General Discussion

General DiscussionYet another "OMG ranked mmr teamates" thread

Yet another "OMG ranked mmr teamates" thread in General Discussion
Optimus Drip

    So, like, when I am fairly consistently getting like almost double the hero damage per game as solo offlane techies, does that mean I am in a lower mmr than I should be? I am going up but the main issue for me is that ranked solo is like grinding my teeth on a metal plate, then poking my eyes out with a red hot poker. Ignoring my salt and looking at my games, do I just play too few ranked games to rise in mmr? It feels like it's dragging, but when I look at my winrate, it's like 60 percent on average.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      i found the problem:

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      1-IceTea 🌟

        WOW your techi with rate is more then 60% spam him and you will get VHS

        Optimus Drip

          I mean, eventually. It just seems really fucking slow gain this patch. It's weird

          i have 5 reports to use

            Try flaming ur teammates to motivate them

            Optimus Drip

              @mid or feed I use the most passive agressive method I can " oh too bad our carry didn't have a god dam bkb THIS fight either, might as well just give up now boys

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^No use you have to feed cour,sometime your team will be like 'WOW this guy feed cour he a feeder ,if I want to win I will have to give 100%'
                Thus you successfully motivated your team and you win the game.

                i have 5 reports to use

                  Try role playing as a Peruvian

                  basement :)

                    No. Most of your games are just Techies spam. Techies is usually uninvolved in most of the core aspects of the game, e.g. creep csing, team fighting, taking objectives, and ganking. The core skills for you are most likely very undeveloped.

                    Optimus Drip

                      @incest Listen you little turbo virgin piece of shit, do you have any fucking idea how intense you have to train to reach the peak of skill that I have acquired? You went out and partied while I studied the land mine. You were taking little miss prom queen to the dance while I studied the perfect stasis trap. Do you have any fucking CLUE who you're talking to? You have less than a thousandth of my mental capacity. Good luck at reaching 3K this year, kiddo.

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      Président® Salted Butter

                        T H I S P O S T I S R A T E D K F O R K E K


                          Solid 5/7 for this thread. Would recommend to others