General Discussion

General Discussionmods: when are u gonna fix ur hero ranking algorithm

mods: when are u gonna fix ur hero ranking algorithm in General Discussion

    being top 300 is giving me aids.

    do i need to win like 50 games in a row and have 85% winrate to be in top 100 or some shit wtf.


    თემა შეიცვალა
    M u r d e r

      play more and stack with 7k's?
      ez ranking

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
      < blank >

        Just 70 matches LUL


          i sorted by last 6 months, because using all-time stats is actually retarded if you have any brain at all.

          and yeah im sure playing with 7k makes my game so easy, every game we are vs. 2ks i believe. go look at my last game, i definitely got carried there im sure.

          btw before u pretend ur smart by citing stats and shit, go watch the game. the game was absolutely cancer. getting a 12m battlefury only works if you lane is easy. not when you have to TP dodge 3 times.

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            marnal youre bad accept it

            M u r d e r

              didnt say the games are ez if you stack with 7k, on the contrary the games must be hard, but if you want to be ranked as top 100, among numerous pro players and other very high mmr players, you should at least show your capabilities in that kind of bracket?

              the realm's delight

                of course i wanna lie, and say i dont miss you


                  u shouldnt be in top 300 as high 4k-low 5k player with ~90% of the games being party queue


                    i dont play solo queue

                    i don't enjoy solo queue.

                    im sure playing party queue means i learn nothing in dota and im actually 2k because party queue means nothing.


                      btw there are plenty of 4ks in top 100 for some reason.

                      < blank >

                        marlan is triggered huehuehue


                          what i say that if top100s were actually tops, u wouldnt stand a chance of coming close to it, and the current system favours you way more. you claim its not good, but u only mention the parts of it which put you lower, while there are plently of not-well-thought concepts that work the other way round and put you above the position u deserve.

                          < blank >

                            I was top 96 Storm when I was 4.4k mmr


                              Gonna be a great read, carry on. 5/7 as of now.


                                im actually about 99% sure if i grinded solo mmr i would be 6k at least. i play with and versus 6k's almost every game and out perform them.

                                it's not hard to use your brain and compare yourself to players at different MMRs. i queue frequently with about 6 different 7ks and I can tell I am not as good as them, I also queue with like 30 6ks and I can tell I am at least as good as them. And can easily tell I am much better than 5ks. Sadly all I can do is compare. I've tried playing solo queue, but even when I win I don't have fun. I just don't enjoy playing games alone. If you could somehow see my game history for ALL games (not just dota) you would notice a trend of me almost never playing alone.

                                if your point is that simply that's too bad marlan you need to grind solo to get top 100, well ok thats fair. except the system doesn't currently work like that. if it's improved and my rank drops, oh well, but at least it will be a lot more accurate.

                                when i try to find a build for a hero if I don't play it often I use the top 100 to pick someone, but almost every time there is only like 1 or 2 players in the top 10 that actually deserves it.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Your profile picture is so ugly you think they will put a player like this on the hero front page?
                                  Did you put a shit in front of your house gate?

                                  Tip: change it and you might even be top 1 because of the shinny '+'

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    like my last game was

                                    6k, 4k, 4k, 4k, 5k (if u assume im 5k skilled just because of my inactive solo mmr lel)


                                    6k, 6k, 6k, 4k, 4k.

                                    its not like party queue is just easy mode dota. i mean it IS if you queue 5 man normal queue. but 2 man ranked is not easy mode because you queue vs. other 2 man ranked or a group of 2 man and 3 man.

                                    for example, singsing and gorgc have 5.4k and 5.2(?) party mmr respectively. i have 5.2 party and the guy i queue with has 5.9k so we average 5.6 party and we queue vs. other parties with the same mmr. how many players have 5.6k party if they aren't at least 6-7k?

                                    and sure, sometimes it will balance the other way, we will be vs. 6k solos and 4k party group, but that's even harder. plenty of players have 4k party even if they are 5-6k.

                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                      anyway, i know ur all blinded and all u can see is solo mmr. i just don't enjoy it. i've tried very hard to force myself but i actually just don't enjoy solo queue.

                                      so i will forever be flamed by people who think party queue = 2k mmr.

                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        ^NOBODY SAID THAT can you start to do something(Change your
                                        ugly pp) instat of winning like an attention seeking baby?

                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                          lol what would be a good profile pciture sir

                                          this profile picture has remained steadfast on my profile for as long as i can remember to change it would be a tradgedy


                                            I liked the other color better tbh.


                                              when it was purple? lol

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                                Em...a cute cat or a cute baby wolf should be able to catch mod eyes and excitation mods love and you should be able to get into tp 100

                                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                                  ^^lol wtf was that so many version??


                                                    if i use this as my profile picture do u think mods will give me #1

                                                    < blank >

                                                      On Reddit, yes

                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                        Should be easier to get into using this - crop the unnecessary white out and you will be perfect


                                                          No one says party is easy. It's just inaccurate and it's difficult to gauge how good you really are. Solo is just more reliable and accurate.


                                                            Shud i change my profile to a different version of ainsley?


                                                              its very easy to compare urself to ppl with higher mmr, and thats why roughly 100% of players believe that if they played seriously, they would have been at higher mmr

                                                              do i have to say that its pathetic, or is it obvious enough?

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                              M u r d e r

                                                                i compare myself to a 4ker who got his mmr by spamming omni in 6.7 patch, and i think im 4k too, because he plays like total shit and worse than me.

                                                                perhaps you just compare yourself to wrong people. or perhaps i really am 4k, who knows.

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  Everyone thinks they can be 6k if they tried yet not everyones 6k. I'm sure if I were to tryhard party ranked with a dedicated mate it would be much easier to win games.

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    if they played seriously, they would have been at higher mmr

                                                                    But it's technically true though, I'm pretty sure anyone could get at least 500 MMR if they tried really hard to analyze their replays, fix things they're doing badly, if they got somebody to couch them maybe, if they stopped blaming teammates for everything, if they criticized themselves more, if they put an effort to learn something new about the game every day and utilize it, if they started picking smart instead of always going for comfort picks that bite them in the ass, and if they actually played enough. I know that I can reach much higher MMR if I do all of these things, and the reason I don't, is that I don't play enough solo ranked, nor do I actually try hard enough (btw trying hard is a virtue). People who have ~60%+ winrate in ranked in their recent bracket have obviously not stopped gaining MMR, so it's a matter of playing more games.

                                                                    But now there's the flip side of the coin - if you keep up the same way you've been playing for a very long time, you'll simply end up at the same MMR forever, there's no changing that. And sometimes 'getting serious' doesn't imply what it should, that you really put effort to learn something new and utilize everything you can, but simply trying hard with what you already know, which has already brought you to your current MMR.

                                                                    I have a 'tryhard' friend who I don't play with anymore, he started off at 3.7k some years ago and now he's 3.1k because he's doing all the opposite of what I described, but he still thinks he is "trying hard" which is laughable. Blaming your teammates for everything isn't trying hard, striving to improve every single game, on the other hand, is.

                                                                    As for me, I believe I could reach 4.5k fairly easily if I actually tried to, but as is known, even 4.5k is a shit bracket so I am not too into it. For me to reach 5k, it'd require not only a shift in how and how often I play dota but also a change in personality that would take a long time to attain, so while it is technically possible (I believe everyone can reach 5k, if slacks can, among other things), it is still unlikely that me reaching 5k is going to happen unless I seriously step up both my game and personality.

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                      ^Exactly I just need a dedicated omni follow me everywhere and I can 1v8


                                                                        ^^its wrong on a different level that what u r trying to explain

                                                                        if you got very decent learning capabilities and could technically learn mandarin within the last two years, but didnt do it; it means that you actually do not speak mandarin.
                                                                        if i played dota2 twice as much as i actually played it, id be somewhere in mid 7ks to low 8ks. however, it would be extremely retarded for me to claim that i am 8k because of that.

                                                                        the fact that one could be 6k doesnt equal being 6k

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                          If your skill level is higher than your MMR (mine definitely is - I just haven't played ranked in forever), the only way to climb to your true MMR is too literally tryhard every game.

                                                                          If you do that, your win rate will be around 60-70% and you will see yourself climb and eventually plateau again.

                                                                          What do you mean Triple? I know I can be 4k, so how does that not make me 4k?
                                                                          BTW, I have played with 4k's with 0 map awareness. I have no idea how they got there AT ALL.

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            the fact that one could be 6k doesnt equal being 6k

                                                                            Sure, this is abundantly clear, however. I am just saying that a lot of people have a lot of potential, that is never going to be utilized. If someone says they COULD be 5k, they are basically correct in almost 100% cases (unless they are mentally retarded, or something like that). But the disagreements begin when it comes to understanding what it means - basically, WHAT WOULD HAVE TO CHANGE for "could" to become "is".

                                                                            I mean, I am a guitar player and if I practiced 5 hours every day I'd actually be able to play tech metal on a pro level in a few years, but just the fact that it's technically possible to do doesn't instantly make me a pro guitar player.

                                                                            But on the other hand, a player can have a certain skill level that's not matched to their MMR due to a variety of reasons - like improving faster than their MMR increases, for example. My MMR is 3.8k but I probably could play competitively against other people who are 4.5k because I didn't "get stuck in 3.8k", I still have a decent winrate in that bracket, however, if I suddenly started playing in 4.5k instead of 3.8k, there's no way I could retain my 60% ranked winrate, and it'd probably go down to about 52% or something in that bracket because that 4.5k is much harder than 3.8k.

                                                                            @$NU: I don't really believe that, you have 56% ranked winrate this month and you haven't reached 3k flat yet, so I don't think the 6% net wins are placing you in the 4ks.

                                                                            Basically, you'd expect somebody who thinks they can have 1k more MMR to win at least 10% games more than they lose.

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              ur thoughts and beliefs are vanish. roughly 50% winrate in normal skill bracket kinda indicates that ur 2.9k solo mmr is still relevant.
                                                                              your mmr is the number you can put on ur profile on ur main acc. the rest is a religion.

                                                                              @nom nom nom
                                                                              ye kinda, u can pretty much derive ur "real" solo mmr from ur current solo mmr and winrate on the last 100-200 matches.

                                                                              M u r d e r

                                                                                you should have bolded the "could be" not just "could" in your statement man


                                                                                  i used the bolder to indicate the intonations i would have used when pronouncing it


                                                                                    " every 10% equates to 1k mmr" My wr this month which is the first time I play in a while is 90%, does that mean I'm not a 2k pleb and I'm actually 6k? nah.
                                                                                    Tho I played a ton with 5.3ks back when I was frequent with my dotes which got me to atleast 4.5k-4.9K level for some time, then I unlearned everything XD

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      It's pretty hard to generalize, but I'd say if you have a 60% winrate you can still get 1k more MMR easily by just playing the game and losing winrate in the process until it reaches about 50% and you hit a plateau (unless, ofc, you change things up a lot).

                                                                                      When I was literally 1k I went to 3k with about 70% winrate or some shit, then went to almost 4k with about 60% winrate, so I believe if I reach 4.5k it'll go close to 50% winrate or something. It's important to note that MMR is not linear by a longshit, and the transition between 1k to 2k is not the same as transition from 2k to 3k or 3k to 4k and especially not 4k to 5k.

                                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                        15 solo qeue ranked games.
                                                                                        Won 8:

                                                                                        Of the 7 losses:
                                                                                        3 games with 4 carries who all need farm - no space creators (Often a player who last picks a carry to f*ck everyone else).
                                                                                        1 game with an abandoned team mate.
                                                                                        1 game with a last pick techies against a team that has no issue with fighting him.
                                                                                        2 games where I got outplayed.

                                                                                        So subtract 5 from those 7 losses, and I have 8 wins and 2 losses in past month (ranked gameplay). 80%.
                                                                                        In all games except those 5 (to be expected, even in high MMR games, you get 4 greedy cores you will lose) my stats are great. That is why I can confidently say I can be 4k mmr, and will be breaching 3k before the end of the year.

                                                                                        I don't mean to turn this into a thread about me though. To stay on topic, @OP, keep tryharding with AM and you will be sure to get top players. Solo Qeue MMR should be irrelevant if you are playing at a high skill level in party.

                                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          hey guys, let's take my 700 and something LC games, there's about 400 wins and 300 losses, but those losses were because something bad happened in my game, so lets say I basically have 100% winrate with legion and deserve 20k MMR


                                                                                            Funny, but not quite the point.

                                                                                            nom nom nom nom nom said:
                                                                                            "@$NU: I don't really believe that, you have 56% ranked winrate this month and you haven't reached 3k flat yet, so I don't think the 6% net wins are placing you in the 4ks."

                                                                                            My point was to refute your statement there. I have reached 3k at one point, but was immediately set upon by a pack of gorillas to send me back to 2.9k.
                                                                                            I can hit the 4k area. All I have to do is last pick supports because your team will always istalock 3-4 greedy cores. The problem then with picking a support is that you have carries who don't know how to last hit, itemize, farm efficiently, cut waves when your are being sieged at 20 minutes, and knowing when to farm / fight.

                                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              just pick a 5th carry and win the game? go jungle, roam, you can do all that shit if you're really 4k material, everything else is an excuse


                                                                                                70 games not much

                                                                                                casual gamer


                                                                                                  you dont climb by winning normal games

                                                                                                  you climb by winning awful awful games that your team should definitely lose

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    ^pretty much this

                                                                                                    also you don't simply lose when outpicked/countered, you go ahead and win those games too

                                                                                                    I mean, I have higher than average LC winrate against dazzle, bane and oracle, because even though they should make my hero useless, I play better than they do and I end up countering them instead. Would you have put those picks in category "well, counterpicked, not my fault, don't count that" category?

                                                                                                    Also it's not about how many games you COULD win, but what games you DID win. Somebody abandoned? Why didn't you still win? If you're a 4k player for real, 2.9k avg game should still be ridiculously easy.

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                                      shit i opened the thread hoping that it's all being triple kicking marlan in the nuts with reality
                                                                                                      instead i got normal skill essays on ranked system


                                                                                                        I see it in your eyes, you're haunted
                                                                                                        They're coming up ahead
                                                                                                        So, left this path wide open
                                                                                                        So you could come instead

                                                                                                        Save yourself right now
                                                                                                        Until the truth comes out
                                                                                                        And I gave you everything

                                                                                                        Save yourself right now

                                                                                                        Save yourself right now
                                                                                                        And let the love cry out
                                                                                                        And I gave you everything

                                                                                                        The things we kept unnoticed
                                                                                                        Will come to light inside
                                                                                                        You keep your fears unspoken
                                                                                                        And then you change your side

                                                                                                        So let your soul out now
                                                                                                        And place your hand in mine
                                                                                                        In mine

                                                                                                        Save yourself right now
                                                                                                        Until the truth comes out
                                                                                                        And I gave you everything

                                                                                                        Save yourself right now
                                                                                                        And let the love cry out
                                                                                                        And I gave you everything

                                                                                                        And I gave you everything