General Discussion

General DiscussionNobody wants to be a babysitter

Nobody wants to be a babysitter in General Discussion
Cheap Laugh Guy

    Because it's the lowest caste class in doto SEA worl and it would be a humiliation to their skill levels and it should be last pick when everyone first picks carries to get themselves countered

    No one wants to hear commands from a pos 5 support (who knows best the rhythm of the game because they read the map more often) who only knows how to ward and pull creeps and have no items and KDA

    And it takes them 8 rows of B, G, no, rs, smoke, stick in chat to actually listen and voice chat is a taboo in this server because of the extreme diversity and softcore racism

    And you don't even have the privilege to threaten team with a throw because of your shitty networth, pos 1-2 gets tilted by teammate slight mistakes at mid game and say "this stupid xxxx, I'm throwing the game" and people whether get silent or flame him back, while pos 5 "If you guys don't do this and that, Imma feed and throw" people go "LUL yeah sure go ahead man no probs"

    I'm quite tired babysitting already, I only get to do a different role 1 out of 10 ranked games, I wanna go out roam and type lul all the way as I ganked someone uhuhuhuhuhu T^T

    SEA 3k hi-borderline lane support player


      Relax ur doing fine...

      No point baby sitting in SEA, unless HR or VHS. Lower bracket SEA just full of low end connection player that dream to be carry, low mechanical skill and understanding of dota 2.

      my advice if ur realy good(do ur home work research dota, good mechanical skill, good connection, good mentality), play solo get nice stat, pick right hero(no bother sup), calibrate if u sure get 3,5-5k MMR.

      After that play dota as its should be, if u want carry/mid/sup specialize in it, but still flexible in role what ever ur team need.


        Thats what i do.


          i rather pick lion than any babysit hero. "best defense is attacking"


            Smurfing to cheat to VHS in 2017 lul


              wait is babysitting still a thing


                Because it's the lowest caste class in doto SEA worl and it would be a humiliation to their skill levels and it should be last pick when everyone first picks carries to get themselves countered

                Are you fucking kidding me? Never played in a SEA server but do they even have a fucking BRAIN?? Supporting is not humuliating. I have so much respect for support players than any other role. because supporting is the hardest fucking role. sitting in lane trying to last hit is the easiest thing. I'd love to see a carry player trying to play support and survive with no fucking gold or level

                No one wants to hear commands from a pos 5 support

                supports are the only ones i listen to ingame because:
                1:they are the one controlling the whole fucking map,
                2:its mostly their job to keep track of enemy items and levels to guide team.
                3:they fucking volunteered to support your worthless ass have some respect you dipshit! lets see how well you do without him.
                they are the one that knows what the f*ck is going on in match who else are you gonna listen if you are not gonna listen your support????
                Supports are the brain of the team thats why team leaders in professional teams are always supports! puppey for example..

                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                  People usually listen to me as support if I do well in the laning phase
                  Hell even when I did kinda bad they'd start listening when I tell them "dont do this" and they did nonetheless and dies because of it


                    If only every core player appreaciated us supports like parte did... Feelsbadman


                      When I support I ask my carries that I will take the range creep and they just let me take it.Whn they flame at me I also flame at them but still I always force them to safety then ended up dying and not even saying a single word.Supports are polite if you're polite too.


                        I agree with parte too.

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          @ Desolated Babysit happens in first 5 mins in whether safelane or mid depending how much you're commited, it's not compulsory but...

                          I get like seven AM pickers out of ten games if I don't ban them. What's worse is most of them don't buy treads don't know creep aggro and can get rekt out of lane in 1min by a solo offlane especially MK now, and worst, they throw the game later with #1 networth

                          But tbh everyone starts getting cocky and throws game after they see the beautiful 15 - 4 kill score advantage that is harvested mostly by their support and prolong the game for 10 or more minutes, makes me facepalm and sweat all the time

                          There are a few players like Parte that appreciate pure pos 5 in SEA, and I'm happy about that but... they're just not that much :/

                          Anyways I was just ranting because a streak of toxic games :P Thank you all for the feedback!


                            any support player who genuinely supports/baby sits me in lane and sincerely does his job always gets the highest praise from me

                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                              Try smurfing. With that winrate of yours and currently at 3.9k mmr, u'll easily calibrate 4k+.

                              13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                You shouldn't threaten them to throw if they dont listen. That will just trigger them more and lose focus, if you want to win. you want to win. thats how I am as a support. just create space for the cores and be a positive example for the team. communicate


                                  I feel u. Last time i play supp there is a ld. This ld dont even put stout shield on his bear so i yold him so. Then i keep giving advise and nobody obey. The ld told me to shut up. Btw he is very low in terms of farm. Nobody listen man


                                    SEA is just toxic that way.

                                    "All are missing, go back" Doesn't back and gets ganked by 5. Blames team.

                                    Everyone has some sort of superiority complex. I feel you man, but I still hope to be able to play support to get myself out of this bracket.


                                      Man. Dis feel. ur team is silent, u have to first-pick, ur arogant and think u r master of the world. u r PA. ur babysitter is a last-pick Sniper. He tries to steal your farm and feeds. u despise him. u r the only one not feeding. u defend highground. u overcommit and die first a few times. ur team kills them after u die. ur team get fed. u comeback. u win. u have four desolators on your team and Sniper has more damage than u. do u feel guilty?

                                      The rest will believe this is a legit tactic and they will do it in next games "because it worked". These things make you promise to commend every guy who picks a support before the game even starts.

                                      Sadly, there are MMR ranges where the only good thing about "support" players is that they ARE in the lane and don't attack creeps, so when the opponents gank you there is someone else to take the beating, while you can flee to safety. Cruel but true.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა