that my item build wasn't ideal for the situation at that point

                                        ILC - Lethal Ninja

                                          Don't farm the creeps on the wave. Let the creeps come nearer to your base and try pull creeps to make creeps nearer to you if possible. They have to come out anyway.


                                            The answer is partially in ur profile pic. U need someone who can walk up and absorb dmg so u can actually hit the tower, that or initiation, or pickoffs, or outranging the tower (actually jakiro with his range talent and something like dazzle/greaves/sustain to keep the long siege going sounds funny)

                                            Not Saske

                                              1. you need a tanker pusher like alchemist, sven
                                              2. you need range pusher (with 600+ attack range with high damage), like clinkz
                                              3. tower dps hero, like jakiro or pugna


                                                Sven isnt always good enough especially against shrapnel. He actually sucks so much against sniper. With alch u cud easily at 25 min have rad manta octarine and by 30 min with shivas/ac to either defend more or push harder u can push in 2 lanes at once, and sniper cant be in both of em at the same time

                                                Not Saske

                                                  he can just GS bkb(and blademail when sniper hit him) and burst tower down,, while the other helping him with the tower and covering for war

                                                  i meet this kind of sven few times, and we just so helpless watching our tower down

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    Hmmm, really makes you think :thinking:

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      What if I told you Lycan is better option?
                                                      What if I told you Lycan can go in and out easier then anyother hero?
                                                      What if I told you Lycan can split push and fighting in same time?
                                                      What if I told you Lycan Seize tower faster then GS's Sven?
                                                      What if I told you Lycan can buff teammate even he split pushing alone in other lane?

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                      Not Saske

                                                        no licetea, there is no such things in DotA2


                                                          You could slow siege with sd illusions or range like drow. Or use warlock golems. Or just dive really quickly with bkbs and try to wipe them


                                                            Or you can pick sven, try to man up against sniper, only u get blink canceled by shrapnel, and then get killed trying to flail ur arms and hit anything, only u cant move cuz sniper is pounding on ur butthole ready to penetrate. You rlly cant argue that sven can beat sniper unless the sniper is dogshit. Sniper then proceeds to ruin ur whole team. Sven is only good at going hg when ahead against heroes he is already good against.


                                                              Centaur with his ult can help your team match through their defences. Pudge can hook enemy out piecemeal. Other than those two, you had better be ahead of the enemy or lure them to a fight outside if they have many strong HG guardians and you team do not have good siegers.


                                                                keep pushing all lane.."without goint in to HG" ..ember need change his item..then playing rat btm and top and rubick buy ghost or any escape item, make ur sure team were LUREing and not dying... belive me.. THEY WILL LOST that GAME WITHOUT WAR...because of that ember.

                                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                  U can't play Lycan like I did,he can do wonder when you have map control only left HG to take!
                                                                  U round face name player!

                                                                  casual gamer

                                                                    this patch is such a snowbally shitfest. just a contest to see what team can snatch up more completely busted teamfight heroes like luna / sd / slardar / pitlord / abaddon / ember, then 25 minutes of deathball. good luck trading objectives against luna xd