General Discussion

General DiscussionTechie's land mines 5 seconds what happened to 6?

Techie's land mines 5 seconds what happened to 6? in General Discussion

    seriously now his more annoying in lane and this stupid support wont buy wards.


      Waw pls nerf volvo


        20 mins techie as blood stone and every 10 min the entire map has land mines that does 3500 damage in 3 spots.


          Rework Techies Volvo

          Pale Mannie

            ecks dee

            Pale Mannie

              get gem


                cliffs. BOOM!


                  what are you guys talking about ? Techies got nerfed in 6.86 and he is fixed right now . not that much OP and not that much waek. he is an excellent offlaner and he is better to be run on offlane. blood stone is not good on techies btw.
                  people usualy hate techies because they can't adapt to the new play style he brings to the whole game. techies is OK right now.


                    Not that op? Infinite mines is op it's not a nerf that a single mine does less damage

                    lul im actually agreeing with diox xd not about his shit about techi rework


                      Stop feeding the diox lord,let the thread die


                        no he is not ! he cant kill almost entire creep wave with 1 land mine ! he can't harass the melee carries that much well ! he only need a different play style for the opponents and most people don't like to do so ! or they can't.