General Discussion

General DiscussionNo Execration on Boston Major!!

No Execration on Boston Major!! in General Discussion

    So i just opened up twitter and see a tweet from @wykrhm , this is the tweet : . honestly i'm excited to see how they play in the major, but sadly they can't make it because of visas issue that actually caused by valve. What you guys think?

      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        Because Donald Trump kappa

          კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

            it was caused by emperor trump.

            Dire Wolf

              So this is kind of dumb anyway, was execration a direct invite? They really aren't that good, I think valve just decided hey we need to direct invite two teams per region, but that doesn't even make sense cus they have 3 chinese teams invited originally, now it's 4.

              LGD is a million more times deserving than execration, despite losing their qualifier, and I'm sure tons of people would rather watch secret or liquid play. I'm really disappointed liquid did not make it. I'm not really sure why OG who finished behind liquid at TI6 gets invited when OG swapped 3 players on their roster and Liquid swapped 2. Doesn't make sense.