General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you do as a Safelane carry, when...

What do you do as a Safelane carry, when... in General Discussion

    1 - the support keeps single pulling (EASY CAMP) and lets you tank full creepwave under the tower? ( even when I ask him/her not to)
    2 - the supports idling on your lane and somtimes even contesting last hits?
    3 - there is no communication

    Everything I can think of in this situation is to either accept it and just play (most common)

    Leave the lane to eitehr another lane (to make someone get pissed at me) or to join the jungle.

    What do you think?

    How can 4k people not know how to pull properly?


      obviously, tell them to fuck off
      but if they can listen, tell them how to do it right


        Ive been telling them taht over and over again. I used my mic and text chat.


          not playing carry kinda helps

          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

            ^This mgiht be the only solution!

            Congratz, thread solved.


              Pull is always good for you, take the creeps most near of your tower, secure all last hits and Get that exp.
              If the supp steal last hits prepare for do jungle, you can do nothing about that, even complaining 20 times if the supp do in purpose you know that is going for aghanim or expensive items, play you game, farm - kill - destroy tower.


                Pull is not always good. If you single pull a creepwave , the camp will be cleared at almost the same time when the next creepwave arrives.

                The lane will push hard and last hitting will be harder (not hard). The worst thiing about it that you allow the enemy offlaner to get huge amount of XP which can and in most cases will make us lose the lane.

                2k indog monkey

                  Pulling a non-stacked easy camp would pull the lane equilibrium to your tower for one wave, then it would be double waved and the lane would push toward the enemy's tower for lik for even 3 waves, not to mention you have to tank the fucking wave and last hit under tower


                    you group Yoshi o play with you

                    2k indog monkey

                      I tell them to fuck off and ping them like a madman
                      depends on the hero, on good talon carriers like slark, void, etc, I would buy it quickly and hit the jungle
                      on multirole heroes like PA, I would try to transition into a support and roam
                      if the hero isn't a good jungler/talon carrier/transitioner I would simply mute their ass and do my best to prevent the ineventable


                        i usually push lane i get pull when i say to suport pull now pls by then we reckting kids in lane


                          If they're taking your exp needlessly and not achieving anything, ask them to nicely pressure the offlane, or gank mid if they have disables. Sometimes supports will do it without even realising, and a friendly command will help them become a better player.


                            Play party with ppl u know. Problem solved.


                              tell them to pull the wave to the big camp at :22, and :52.

                              i played a solo queue game (@4k) for the first time in like a year 2 days back and it started exactly as you'd expect, no courier for 7 mins, last picks pudge "no support" and ofc the classic lc jungle. BUT we won super easily because the enemy team was even more retarded.

                              Just remember whatever stupid stuff your support is doing, the enemy team is also doing. If i were you i would play offlane since people legitimately don't know how to lane until they are about 5k, its super easy to not just get xp/farm but kills too.


                                ^That's why I started to play SK, void, Timber and Weaver so much recently :P

                                Or I go mid.

                                I told them when to pull and when not to pull the hard camp. They either dont listen or dont care, I do not know.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  Yo I got a solution. Tank the wave like a boss. Flame the support after ur done. Then u should have a double wave. Which is fine. Just push the wave hard after that and then u pull th large camp. Bring more regen if u need. Then u flame the support some more

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    this is why whenever i go safelane i buy two sets of tangoes and a salve + stout shield


                                      1) focus on hitting your own creeps more 2) if you're better than them you shouldn't be worrying about this nonsense at all 3) who cares about communicating in doto Kappa

                                      casual gamer

                                        have a fuckton of regen, buy QB

                                        kill the offlaner, shitty supports are always down to run at people and cast spells,

                                        if he manages to completely 322 your lane and the offlane has more lvls than you, go iron talon jungle


                                        this game my lane is completely fucked by ultra xp sap abaddon, but i just afk jungled a REALLY SLOW linkens without dying and then rekt everyone

                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                          single pulling is still fine just push out and use the pushing wave to allow you to do the 52 stack pull

                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                            i always single pull when the offlaner is unzonable


                                              It's not a problem now that you have the second pull camp.


                                                Send yourself extra regen and poor mans sheild