General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat creep is it better to midas

What creep is it better to midas in General Discussion
rubick fan

    Can someone send me an updated table of experience per creep. Also what creep in a wave is it best to midas?

    casual gamer

      big creep>range creep>siege creep > > > > >> melee creep

      Potato Marshal

        Updated table? Has the experience amount ever changed for the large neutral creeps? Just eat the largest creep in the large camps, or the large centaur in the medium camps.

        La Lumière

          Siege creep or any creep that has a lot of hp and takes time to kill.

          casual gamer

            if you can pick between a ranged creep and a siege creep almost ALWAYS TAKE THE RANGED CREEP because it gives more xp and the flat midas bounty + siege creep gold is better than midas bounty + ranged creep gold


              @baby snacks NO. if it has high hp + gives high gold + low xp, do not midas him, sure it takes more time to kill it but u will get less exp and less gold everytime. So always midas the one thats giving the highest exp.

              an example: using midas on a ghost or harpy which is a small camp creep is actually more profitable than using midas on a harder to kill medium camp ogres or mud golems.

              Edit: unless you are pushing and u need to get rid of that siege creep asap, then you can midas siege creep, But you will just push the lane and get less exp if you do it early game

              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                @Aronai i found it this is what you are looking for


                  If you don't need xp anymore then you should midas the skeletons, you gain the most gold. Otherwise the experience table above should give you your answer.

                  Vem Comigo

                    Small creep if you want more farm, big ones if you want xp Ranged>siege(mainly because of the hp)>melle

                    casual gamer

                      i mean its 90 vs 88 xp but the big thing is siege creeps are worth extra gold compared to ranged creeps when you kill them manually


                        wait what i always thought that the catapults are most worth it


                          Jungle creeps' XP never changed btw
                          Just knew that tomato, skelly spawner, blue dog, big wolf, and funky eagle all gives the same xp