General Discussion

General DiscussionBrewmaster Seperate Timer Question

Brewmaster Seperate Timer Question in General Discussion

    It says his critical strike and dodge are on seperate timers, but he has to be out of combat for the guaranteed timer to complete. So how does the seperate timer work if it only procs so long as he isnt isnt in combat?

    თემა შეიცვალა
    one syllable anglo-saxon

      if u don't hit for x seconds u get a guaranteed crit on ur next attack
      if u don't get hit for x seconds u get a guaranteed dodge on next time u are being attacked

      what is there not to understand


        Basically, if Brew has not attacked anyone in 16/14/12/10 seconds his next attack will always be a crit. If he hasn't been attacked in 16/14/12/10, the next attack he receives will be evaded. Additionally he will always have a percentage based chance to crit and evade attack regardless of the cooldown on the guaranteed crit/dodge.
        By separate time they just mean that the crit and evasion timer count down independently. If someone is attacking brew but he isn't attacking anyone then the crit timer will count down until its ready to be use and his next attack will be a crit however the evasion timer will not count down since he is under attack. In the same way, if brew is attacking someone but isn't under attack himself the opposite applies.

        For more info look at the wiki.
        The ability icon will actually show you when you have a guaranteed crit/dodge ready.


          oh, the way it was worded i thought it mean if x amount of time has passed with no attack given or received then guarantee crit and dodge, Thank You!!


            super strong passive.. just imagine juggernaut with this instead blade dance


              thats why hes good vs templar