General Discussion

General DiscussionJudge this party ranked match

Judge this party ranked match in General Discussion

    Let it rip don't hold back.

    Please judge this match I want to know what went wrong with this particular match, we got our assess royally kicked on this match.

    SAD Life.

    So what I did in this match is (I''m mid DP and I don't usually mid) i often gank bot and this sniper stays on mid, pushed mid and opened up our mid lane but i denied the tower, then our safe lane Luna and SD had a hard time on they're lane contesting Timbersaw, and I don't think something went wrong on our offlane.... I think.

    Slardar also said that SD wont let him go top because SD said they got it, they're combo Luna and SD.


      you got totally outdrafted.

      sd and morph dont work in the hands of NS players. whereas sniper slark timber and legion commander are one of the strongest ns heros imo.


        Ahhhhhh hahaha sad so they can't handle such heroes, true I only see those heroes work in 3.8k mmr games and above.

        So what about the thing I did on my mid lane I sacrificed my tower to gank is it a bad move? I also tried my best to get objectives.


          outdrafted? are you stupid or something
          that game looks like the freest of free wins with anything that can push

          and DIRE has a team MADE FOR PUSHING

          35 min game and only 5k building damage on your whole team is a giant disgrace to humanity given that lineup

          i love the good old ''you got outdrafted'' answer, especially when THEY HAVE THE DRAFT ADVANTAGE

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            isn't this draft bad in general
            morph have to go safe lane if he is going hard carry/pushing
            i think your problem is with positions
            safe : luna with shadow demon and morph support
            mid :dp
            off : slarder
            instead of going three/four greedy cores


              Yah I also wondered about that we have a really good pushing lineup but we lost hahaha, so our laning positions were also bad should have picked another hero for morph noted.

              I tried to push out lanes and take objectives but unfortunately our safe lane carry got outfarmed because they got hit hard by Timbersaw and i should have also helped out top I only ganked bot lane hahaha.