General Discussion

General Discussionis it true that players with high mmr are polite ?

is it true that players with high mmr are polite ? in General Discussion

    We had a discussion of this but none of my frnd is above 5k ... ! And what do u think rather than skills makes player good ?


      Its pretty complicated u know.. People has a different personality ex. Justin bieber, he's good at singing but actually he's an asshole (its just an example boyz). In a dota way, people can be really be such an ass even though they're really REALLY good playing the game. Am I answering your question? Have a good day sir.

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        yes, fn is a prime example of that

        il bobbynho

          5k+ is indeed more friendly overall however flamer/toxic monkeys that make it that high or higher make up for every flamer you havent met. the most toxic players i've met were sonneiko and funn1k at once.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            there r plents of completely retarded ppl, but on average 5k+ is less toxc than 4ks


              Ahh i see .. Even i heard when they are losing they dont have blame time… they are so calm lul… .


                And so if u want a good game experience .. U ll have to cross 5k ! Aww .. Crossing 5k isnot a joke tho


                  2-3k is a firendlier place than 5k+


                    low 5k is definitely not a nice place


                      You always beating the same drum x3steele you a saint we get it


                        3k is full of professional players who are stuck there because of people like me and you.

                        I party with a couple of 4k players, and I queued with Cookie for a couple of games. They are by far less toxic than anyone in the 2-3k mmr range.

                        Johnny Rico

                          2-3k is a firendlier place than 5k+

                          them why people should climb?

                          Giff me Wingman

                            To be honest the most toxic behaivior is in mid 5ks. Idk why, but people literally go afk feeding mid, rush rapier and do other shit to ruin far more often than any other bracket. Around 6k+ people are far less toxic, sure there are still tpxic people around, but the most gameruining shit happens in 5.2k-5.5k.


                              And still many of u ve crossed 3k bracket ! Congo guys…. Nice skills… ggwp !


                                being cancerous is a lot harder than being a nice guy and ull enjoy dota more if ur nice so be nice


                                  there are many toxic idiots who are in the leaderboards


                                    theres toxic players like there are at any mmr, but theres much much less game ruiners, mostly cuz if u ruin its hard to maintain 7k+

                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                      theres toxic players like there are at any mmr, but theres much much less game ruiners, mostly cuz if u ruin its hard to maintain 7k+

                                      Yes. 4k can have game ruiners too. Usually done by those 2k players that bought their 4k account or got their account boosted to 4k.


                                        LUL 0 commends

                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          Nah 4Ks in Sea are diluted and they won't listen to my 5k555 map awareness


                                            almost in every bracket but 7k+ there are flamers and blamers. ignoring these ppl is the solution now if u cant ignore em thats ur problem not dota's. dota cant change ppl's behavior around the world


                                              i have found 1k to be quite a pleasent place. probably cause we all have no clue what the other should be doing and therefore cant tell them their doing something wrong. Also people just dont communicate in 1k.


                                                Omg… then hatsoff to the miracle an rest pros ! They've climbed so much ! Its like they have passed impossible journey !

                                                casual gamer

                                                  people wait to flame until the game is 100% over, because their 5k basic critical thinking skills have informed them you are much more likely to lose if you flame

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    theres still 1% thats complete braindead asshole flame all game players xd