General Discussion

General Discussionin b4 seasonal MMR

in b4 seasonal MMR in General Discussion

    thx reddit


      i actually expect whole new ranked system from next update




          ^just check front page of reddit, half the threads are about botting/boosting and people asking for MMR resets/seasons.

          Pale Mannie

            so i can be 1.3k and not 1.2k LUL


              Like international ranked?


                no i mean MMR begin reset to TBD after every season. its what league/smite/OW do. much lower incentive to have your acc boosted or buy a 5k acc when its going to be reset every 3 months.


                  i dont like that

                  2k indog monkey

                    I don't like that too
                    What's the fucking point of it? It's not like 4k is the new 2k anyway


                      Lol that thread about changing the matchmaking system rite...I don't like that too


                        Reddit are beyond retarded sometimes


                          There isn't any point to reseting. The MMR inflation is incredibly slow. Maybe have MMR go down if you don't play for over a season? Not even sure about that.

                          I would really like it if they had win streaks and loss streaks win and lose you extra MMR. You could even make it only the extremes. If you are at the correct MMR, winning 7 games in a row is statistically weird. It should then assume you're at a higher MMR and give you significant extra MMR for the wins. Same for that many losses in a row.


                            mmr decay; if you dont play, you lose mmr


                              Hmm a new ranked system would be cool. How about. If u get a 10 lose streak or play really bad u instantly drop 500 mmr. LUL


                                SeAsonal mmr just affects 4ks anywAy


                                  Tbf the prevalence of smurfs/boosters/account buying is getting worse.

                                  You only have to see the level of 'how do I get vhs?' threads to recognise that.

                                  Not sure seasonal mmr is the answer but something does need to be done.


                                    It's not getting worse. More and more people just come out of their shells onto forums, etc.
                                    Seasonal mmr actually guarantees the boosters a lifetime profession. Every 3 months they get to boost new people, including those previously boosted ones. Reddit cucks are fucking retarded and every suggestion with boosting/lp/etc is so fucking braindead that they never work and valve just keeps listening to them.


                                      seasonal mmr would lead to AM being nerfed


                                        if seasonal mmr isn't wanted then the solution is to have mmr gained/lost from each game related to win streak/loss streak so people find their level a lot faster.


                                          Plz No ReDdit Is FuCkInG fUlL wiTh 12 Y.0 BraINdEaD KiDs REtArDs


                                            i think that performance in a match should also somehow affect how much mmr u get per game like 25 +- 10


                                              only problem with that is it would be incredibly complex to implement in a way that didn't encourage abuse or at least people fighting for roles/picks that reward higher mmr.

                                              At least with calibration games it is kind of hidden what you need to do to calibrate high - whereas if every ranked game showed exactly what the effect was it'd make ranked (and calibration) a complete joke.

                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                The fact that one of the threads asking for seasonal mmr reset had 50% upvotes just shows how much redditors lack common sense


                                                  Valve always listen to the fucking reddit anyways :(((


                                                    seasonal mmr is a fantastic idea...
                                                    ... if it wasn't fucking optional.


                                                      When will Vavle realize that reddit is filled with a bunch of inbred monkeys who type anything that comes to their mind. If you think dotabuff suggestions were retarded, my boy you havent been to reddit yet


                                                        Err, compare the amount of money spent by dotabuff users vs Reddit users. Why don't you think valve would listen to their customers? If you sell peanuts it is good to keep inbred monkeys happy.