General Discussion

General DiscussionCalled the pugna last pick WG.Unity

Called the pugna last pick WG.Unity in General Discussion

    As soon as I saw the Lina pick by OG

    gogogogo WG ez win incoming let's rape them OG boyz


      When I was a little kid, I fell into a cauldron full of skill.


        You can check the replay, i spammed that shit in the chat





              Anyways, they lost the game because they sent an aggro fail trilane... That's just stupid. If they had gone safelane and secured mid and bot they would've raxed before alche got radi, just your random SEA peasants :/ Glad I didn't bet money on them, so fucking garbage.


                maybe you should become their coach


                  I wouldn't mind. It's more, I bet most of these so called "coaches" don't know shit. Oh that team warded there and I noticed that I'm so good I'm gonna relay that to the team so they can win. Oh my team lost to 100% win sd/alche picks damn, but I told them about the ward, bad team for not winning despite that or some shit. Or about nahaz and complexity shit at TI6 that was just a fuckign retarded approach, they played the same losing style throughout the qualifiers they didn't win and the wildcard.

                  OG is completely shit but the teams they've met have been more shit, the only fucking reason they've won, and at least not being fucking retarded and going sd and alchemist picks

                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      Do they have a degree? Are they smart people? Do you rly think nahaz is smart? Tbh, I think and I've thought so for a long time, that Nahaz is a fucking mediocre professional.

                      It doesn't even have to be me, just not a fucking retarded fuck. Did you even see whaqt coach FNATIC HAD? You think that bitch has a clue about anything?

                      It's not so hard, find someone that approaches playstyles as a team, as a single player, tactics, advantages and weaknesses of heroes and combos of heroes, FUCKING TIMINGS, I never see that shit, especially timings, like fucking brainless monkeys think it doesn't matter. HOW timings vary and how much gives certain matchups in lane and fucking rotations, this is just basic, we're not even talking about outplaying in the game, there is so much a hero, a couple of heroes or a team can do to prevent some shit, rest is about static goal oriented playing. These fucktards from WG unity just fucking fed top and were on the losing side from the start, how the fuck did they think that was a good idea. Did they think fucking commander with lacklusting farm would do anything to stop OG from snowballing the shit out of them? The whole goal of the pugna pick should've been to rape alche (which he did) and proceed to raping bot lane but nooooo instead they took top tower and fucking check mated themselves. HOW THE FUCK ARE YOU GONNA STOP A FARMED BAT DEFENDING THE LANE WITH AN UNDERFARMED TRIO CONSISTING OF LUNA. By min 6 tier 1 bot should've been down and by min 8 or around that tier 2 bot. At this point the sad fuckign alchemist is still woodswhich means you take down half the tier 3 bot and proceed to take both tier 1 and tier 2 mid tower by min 12. Get that fucking mek with all ez farm and gg rax gone min 14 (timing radi alche), which at this point should be with alche still not having a radi (cause more pressed than with the previous laning and game development)

                      the whole point is:

                      1 strong pugna + 3 good trilane + so so commander >> bad bat + bad alche + so so/good trilane
                      1 strong pugna is shit if someone else is stronK and in this case luna couldn't even take attention away from pugna because the shit was underfarmed and lacking in xp/tankiness against a fucking stronK bat like wtf, how fucking braindead fucking SEA noob piece of shit do you have to be to prefer that shit. Hey look at my stronK 1k hp pugna I'm gonna try to take on you 4 sad mottherffuckers cause you're just good farmed LIKE FUCKING MORON GO DIE (@whoever sent trilane top)


                        why dont you become a pro player benao

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          i think after that they will invite u to stud.anal
                          and it's not called stud.anal because of analytics


                            K .....guess they need you to coach them


                              they can win if the pugna isn't pugnoy. get it? pugnoy?!


                                Huehue ^

                                I want DC to win but I want the drow to win too... But then again, I don't mind drow losing because this stupid fuck aui gets lifesteal on it -.- gogo DC


                                  i think krobelus inc for NP... welp i failed its destroyer :A

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    maybe you can coach them into LP

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      once benao gets out of lp he'll be their coach for sure

                                      oh wait

                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                        It's on FAIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          You could never coach, you're toxic as fuck. Coaches have to be glue for their teams not just point out mistakes.


                                            when i saw Veno NP pick i knew it was gg

                                            btw Triple is Lifedancer ( benao)


                                              I'm an angel bro


                                                What the fuck is this NPs DOGSHITPICK let em Alche luna and Axe pick elder rubick OKKKKK autolose picking phase




                                                    good work EE

                                                      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                        EE is like one of the most retarded fucks ever. I wish I could coach him so he would stop doing stupid shit. Hanging out with aui and that 1437 scrub makes him just the more shit too... If only he could just focus on playing the hero.. :/

