General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to calibration

Road to calibration in General Discussion

    I'll update this throughout my 10 games so you all can see what affects hidden mmr and initial calibration. Games are in order, what I played and key stats from the game

    1. ~2300 avg MMR
    roaming pos 4.5 Mirana
    KDA: 1-3-13
    GPM: 455
    XPM: 414
    (H)dmg: 6.9k
    Heal: 0
    (bld)dmg: 2.4k
    Result: Win (27:00)

    2. ~2100 avg MMR
    Jungling Lycan
    149 LH/0DN
    KDA: 5-5-26
    GPM: 509
    XPM: 612
    (H)dmg: 14.2k
    Heal: 12k
    (Bld) dmg:6.6k
    Result: Win (37:20)

    3. ~2000 Avg mmr
    Jungle Lycan
    KDA: 9-5-16
    (H)dmg 17.5k
    Heal: 15.3k
    (Bldg) dmg: 11.3k
    Result: Win (36:14)


      I N S A N E


        Cant wait for your next "how could i have done better" thread where you flame and throw shit on everyone who criticizes your item and skill builds. Really helping me learn a lot


          i think everyone alrdy knows what affects hidden mmr and initial calibration