General Discussion

General DiscussionGet Report Because playing good/decent?

Get Report Because playing good/decent? in General Discussion

    I am new to moba such Dota 2,
    just login this day but i get report from 2 days ago match

    (no abuse, flame, or insult)

    u can check my last game

    its common to get report when u play good/decent in this game?


      Not entirely sure but its possible that after picking PA, Riki, Morph your team needed a support and you went with another core


        welcome to mobas. now leave while u still can


          It's not, never got more than 3 reports on my summary, ever
          Shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't get to LP
          Plus you're not doing THAT well in your recent matches
          You probably got report from stinky kids from KSing or not playing as a team enough


            Yep.. I feel that.. When you r good player in your team.. The other who not perform well in the game get jealous.. Later they have evil mind and report the good one. Its happen a lot to me :D

            Riguma Borusu

              what the fuck are you people talking about


                A couple games ago I told a lifestealer that I'll be going safelane and he fought about it with me, and I said you don't know how to carry but whatever I went solo off. I muted chat and ended up going pretty good kda and 650(?) gpm while he was 1-6 immuted chat and all I hear is this guy going off on me. Was confused but was funny

                Giff me Wingman

                  I got low prio because i picked Meepo, some people can confirm this xD