General Discussion

General Discussiongive me some tips to play AM

give me some tips to play AM in General Discussion

    I really like AM but I have 35% winrate with him and i know this absolutely bad so I want some tips and advices and what should i change to play with him well


      Farm well. pick am in right situations. improve farming patterns and try to get fast battlefury. improve the way you play lanning phase because first 10 minutes are very crucial. try to get maximum lh in 10 min. other than that am is not difficult to play when the game goes late or you get really farmed

      Riguma Borusu



          AM is an exceptionally greedy pick. Wings/DC game 4 TI6 final more or less shows the typical role for AM. Your team grabs their ankles and holds on tight while you farm. If you cant farm or your team cant hold towers and vision for you, the game is over quickly.

          basement :)

            Give me tips for Invoker please. God has forsaken me.


              Know how to last hit
              Know when to last hit
              Know where to last hit
              Do the 600 lh 30 min challenge
              Don't fucking rush BF before finishing your treads
              Fucking treadswitch if you haven't done it before
              Focus on outfarming the enemy team until you get your manta (or one more big item like abbysal) AM excels at coming into the mid game 2 or 3 items ahead of the enemy carry and snowballs from there


                Get abyssal sooner. Before mkb. In general if you think your am is bad, try split pushing more. But I feel am is all about timing and hence about the laning phase, esp in 2k where u get shitty lanes 90% of the time. Hence you really need to know how to lAne

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  pls don't pick AM
                  no one can support you and 4v5 or worse


                    Every game you should have awareness of what key enemy heroes/combinations of heroes can kill you. If the combination is off the map you should probably be off the map as well or farm very safe locations. If they are showing you should try to make your way to the opposite side of the map as fast as possible. If you do this properly you won't die much and if you don't die much as the hero you will win a lot of games.

                    casual gamer

                      its worth noting that th eless you die the less combinations there are that kill you, the game gets much harder over time playing from behind

                      I am sick of your pignoyness

                        supports makes am a beefcake.

                        soloing (non vhs player) as antimage makes you a skinny penis.


                          learn to farm

                          Ave with an internet pfp

                            Support makes you sruggle to play AM in 2k and yes i experinced it but here is some tips

                            -Try to get at less 60 lh in 10 min ( at less)
                            -Tread first along with a poor man shield (poorman shield can be skip but at less have a shout shield) becacuse ....I dont know what you can do with a AM with a 13 min single BF ..
                            -Switch tread to Int when you blink for the mana
                            -In case they wanted you to go to offlane ( Ria top , Dire Bot ) and solo it try getting a van gaurd first becuase you are not a safelaner , are you?
                            -AM is a situtional hero (DO NOT SPAM HIM AT ALL , but a 5k might wanna spam him without a prob i guess in NS Bucket)
                            - Normally item build for AM Tread > BF > Vlad/Van ( can be skip acaully) /Moonshade ( If your team is owning , this item is very great for flash farm ) > Manta > Abaysal > ( Choice)

                            Not Saske

                              at least*


                                i think am was very very situational.
                                1.Dont use am when you have a midlaner that was a farming machine like an alche,Ember(bf meta), etc.
                                2.Dont use am when they can trilane vs youre lane.Bacause am was very weak too early and when they trilane,you cant farm well and when you ask your two support to help you at youre lane.You will lose youre 3v3 matchup and you will trouble getting experience.
                                3.LEGION/lc.He can blade mail dagger duel you.Even tho you got 4 big items he can win bacause of the return damage and lifesteal.
                                4.Do objectives.PLEASE dont just farm when you see youre team clashing at top lane.Do damage bot tower.
                                5.When you can safely farm enemy jungle farm it.So they cant jungle theyre own jungle.
                                6.Dont use aghs for fun.Use it situational.


                                  Dont pick am when all your enemies are physical dmg.When I pick am that means there is an enemy that has a high int.2 or more int heroes is good.When you have bf and manta join clash and you know who to aim.

                                  Jonas Kahnwald

                                    When your enemies is Teamfight heroes such like Death Prophet, Tidehunter, Enigma, and you should to pick Spilit Push hero like Anti-Mage, Morphling.