General Discussion

General DiscussionIf trump wins

If trump wins in General Discussion
D the Superior
    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

      i'm neither pro russian nor pro american (and wouldn't vote for hillary either, even though I believe she'd be the lesser evil), but i believe you should not 100% trust the media (esp. russian media) on every subject


        video on last site for ships, otherwise

        Finland says suspects Russian aircraft violated airspace | Reuters

        Oct 6, 2016 - Finland's defense ministry said on Thursday it suspected a Russian fighter jet violated Finnish airspace earlier in the day, after it scrambled jets ...

        Estonia Says Russian Aircraft Violated Airspace Again

        Sep 6, 2016 - The Estonian military says Russian aircraft violated Estonian airspace over the Baltic Sea, the fourth such violation by Russia this year.

        Russian aircraft violates Estonian airspace - The Baltic Times

        Jun 7, 2016 - The Estonian Foreign Ministry has sent a protest note to Russia following an incursion into Estonian airspace by a plane of the Russian armed ...


          Bulgaria calls rise in airspace violations by Russian aircraft a - Reuters

          Jul 24, 2016 - Bulgaria calls rise in airspace violations by Russian aircraft a ... "Bulgaria's area of responsibility" in NATO airspace four times in the past month ...

          the list is endless


            -snip!- but i believe you should not 100% trust the media (esp. russian media) on every subject

            You gave yourself the answer.

            EDIT: meaning even western media

            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

              Just as a side Note: did anyone notice USA got the First german president?

              D the Superior
                კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                D the Superior
                  კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა
                  D the Superior
                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                      I don't really have much knowledge about this shit but I'd say quoting Putin in blatant Russian propaganda saying 'I have no wish to recreate the USSR' seems pretty suspect to me.


                        W8 a second, din't the people of Crimea want to be separated from Ukraine because they are sick of their shit, and then the rest of the world came into play to paint Russia with the brush of a villian?

                        I mean it is one thing to call someone out for the shit they have done, but another to misguide the audience about what is happening.
                        Same shit was being told with the migrant crisis and that kid that drowned and which body they adjusted to paint a false picture of the world.

                        And the nuclear weapon bullshit again. Good God I am sick of this debate.
                        There was a Hillary Clinton add that put a few phrases out of context of what Trump said and the media took at as evidence that "TRump wants to use Nuclear weapons".

                        There is not one thing that the media could actually prove about Trump except that he bragged to a guy who he is trying to impress that girls like him because he got a lot of money. Even that the media blew out of proportion.
                        He phrased it with these words: "they let you do anything". LET means that someone willingly allowed you to do something.

                        The thing that cheers me up the most is that the media finally got called out for their own bullshit and will basicly from now on always be questioned. That rise in scepticism among people will lead to a better environment and will force the media to tell the truth from time to time.

                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                          i think there was a (not legitimate) vote on crimea that was practically initiated by the russians & russian propaganda that voted for crimea joining russia.

                          trump also CLEARLY said that he supports south korea/japan in obtaining more nuclear weapons & that there won't be more negotiations with Iran, it's not some media bullshit

                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                          4pos pudge/grim only

                            so as trump won the election; jacked, can u donate ur mmr to me rn tqvm


                              @ spunki:
                              Please quote where he clearly said it. I want the whole thing and not a snip of
                              "...nuclear weapons..." followed by a cut and "...we should bomb the crap out of them..."
                              I want either a transcript of that what(you state) he CLEARLY said or a video might also do the job if it is unedited.

                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                not "bomb the crap out of them" i didnt say that


                                  So show me what you did say and please make it not be huffpost or buzzshit


                                    to quote it:

                                    trump also CLEARLY said that he supports north korea/japan in obtaining more nuclear weapons & that there won't be more negotiations with Iran, it's not some media bullshit

                                    I want to read out or hear that he stated that he wants those 2 countries to obtain more nuclear weapons. Not some word manipulation that might lead to a post that he said in 1988 and that "clearly shows" that this means he wants it to happen.

                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                      2. Die Außenpolitik
                                      Obamas Nuklear-Abkommen mit dem Iran dürfte vom neuen Präsidenten Trump auseinandergenommen werden. Obama war bemüht, mit dem neuen Deal den Iran davon abzubringen, Atomwaffen zu entwickeln. Unter der Präsidentschaft von Trump dürften die Verhandlungen völlig neu aufgerollt werden. Denn während Obama die Vision einer Welt frei von nuklearen Waffen zu realisieren versuchte, befürwortet Trump, dass Japan und Südkorea ihr Atomwaffen-Arsenal erweitern. Ebenso bekannt ist seine Position zur NATO: Trump hinterfragt offen die Vertragsverpflichtungen der USA gegenüber NATO-Verbündeten, welche selbst nicht aufrüsteten. Gleichzeitig wird ihm eine weitaus engere politische Beziehung zu Russlands Präsident Vladimir Putin nachgesagt, die Trump nun auch offiziell ausweiten könnte.


                                      Denn während Obama die Vision einer Welt frei von nuklearen Waffen zu realisieren versuchte, befürwortet Trump, dass Japan und Südkorea ihr Atomwaffen-Arsenal erweitern.

                                      While Obama attempted to realize the idea of a world free of nuclear weapons, Trump advocates that Japan and South Korea increase their arsenal of nuclear weapons.


                                        What part of "where did Trump SAY IT" you didn't get.
                                        I don't want the media tell me what he said, I want to HEAR him or READ about the exact words he said.


                                          lol people asking for sources regarding russia violating nato airspace.

                                          you were born yesterday? russia has been violating airspace over the baltic states for many months until they got threatened with more sanctions if they dont stop. yes i read all abut (then) new sanctions to russia and what are they for so if you dont believe me i might be able to provide a source.

                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                            The one link that leads to the post where I probably could read it leads me to a site I would have to pay to read it what I am not planning to do.


                                              Can we just post election memes

                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                so businessinsider is not a reliable source? w/e, go look it up urself then. I can't be arsed to do all the work because in the end you'll just say "media sucks, donald best, russias a saint" anyway. and honestly, its okay, its a democracy we live in and its okay to have different opinions

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Back on subject, they'll get visas for TI. They're only here a few weeks, shouldn't be that hard to get. They are not trying to immigrate, just visit for business. Really the visas in this case are for taxes more than anything.

                                                  La Lumière

                                                    Uneducated? Everything you said in your post was completely and utterly inaccurate. The clintons didn't bomb a bridge. Actually his life was threatened when Osama Bin Laden tried to bomb a bridge HE WAS ON. You fucking retard

                                                    And if you are talking about the bombings in Serbia, then that was to stop the Kosovo war that was happening in that time. And please dont say it was t justified because when you have militant groups in your country, somethings are justified to stop them. (sorry for wiki link, I feel like this article was good)

                                                    And the bombings in Iraq are a whole other different story and conflict that we can't interpret from our computer screens. (They were speculated of building weapons of mass destruction)

                                                    De_stroyed^^^ Bill Clinton is not a criminal. Maybe Hillary tho.


                                                      Baby snacks, I'd say you are either acting childish, or didn't finish educating yourself, especially your manners.
                                                      I strongly suggest you to take a social behavioral course.

                                                      The Clinton administration was responsible for the bombing in Belgrade along with NATO forces.
                                                      There were civilians on the bridge, I was there. You might want to keep that in mind.

                                                      Everything a nation starts to flourish, the latest example is Russia getting back on its feet from post Yeltsin era where ppl were starving, the US starts its agenda to destabilize or in this case sanction the nation for it's personal gain.

                                                      You might also want to read the news posted on Wikileaks and wonder for example who actually Assange is.

                                                      And once again, I strongly suggest you to refrain from insulting ( as you said "you fucking retard") because:
                                                      1. it makes you look bad and childish
                                                      2. it gets you reported.

                                                      EDIT: Grammar (I'm sure I still made mistakes spelling anyway)

                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                        fuck im soo drunk right now, its 11:30 pm here, but i have 1 question, trump won so what does it mean for filipino ofws also other foreign workers, will they be sent back to their home countries?


                                                          spunki, if you claim something, you have to provide the source that proves what you said. An article is in no way evidence, especially if the name of the article is "what might change under Trump".

                                                          Lets give you an example. A CNN reporter has stated that it is illegal to posses the wiki leaks emails so everything that we learn about it should come from the media.
                                                          When I state that I don't want an breitbart article where it is written that someone said this but I want to read or hear the reporter actually say this and see if it is taken out of context. That is called scepticism.
                                                          And yeah, he actually did say that.

                                                          If I see a media outlet do that shit or something similar repeatedly, I don't take them serious anymore. At one time I just stopped taking every media outlet that hasn't strong proof of what they are saying seriously.

                                                          Another example would be to say tha Hillary said that half of Trump supporter are deplorables. Her actual quote is that "half of Trump supporter can be put in what I call a basket of deplorables".
                                                          That quote isn't 100% accurate but it still fits what I said about it. She even later apologized about it(or at least so they say she did) but I don't really care about the apology, I care if she actually said it. I just assume that she did say it because the action of apologizing doesn't have that much of weight in it.
                                                          Here is the whole video to see the context of it:

                                                          And the last one is the quote that I hear almost every week at least once: "Donald Trump said that Mexicans are rapists".
                                                          NO he didn't say that. He said that ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS bring drugs, crime, rape and added that he assumes some are good people.

                                                          The media didn't even talk about the context of it because it wouldn't sell. The media lives out of BREAKING NEWS, ALLERT THE END OF THE WORLD IS NEAR, HILLARY WILL BE THE DOWNFALL OF WESTERN CIVILISATION FOR GOOD, DONALD TRUMP IS A CHAIN RAPIST WHO EATS HIS VICTIMS AFTER HE RAPES THEM.
                                                          Google these words to get to the video if you actually want to see it:
                                                          "They are bringing drugs. They are bringing crime. They are rapists and some I assume, are good people."

                                                          That is why people have almost completely abandoned MSM outlets and news and are basicly getting all their information of small media companies or alternative media sources who analize what the media is reporting and call them out for it.

                                                          I mean that issue is not only vissible on the left leaning media, you just have to see what the media outlet is about. For example, I will never read an article about the issue of climate change on a right leaning news site. I might check a right leaning news site to get a second opinion but not as my only source.

                                                          To take some news for granted as in "they said this about this person who stated xyz so they have to be right" is not an option.

                                                          To claim that someone stated he wanted japan and north korea to obtain more nuclear weapons needs hard proof of the person actually saying it. If there is no hard proof I can dismiss the claim right away.


                                                            Only if they are undocumented, as in illegal immigrants. Otherwise they have every right to stay where they are.

                                                            M U R D E R

                                                              Just one thing... russia is sanctioned not because of US's material gain, but to punish them for the war crimes and invasion of eastern ukraine without resorting to violence...

                                                              Vem Comigo

                                                                Russian attack jet Su-24 over U S Navy ship in simulated attack in Baltic Sea

                                                                Are guys retards, this is a wargame, nothing more, and before you say they arent allies, they are th 2 biggest military powers in the world, they like to do this shit.They just dont release that to the normal public to avaoid patriotic and nationalist backlash.

                                                                So trump got elected, gege, global warming,ww3, new cold war gege

                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                  My god this Dragy10 is a fucking remtard, in other news this thread gave me cancer.


                                                                    HIS WORDS, THE VIDEO.
                                                                    You stated it is clear, i want it clear. I don't to search to back your claims.


                                                                      I am pretty sure you are projecting because of your short attention span that prevents you from reading a text that isn't 2 lines long.

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                                        Vem Comigo

                                                                          Clinton 59 390 851 votes - 218
                                                                          Trump 59 215 097 votes - 276
                                                                          So instead of counting the number of people they count the number of ______ (Countys??)???????????

                                                                          Plus you vote with paper in 2016, for me Clinton was the winner.

                                                                          Here on Brazil we get to vote in a Eletronic Urn (impossible to hack on place, since the system only counts the votes at the end, and we have a limit 1 vote per person), and people get elected by number of votes, we dont have a separation of state.

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                            "Dragy10 Is a fucking remtard" - Donald Trump.

                                                                            But if you want some genuine reasoning on his Nuclear policy He said that America should be producing its own nuclear weapons not importing them. (I guess you could argue that means he will replace old weapons with new ones.) Still arguing for ramping up public spending on nuclear weapons, how exactly does this remedy the huge inequality gap in America its just money down the shitter?

                                                                            However his general stance on foreign policy when it comes to nuclear weapons is fucking disastrous, rather than nuclear disarmament around the world he advocate for nuclear armament, wants to cut relationships between Japan and America for example... for some historical context on why Japan might not be so keen on Nuclear weapons go look at the aftermath of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              @Dragy10 You referenced a fucking "MEMEY" fucking youtube star for a "REAL" take on things you inane uneducated twat.

                                                                              His Demographic is fucking uneducated 8 year old and that is your idea of a "REAL" alternative to the biased mainstream media.

                                                                              Jesus Christ, your embarrassing.

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                Just go back to Occupy Democrats and continue your indoctrination.
                                                                                Also remember to first insult, then to comment, and by no means provide any sources of what you claim.
                                                                                And we have our textbook liberal. [clapping]


                                                                                  This is fucking dota buff. Just shut the fuck up no one gives a fuck abt ur political beliefs, go complain to ur mom abt that shit. This site is abt doto, and specifically the question posed by jacked which is simply regarding visas


                                                                                    So get ur panties out of a twist u bunch of whiny childish fucks this isnt the place. Kys.


                                                                                      l will link you the interview, pretty embarrassing you haven't seen as how widespread it was...

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        oh shit trump's the next hitler they are SO SIMILAR

                                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                          PREDICK MY MMR

                                                                                          La Lumière

                                                                                            You say I need some matters even though in your previous and most recent post, you said I am uneducated and I need to continue my education. Your hypocrisy is bleeding from your bubble of ignorance. Like did you even read the article's I provided? It was justified. If you want your females to be rap*d and murdered by the criminals in Serbia then fine by me then.

                                                                                            Also, saying someone is mentally retarded isn't an insult. Know the definitions for your diction. Being retarded means you are incaple/very slow at understanding a topic. I'm telling you that you aren't seeing what I'm saying.

                                                                                            AND my post wasn't childish because it stated factual evidence that Bill Clinton isnt a ceiminal. And if he rrally was then why isn't he tried for his crimes? Please reevaluate your accusations.

                                                                                            And believe me I don't hate you at all. My diction is just vast with perverted words. :)


                                                                                              2:27 an further:
                                                                                              A.C.: "You are ok with them having nuclear weapons?"
                                                                                              D.T.: "No, not nuclear weapons but they have to protect themself or they have to pay us."
                                                                                              A.C.: "Oh, ok"

                                                                                              And later D.T. says:
                                                                                              "Can I be hones with you, it is going to happen anyway."
                                                                                              and later he even stated "...or we have to get rid of them entirely..."
                                                                                              followed by listing a few countries that already have nuclear weapons.

                                                                                              He said that the nations should be able to protect themself but in no way did he tell that they should obtain them.

                                                                                              My question to you is why are you taking it out of context to fit your agenda?

                                                                                              Don't get me wrong, the same shit is done by the right wing media by writting shit like "Hillary is sex trafficking children" out of one mail that said that on a party would be 3 persons followed with numbers in parenthesis.

                                                                                              That is exactly the reason why I initially mentioned S.Crowder who even had articles against Trumps stand against the First A.

                                                                                              Be fair and watch the video and tell me if the guy is a "MEMEY" youtuber:


                                                                                                Also I have seen this exact trend happening to Megyn Kelly and Ben Shapiro who were bullied online just for the fact that they are right leaning and are stating facts for and against both candidates.
                                                                                                Megyn was one of the first ones who covered the rape stories about Trump even if they were spawning in a really suspicious perioud of time, and Ben never stopped shitting on Trump after the M. Fields and Corey Lewandowski incident.

                                                                                                People on both sides are using guilt by association to silence a side. I used it for the extremes that don't even try to makes sense but only spew shit that is heavy biased(on the left it would be Buzzfeed and HuffPost and on the right sites like conservative_anything). I know they won't publish anything truthful because as the video above said, they wouldn't possibly profit out of it.

                                                                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა