General Discussion

General Discussion7.00 Anti-mage

7.00 Anti-mage in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    okay so one of my favorite heroes in the game is Anti-mage (old school hero, almost never changed, it depends only about the skill of the player, blinkin n' slammin, one of the dunkest ultimates, etc)
    and wooooooah what the hell, they make:
    A.- powerful indirect nerf ( no more upgrading stats)
    B.- powerful indirect buffs ( eye of skadi is no longer an orb effect)
    C.- scepter added
    D.- Lvl 25 talent = 3 second cooldown blink
    E.- Sven nerfed (LUL)

    So i used him the other game and it was such a easy win, 27/2/14 or smth like that
    I was beyond godlike 15 minutes in.
    SO my question is ...
    Why is nobody noticing him like he should?
    I mean 7.00 changes and meta is not crystal clear enough, but i can see Anti-mage as it is right now as a top tier carry (Not joking)
    Any thoughts?


      He can get shut down in lane easily because the meta is so aggressive. Just put an ogre in his lane and am will have a hard time.


        Plox correct me if im wrong tho.

        \\  VintageR  \\

          i think in 2-3k bracket that is true, i mean, a player with some sense of the game would pick a ogre magi/any nuker-support tank
          but if your team is good enough ( majority of times this dont happen) they can support you with a dazzle/witch doctor/oracle or any hero that keeps am in the lane, and i can see in some pro games players going 4-1 strat for antimage, imagine if some pro team does this lineup
          -Mid (Alchemist)
          -Carry (Antimage)
          -Offlane (anyone actually but for preference some hero that can be scepter upgradeable)
          -2 Hard Support ( Disruptor, Oracle, Ogre Magi, CM, etc)

          I can see alchemist gettin radiance and 1 scepter for am minute 15 of the game, then am builds Travels, Skadi and Manta and just pick-up any hero

          Maybe im just crazy but i can see some potential in there...

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Riguma Borusu

            nice 36% wr this month m8

            too bad a lot of my teammates have started 'noticing' antimage just like you

            but it's good enough that a lot of my enemies are 'noticing' him as well, so I get ez wins

            \\  VintageR  \\

              why are u yelling about my winrate? what do u expect from a 3k scrublord, anyway...

              Riguma Borusu

                to at least win majority of games with a hero he's praising


                  I win 100% of my necrophos games come at me.


                    Yeah. It's hard to believe a hero is strong if the person advocating for them is seeing no success with them.


                      he is situational, whenever the enemy has a safelane slark and they dont have any extreme lockdown, am is my pick. I might not be the best am player, but situationally am is broken.


                        But you dont even play dota Raj XD. Waiting for June next year to unleash raj builds


                          AM is very strong this patch. But it requires a player who isn't a moron to take advantage of the buffs he received.

                          Because the jungle spawns half as often you can't just mindlessly braindead farm your own jungle if you're behind. You need to properly use your map awareness and farm the entire map where the enemy is not/where you are safe.

                          Good AM players will do better, bad AM players will do worse. This is why you will notice the average dropping. There are more bad players than good.


                            AM is garbage this patch, his lategame is stronger with talents+skadi+aghanims but his early midgame is weaker as you can't go stat points, there are fewer camps to farm and dual offlanes are much stronger with shrine. AM's problem has never been lategame its being steamrolled getting to that point so it may as well be straight nerfs. Sadly pretty much all farming carries are dead this patch, better pick something that runs around fighting at 15 minutes or don't bother at all. It's probably still OK for pubs but anything goes there.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                                He's slightly better than before
                                You just have to be more aware of the map


                                  Slark calls to me.


                                    Nice, differing opinions by blue stars.


                                      ^ I dont see 2 blue stars here.

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა



                                          im just a blue temple thing

                                          im actually 3k guys i promise


                                            Marlan is 3k
                                            Go listen to cutnpaste xd


                                              What the fuck last time I checked cut was 5k
                                              Fucking tryhard fam


                                                yea thers no way antimage got buffed in this patch lol. if ud be so kind as to explain how then im all ears but i really dont see how he got buffed when the heros still garbage tier

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  Am is kindof late game huskar in my opinion but less situational. His power spike is very short but very powerful. But in ns his power spike is very very long so yeah you can win easily with am. Thats why in ns good am player only differ a bit from bad am player. Am is not the hero you want to spam on 2.7 above because they play very aggressively with brain. This is also why i win most of my match with alch with no armlet. I abuse his farming potential to his fullest and out farm every body. The power spike of alch should be whenyou got armlet and rad and when you are 5-6 slotted but I deleted the armlet rad and make the 5-6 slotted power spike longer and better. Same with am you can build vlad bf and manta and you have a earlier power spike but weaker than the abbysal manta bf.

                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                    He is way stronger than last patch, mostly due to having little to no competition.

                                                    Most carry got nerfed with the new talent tree, he didn't. (well not exactly nerfed, they all have that kind of take a lot of hp, or a lot of dps, or eventually a mix of both to get ~ the power of 20 allstats, but if you lack mobility, you are forced into those defensiv ability, which aren't exactly the best, and thus get outclassed by one who can take all offensiv -like slark can (that's why he fastly got a str nerf)-)
                                                    All his main counters are trashed by the patch.
                                                    The only reason not to pick him right now, would be an overagressiv early/mid game meta.

                                                    But he might have the weapon to fight back in such meta, in taking the defensiv part of his tree, and not building bf (assuming there's an other carry such as sf middle) -via dominator/skady for example-

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      ^can't defensive part of his tree + bf work as well? So we can both fight and farm


                                                        Echo Sabre Vanguard still seems bad? Even after QOP Blademail and Ember Octarine? Yeah? Okay.


                                                          Both offensive and defensive side is amazing


                                                            Yea let's buy an item that is designed for hard hitting heroes with high BAT on a hero with one of the lowest BAT in the game
                                                            If you seriously want to play AM as a fighter, get shits that actually covers things he lack


                                                              @Santana, the point of the bf build, is to farm and split, and often you dodge everyone and find yourself hit t3 of enemy, while your friend defend your own t3; in such case you WANT the biggest dps possible.

                                                              Am is a bit annoyed by the lack of early stat, but defensively, as long as it's not full physical team, his spellshield does the job as good as those stats (if not better).

                                                              Anyway, think about the am we are used to see like some guerilla. You don't need to be tanky for a guerrila, you need to be swift. the stats used to provide both, while shield only defense, and mana break nothing. However, having +20 damage at lvl 10 do more than the 3-4 lvl of stats you used to have at that moment.

                                                              So you have both more defense via spell shield maxed, and more offense

                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                ^^^ I don't see the sense of going +20 dmg at lvl 10 when ur going bf (which gives u dmg but ur squishy af). If ur not going bf, then its worth

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  AM doesn't have +200 damage on rightlick from talent like ember does on his spells to make echo even worth it like how caster build on ember does



                                                                    ah. i see. Yeah that makes sense


                                                                      The +20 helps with farming alot for me
                                                                      Might try the other talent, but right now I'm focusing on mastering other heroes so it might take awhile


                                                                        Sick game vs Miracle tbh, wp.


                                                                          ^ yeah. was quite entertaining to watch


                                                                            oh and about echo sabre, the less bat you have, the worse it is, the more bat, the better it is.

                                                                            That's not a big difference though (and you have to remind that target are moving, so you aren't in pur auto right click, but if you were here are the number :
                                                                            double hit based on bat --> equivalent in as
                                                                            bat 1.9 --> 38 as (barathrum)
                                                                            bat 1.85 --> 37 as (n'aix)
                                                                            bat 1.7 --> 34 as (almost all hero)
                                                                            bat 1.45 --> 29 as (anti mage)
                                                                            bat 1 --> 20 as

                                                                            Edit: i'm not sure yet for the power of blink -2 sec am, seems very strong, but dunno if it's actually that strong on anti mage, as long as we play him the way we used to.

                                                                            To me it feel more like it's going to be usefull IF we play the hero differently than we used to, like a :
                                                                            "I go in with cuirasse tarasque skady mjolnir abyssal build" and then i can go out fast, and in again. But i did not tested it yet.

                                                                            Similary to how -50 sec respawn time on a carry is broken as fuck, but suck ball on ld, if you play him bear centric, and not hero centric (gonna spam ld hehehe)

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                            \\  VintageR  \\

                                                                              well seems like alot of ppl have extreme different thoughts about am 7.00, some think it is garbage, and others that his power could be very REAl, anyway, now i will try hard to the max to be a good am, because, even tho is not the best carry, is one of the most entertaining carries for me, it has alot of style, and...well, thats it

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                I would like to take the moment to



                                                                                  am good for this patch, new map feels huge compare to old one, warding changed=less wards=less vision, if am survive first 15 mins (and he at least gets pt and bf he will win) if you able to farm enemy jungle you will destroy and outfarm everyone in this patch and am fits well for this

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    ^well said but the problem is I farm all mine and your jungle, what can u do now?


                                                                                      2 seconds blink is extremely useful. Like MEGA useful. But it's kinda like a 40-60 split I believe.

                                                                                      If they are super agile and hard to catch, then blink is probably the answer. My last game I took it because they are all fast/have force staffs/etc. and ended up being extremely value because we ended up in a BB vs. BBCD vs. BBCD game and I couldn't afford travels so I was able to blink to their rax almost twice as fast.

                                                                                      I mean, +25 AGI late game isn't tHAT amazing. You're only gonna get like +10-20% dps or something (just completely guessing, if someone wnts to check math that would be great)

                                                                                      And yea, 10-20% dps is fantastic, but if you can't even catch them to deal damage in the first place, blink might be better.

                                                                                      So generally I would say Blink is better if they are very slippery/agile and otherwise get Agi.