General Discussion

General DiscussionAs an offlaner

As an offlaner in General Discussion

    if I make enemy safelaner's life hard and maybe kill him 1-2 times, and if he leaves to another lane/jungle, he will probably succeed in that and will farm his items. Question: what should I do? a) chase him whereever he goes; b) alt+LMB and hope my teammates will deal with him; c) not be so aggressive in the first place.


      Smoke gank enemy jungle with supports


        whenever i shit on the enemy carry as an offlaner, and when he retreats to the jungle to farm,
        either I just keep pressuring the tower or I ask my team to push as 5man taking towers, thus giving the carry less space to farm and us controlling the map. Should be gg really when you beat the enemy safelane

        casual gamer

          go farm and gank other lanes with ̶c̶h̶r̶o̶n̶o̶ your ult


            take the tower


              When you shit on the carry you shouldn't try desperately to kill him over and over again, since that may just make him comeback after killing your fed ass two times. Taking his tower is the best decision most of the time.


                Own other lane


                  winning as offlane and rekt safe lane dont mean u won game
                  at that time midds are most lvl and if their midd like invoker is owning their safe carry can get back pretty soon by 1 good
                  u though u win game by rekting first 10 mins
                  its not like that u need to rekt all the time until u destroy throne stupid shit u are low brain


                    Kick him out of lane and take his tower obviously

                    Then farm your core items and keep pushin that lane to force enemies to waste more time on a lost lane

                    Keep some tps to join fights

                    Source: all my sk games

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                      killing towers earlt is good enemeie dont have true sigh and force them to buy more wards and u can easily kill them


                        Thanks guys. Hey Individualis, u could be a little less rude with people

                        Dire Wolf

                          It depends on what hero you are. If you're void or timber or something just free farm the offlane, push the tower, go gank other lanes, win the game. If you are a lich and your sole job in life is to deny enemy carry farm and harass with Q then I'd probably rotate. Maybe rotate mid, though, doesn't have to be wherever the carry is.

                          Don't make the mistake though of pushing lane super hard, denying most farm, taking tower and ~12 mins and then leaving the lane forever. Carries come back so easily sometimes from that cus they'll free farm the lane at their t2 and if you don't pressure and give them another 10 mins of free farm or whatever they can often farm their way back in. This happens a ton in games vs quick tower pushers like vs axe where he cuts lane and the creeps kill the tower, or vs a pugna who keeps nuking it etc. If you get the tower early go push down all the other t1s and make space and stay aggressive or go hang out in enemy jungle farming and gank when the carry leaves the t2.


                            make enemy carry retreat is real hard if his is guarded by supp, if anyway u archive that, u should destroy all tier 1 and 2 towers with ur friend, ward their side of the map, and farm the closest posible to their base, leaving then no space to comeback


                              You have a few options:
                              1) Take his tower
                              2) Chase him
                              3) Gank other lanes
                              4) Power farm the lane + neutral camps close to the lane
                              5) Freeze the lane

                              There is not a single "right" move since the correct decision will be depending on how your teammates are playing and who you play against. In most cases you'll be alright by simply taking the tower or power farming. Little risk with some PvE.

                              If you're playing Slardar or Clock and you're playing against an Alchemist middle, it's probably a good idea to push out the lane and gank him in the jungle. Playing against an Ursa? Push out the lane and force heroes to you, while rocketing Roshan.


                                Proper advice on dotabuff PogChamp


                                  Waow! The hell. Thanks mr. Ryze :O

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა