General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get high skill ?

How to get high skill ? in General Discussion

    mostly i play only luna in normal solo match don't know how to play to up my normal skill to high skill can anyone suggest me

    თემა შეიცვალა
    Giff me Wingman

      aghs LuL

      JustLoveMe | DOTA2EXPERT.COM

        :( too sad

        1-IceTea 🌟

          I am stable VHS player now,how can I get Super High Skill?

          basement :)

            Obviously, there will be other mistakes, but the easiest and quickest way to improve is to see how you died.


              Get me out of high skill please. This is my 4th smurf and im stuck in the high skill trench.

              Valve system is too good to sort out smurfs.

              My main is 3.7k and here's my trial,

              I created 4 new accounts and played each for 15 games.

              At the end of 15 games, all lead to high skill.

              I am really speechless with valve smurf detection algorithm.
              There is really no way to cheat the system. They perfected the system years ago and its impossible to jump skill brackets.