You know,im a 4400 boy,so i wanted solo offlane(even wrote this into nickname),but they still cant understand how is this possible to stay solo line,"WHERE THE FUCK SHOULD I BE? WITH TRIPLE,ARE YOU KIDDING ME?"
I'm used to play Sk and Slardar, some months ago when Druid was stomping Pubs I spammed him and it worked until patch ended ;/ now it seems that its working out only for me but my team is struggling
I tried different methods of climbing mmr, and I can definitely say that support/offlaner is the best way to do it. In the current meta, teamfights are a big thing, so if you can set one up - you will win the game. I, personally, prefer void, tide hunter, axe for offlane and warlock, dazzle, venge for supports. This is the way I am getting mmr, hope it helps you too
კომენტარის დასაწერად გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია.
Is it even possible to win games while spamming Offlane Only in 3.8k Bracket ? Any suggestions are welcome ;)