General Discussion

General DiscussionA super triggering scenario

A super triggering scenario in General Discussion

    Have you ever played played pos 1 carry against 2 cancerous player who follows you where ever you go, their goal is to fuck with you, they stay in your lane forever, and make your life miserable, when you do offlane, they will tp in less than 10 sec to fuck with you, when you try to jungle, they smoke up and kill you.


      I swear to god, I had enough of this bullshit, I know the only solution to this is to 5 man, but what do I do if I can't 5 man?


        Yeah I have many times, you just have to realize the rest of your team should be getting plenty of space. As long as you get levels and avoid dying needlessly it should be worth for your team depending on your hero.

        A classic example, I soloed safelane vs lich void dual offlane, however I only died once and that was to a bane rotation + chrono used, I managed to keep my levels up and as a result my mid won his lane handily and made space for me to catch up later on.

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა



            This is my last game, I played against a Omni pudge weaver trilane, I asked my support to trilane, but they kept getting hooked and die without staying behind the creeps, should I just let my supports go roam and create space, and take the shit lane myself? Invoker played really well, he got a ton of kills, but he was pretty bad at farming, we couldn't stop their push in the end.


              If the lane is legit unwinnable you should 100% tell your supports to get fucked, all they will do is leech xp from you and feed. You have to play the safelane almost like a solo offlaner in that kind of situation, play close to your tower, get as much xp as you can and avoid dying. As soon as you have enough gold/levels just head to jungle and farm there.


                get trilaned by sky ogre and storm as spectre feels bad