General Discussion

General DiscussionTopic to share "good" dota tutorial

Topic to share "good" dota tutorial in General Discussion

    Hello everybody I'm actually searching for goods tutorials to improve in every aspect of dota, be it for <2K mmr or >5K mmr

    I would be gratefull if you could share with me some hight quality tutorial and I will do the same.

    I'll start with some tutorials I have found that I think are not bad:

    - The new series of Purge about understanding items (i hope he will continu it):

    - How to plays mid 1V1 from Blitz ( some NS people might actually be interested by it :p):

    - How to play the map and create space from Blitz:

    - MMR purge guide:

    That it guys, if you know some good tutorials or have made some I would like you to share them in this topic so that everyone (that read this topic) can benefit from it, thanks :)