General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is role distribution so fucked

Why is role distribution so fucked in General Discussion

    I always pick last to fill in and im position 5 nine out of ten times, this needs fixing.

    The Medic Guy

      lol then first pick carry.

      i always want to be the pos 5 guy, end up i am always in pos 10 feelsbadman


        The role that is left is indicative of the actual role distribution of the community buddy my picking a carry doesnt make any difference.


          just picked whatever you want


            It's just a sad result of the way this video game has been designed/evolved, support is a really unfulfilling role in solo queue and seeing as most Dota players are doing this for fun you don't see many support players sadly.

              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                  Yup meka i like dazzle


                    Yes, screw those stupid people who are last-picking AM/Sniper into your already too-optimistic line-up of four cores. Or guys who were sitting on a support pick for 55 seconds and then decide to change to aforementioned AM/Sniper.

                    But there is also one more phenomenon. People who pick heroes like Ogre, Jakiro and Crystal and then decide to not support. I bet it happened to everyone at some point. As a core you are asking (really asking) your support to buy some wards and he/she answers "buy them yourself", not because the "support" has no money but because he/she is farming Aghs.

                    Playing support gives just another kind of fun that is not available to all players. Everyone likes melting down the healthbars but only a few will get the satisfaction from succesfully dewarding your opponents seconds after they placed their wards. And if, once in a while, you do some stupid crazy shit like running solo around the other jungle looking for this farming Sniper in order to frostbite+freezingfield him, that's way more forgiving than doing the same shit as a core.

                    At least in NS.


                      I liked playing support but unfortunately if you want to win you have to rely on yourself more than team. And in late game supports falls of pretty bad because solo que isn't that coordinated.

                      In parties I still play support.

                      At low skill bracket people pick carries because killing enemy and high gpm dmg give them a sense of accomplishment while a role of supp whose contribution isn't obvious to most of normal skill players eyes doesn't.

                      Personally playing supp is more fun. Unless you want to grind MMR in low skill bracket. Or you can grind MMR with supp too if you really amazing.

                      4pos pudge/grim only

                        i used to play support heroes due to this problem but that one time, my team played so perfectly, like my team didnt overextend themselves, no one die so much in our team (final score around 20+ to 3) and we push like a very coordinated team and won pretty easily. and i thought it was a 4 men stack + me, but turned out to be 5 solo players. it feels so good to be a support in that kind of game and yeah i never play carry anymore after that

                        Jonas Kahnwald

                          And you solo support ?

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I easily get tilted, and it was not once that I supported an antimage who rushes vanguard and basher instead of bfury, just to get massively outfarmed by the enemy despite getting free farm.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              You forgot about the no power treads part

                              Riguma Borusu

                                That's a given.

                                Story Time

                                  shall we make a DATING App like tinder but for finding supports?


                                    Bad idea
                                    It will be filled with mostly "support" players who contests CS and still ends up being a poor fucker, single pulls without thinking, dogshit positioning, dogshit spell casts, do nothing but sap XP, no utilities bought, makes weird item builds, and still has the guts to say "carry fast farm" and "noob carry"


                                      carry fast farm

                                      *proceeds to use death pulse on every camp im farming*

                                      well fuck

                                      STE 8-1-8
                                        კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                          Dagon/ agh rush impactless lion
                                          I'm fine with getting KSed but seriously, if you're a support player, BUILD OR BUY SOMETHING USEFUL FOR THE TEAM WITH THAT MONET YOU EARN SJSGNSIDHDJD

                                          casual gamer

                                            idc if their items are good for the team

                                            if every support played ultra selfish and bought ghost glimmer force to save themselves thatd be FINE BY ME


                                              sdfu and play the game pick whatever your team needs that you can handle

                                              clueless clown

                                                Ok nikki


                                                  support is fun i enjoy bashing people's heads in

                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                    It's fun to support as Veno vs blink staple heroes, since Veno can farm pretty nicely for a support.


                                                      Dont smurf f*cking c*nt. 46% wants to play core.


                                                        The reasons support is always the position people get forced into:
                                                        Only about 1/5 of people like support and before this season it was optimal to have 2/5 be support.
                                                        Supports tend to be the group willing to do any role in the best benefit of the team. So even if there is the exact ratio of team members with preferred roles, supports will likely still pick last to make sure all the roles get filled.

                                                        Fix- if the POS 4 roaming jungle position takes hold like I think it should, that will fix the ratio. For some reason allot more people are willing to play roaming slardar or jungling enigma then a normal support.

                                                        They should still make an unranked mode where you pick your positions by farm priority before hand. That way, if you wanna play mid, you can. You just may need to wait longer then the person requesting to play support.


                                                          I enjoy playing support against uncancerous line ups, or when there is someone in a party i can trust to carry. Solo supporting against slark is truly one of the worst experiences in dota. I also dont like playing rlly passive supports like warlock. My favorite supports r cm, earth shaker, disruptor.


                                                            Supports shud always pick first. Them being countered is less of a deal, and they often time force enemies to draft around countering the support, then u mind games em and counter their counters with ur cores.


                                                              Like u first pick ogre into them picking maybe a undying, then u second pick dusa. It isnt fool proof, cuz maybe they go enigma, but u get the idea


                                                                I am not advocating for 2nd pick dusa its just a general example


                                                                  pick rate of supports least in ns


                                                                    playing support sucks for me cuz at least one of my cores is totally awful which makes my hero useless

                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      in 3k you can basically just pick a jungler and occasionally buy wards and you're going to be 1000x as useful


                                                                        pro tip pick spirit breaker as "support". just pull and gank and buy a few wards, get a midas hopefully before 18 min. then get a shadow blade and carry your shitty teammates to victory


                                                                          I get so triggered when retards buy MoM on sb in my bracket.


                                                                            I have the same issue of playing support through solo queue. I actually kinda gave up on ever reaching a respectable mmr because i couldn't rely on my carries. Now i only play with friends who i know can carry well if i support well.


                                                                              Support is really important in every bracket and in every game time. At late game u help push. Plant yellow wards aswell as blue ward. Good support is can ward like they are seeing everything important. Of course supp cannot initiate fight if dem levelings are not strong enough. And also PMA. Dont blame ur carry. Ask dem to not do that mistake again. Ward some and kill em by smoke gank. Ask dem to not give up when things got worse.

                                                                              Story Time

                                                                                I am support player, but often this is what happens, had to carry MK while buying/setting wards


                                                                                  not found^




                                                                                      @misunderstood 4k+ is still better for supp players. atleast carries knows how to last hit and not auto attack


                                                                                        Today's story. Random draft. One guy is sitting whole draft ready to pick Witch Doctor so we choose Jugg, Faceless and Weaver. After that the guy changes to Nyx and last one picks Riki. Ended up as a really bad support Weaver. Cancer is strong.


                                                                                          normal skill

                                                                                          Story Time

                                                                                   lol dotabuff is not found but opendota has the match


                                                                                              Why can't we just fuck around like we did in warcraft 3 though
                                                                                              people gotta be so quick to anger when you fuck around

                                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                it's more amazing you're still in normal skill considering you played wc3 dota

                                                                                                also play unranked if you want to fuck around


                                                                                                  i hope u get 3k fast or queued as my enemy later scrub