General Discussion

General DiscussionI just got into 4K club

I just got into 4K club in General Discussion

    Any advices?


      accept the fact that u and everyone around you is still garbage

      1-IceTea 🌟

        ^ 4K are still scrub don't get cocky


          Anything else besides telling me 4K is still scrub? I'm well awared

          There is no emotion

            been there ~2weeks ago, then 7 games loosing streak and im back to 3,9


              Come back to 3k club, it's better here.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                You're not quite 4k yet. I was 4005mmr on 12/9/16, since I have been flucuating between 3.8 & 3.9, and today I have tilted so hard that I am in 3.7 right now.

                And I just started a game and in pick phase had an emergency and had to leave. So there goes another 25mmr. What a waste of a day. Never ignore the "2-loss i a row, stop" rule.

                < blank >

                  Try to get out of this bracket or you will become a sad person
                  With "get out" I mean reach 5k asap or drop to 3k

                  basement :)
