General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play Sven this patch

How to play Sven this patch in General Discussion

    Hey guys

    So Sven used to be one of my favorite if not my favorite HC's in the game. But since 7.00 came out, I've only played him 2-3 times.
    The way I used to play him is buying helm first item, stack till I get lvl11(lvl2 ult) and by that time I usually have echo. I use that stack to farm my blink and then start teamfighting/pushing. All that is around 18-20 min into the game. Now however... I'm not sure how to play him. Are there better builds? Is he not as good anymore?

    Anyone advice would be awesome, because this hero is just top notch, and I really wanna start playing him again

    Giff me Wingman

      you don't


        He's out of meta brother. You can go with mask of madness(since he has enough armor but don't forget to use all your spells first before hitting madness it silences you.) + blink + bkb but sven doesn't farm as fast as it used to be unless your supports stack ancients for you. I don't know. Sven is not in current meta in my opinion.

        Pale Mannie

          fuck sven


            Sven is in a bad position
            MoM armlet or echo armlet might make him less dogshit but that's it


              Those guys would tell you pick slark lul, dont listen them, at least top tier carry as alwaya was - at least situonal


                No we won't
                We'd tell him to pick gyro lul


                  Playstyle should be the same, get 2 or 3 items and go fight while farming


                    No fkn clue. Sven is in such a bad spot. He sucks dik. I hate mom on him but seems it's the only way.