General Discussion

General DiscussionMidas on blood seeker

Midas on blood seeker in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    A blue star player once told me that midas is useless on blood seeker because "you should get items to kill people". But I don't really feel like you actually need items to kill people (bar a smoke or two, boots and so on). BS is really an early game pest because he can get his level 6 at 5 minutes and immediately rotate somewhere to go in for a kill, he does really want to farm too much (but what he farms, he wants to be efficient, so midas + talon let you quickly farm while killing things every time your ult is off cooldown).

    With a midas, you can have level 11 at 11 minutes, and a first big item anywhere between 16 and 20 minutes (considering the rate at which you can get kills, of course) and while the second level of ult is not a particularly big upgrade in general, the stats you get from extra levels actually offset the fact that you have a midas. Once you have some levels, you are no longer as mana starved, and if you just build "things that kill people" you'd just have to go to base all the time or build regen items, when in reality, if you get a midas, you will just outlevel people and get even more gold from kills than you usually would.

    It's also worth mentioning that with excess mana, levels and attack speed you actually farm even faster than you would in general. It's not just a static exp/gold gain every X seconds, it's much more dynamic than that.

    While I do hate to see people AFK jungling for 20 minutes, getting a midas means that you can farm and kill more efficiently, compared to rushing an item "to kill people", in which case, should one or two ganks fail, you've wasted a fuckton of time and you're done for, because let's be clear, you're a blood seeker, not sven, luna, spectre or medusa, you have no comeback potential at any rate.

    Also, jungle BS is a pretty greedy pick, and by the time you actually get to use your midas, one of your cores has already started farming the jungle as well, so you should be pushing out lanes, tping to gank other lanes, and farming in between. You should take as little space as possible, and not take farm from your team, because it's tough with 4 cores. Midas allows you to artificially get bonus gold and experience that was otherwise not even on the map.

    This is not like getting an early midas on a safelane carry "because he can", but rather, so that you get more levels as soon as possible and use your abilities at their max level as soon as possible, and leverage that into kills and farm that is not safe for anyone else, and just snowball off there.

    Of course, I only have 60% winrate with bs, and there's a lot of experimentation and I've built all sorts of items and still won (or just fed because I'm tilted or something), but I do not agree that midas is a bad pickup in this particular case (it's awful on legion, for example, because you need a ton of shit to be relevant, but bs only really needs boots and levels).

    So if you were not going for a midas, what would you actually BUY "to kill people"? What item makes BS so good at killing people, that is not just boots and levels? Some people rush shadowblade which I think is kinda retarded honestly because you can rupture people from smoke range (and follow up with a disable, etc), but I've found that as long as I have somebody sensible on the team I can pull those ganks off.

    თემა შეიცვალა

      Do you heal self, when you kill creep with Midas?

      Riguma Borusu


        You can also get level 4 bloodrage fast, so you bloodrage self, kill small creeps, bloodrage the big creep, then talon it, that's 96% MAX HP as damage, and then one hit, and you heal 50% the HP of the big creep which is huge in the early game. Midas and talon are kinda both the same trick here, but it lets you farm really fast, which means you need to spend little time farming and can go kill every time your ult is off cooldown.

        It is not like getting an echo sabre on Sven so you can farm a fast but spend a lot of time farming - you want to farm fast but spend very little time farming because you are much better at killing people.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          midas on seeker is retarded, you're playing a jungle hero who makes all the lanes lose as much time he spends in the jungle

          if you go for an item that doesn't allow you to take that advantage back which you lost, then you're overall dooming your teammates

          aka dooming your chances to win

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
          Riguma Borusu

            ^alright, so what do you get instead of the midas? Aside from obvious choices like phase boots and aquila if nobody else's making it, etc? Do you rush echo sabre? Since you'll have less levels, regen is gonna come really handy, and it seems to be good for him overall. Or do you go shadowblade to rupture people from melee range after you've already pounded on them some? Or whatever you actually go.

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              If your buying midas from jungle you are a moron. Midas from safelane is entirely different and it is probably the build.


                If you heal self, I guess it counts as "extra interaction", which may be useful sometimes.
                +1 for BS with Midas.


                  i am the blue star player who once told him this. and ill tell u again. fuck midas


                    sb. echo, force, sny, blademail, atos, necronom, sooooo many better things u can get

                    monk, tibetan

                      I gotta say, even when I play in 2k bracket pubs on my other account people flame me when I rush midas on BS and LC jungle. I do agree with them, but I just wanted to chill, y'know? I can understand the good from it, and the bad. But I think you're just better off with the stuff Ayato suggested. I think midas is fine though if you think it won't hinder your killing capability.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I have roughly the same winrate when I buy it and when I don't, so I might as well just drop it and feed on my item-fueled momentum

                        I mean, if multiple blue stars tell you something is a retarded idea, and you can't even get to 4k/5k with 60% flat winrate, it is likely they are right and you are wrong

                        so I will try rushing phase into sb or echo (but I'm still gonna pull a gank every time I can, ofc)

                        I tried going for an early SnY but it seems the item just didn't work out as well as I planned, probably because it was a bad pickup for those games or I just didn't utilize its benefits correctly

                        and since echo has basically replaced a sny in some regards, I might opt for it instead

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                          Riguma Borusu


                            well this is fucking confusing, a lot of those games bs is jungling yet gets midas

                            are guides relevant at all?

                              კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                Honestly i rather having dagon bs in my team rather than midas bs. If you ask me what item i would go i would go dr sny eblade/dagon and pike between

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Maybe they're just thinking "Alright, I'm just gonna delay my items for Midas and reduce game impact for JUST A BIT, for the greater good later, just let my team hang in there for a while, just a while and I can shine."


                                    if you want to build it you build it. if you feel like its not worth it that game, then dont

                                    Putins Price Hike

                                      getting midas on a early game hero sounds like a good throw to me. bs falls off later so its best to have a 2k glove of haste over items

                                      Putins Price Hike

                                        i woukdnt listen to any of the blue star players. these blue star players have the same mmr as slacks and he doesnt know shit about dota

                                        Viz Maoir

                                          i like playing m
                                          blood with midas. it works for me though. even if u buy two threads as long you can win 😀


                                            pls dont buy midas. its a 2k gold item and the argument that it accelartes ur farm is wrong. with the 2k gold u could buy yasha for example which let u farm faster and u get more xp because u clear camps faster. midas on semi carries is bullshit. no semi carry want a lategame. semi carries want to control early mid game so either its game over at min 30 or u have a severe advantage at that time at least. pls never midas on bs


                                              dunno I would do it, cuz it just works very well for me.

                                              Johnny Rico

                                                VHS COACH SAID TO ME TO GET MIDAS


                                                  Even fucking drums is better than midas. Isnt the build like echo/blademail/drums/SB into aghs into bkb? I feel like u shudnt build like a 4th core and build more utility, but not sure.


                                                    Hook and roll

                                                    If its this game you were absolutely useless

                                                    Johnny Rico

                                                      ^we stomped that game, dropped 2 ruptures and them won the tf


                                                        bro ur kill participation is equal to that of the ratting tb and you died nino times


                                                          eh, i wasnt in that game what would i know. zeus stomped that game tho, idk bout the rest of you


                                                            zeus and tb

                                                            Lets do Science

                                                              Bloodseekers main ability is to kill enemies who are nearly dead and running from fights. This is quite common in the early to mid game, while less common to almost never in the later stages of the game where both teams either have the cc to take someone from 100-0% in the blink of an eye, or the unit they're trying to kill has enough answers to them that their hp will never get low. Bloodseeker thrives in scenarios where he's able to charge in and slaughter people faster than they can kill him which is more common when enemies don't have items such as ghost sceptre, glimmer cape, mech, ect. The more ability the enemy team has to not be low at any given point, the less powerful bloodseeker is. Now lemme ask, how is midas going to give you a big enough power spike to counteract your enemies being ghosted / invisible?

                                                              pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                Dagon bs is actually good if you ask me. Of course paired with a double rage at lvl 7. nearly as much nuking power as a tinker at the same stage of the game


                                                                  problem with that is if you get dagoned back

                                                                  force staff quite amazing tho

                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                    My friend is very successful with midas on bloodseeker



                                                                      u go talon pms phase windlace dagon 5 if you are jungler
                                                                      if u safe lane go ramzes build, almost all pos 1 bs went that build back when he was meta

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა