General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies tips and trick

Techies tips and trick in General Discussion

    I like the hero,good pusher,ninja-like gameplay,any tips?

    Story Time

      get hex for late game :D that is all i know sorry


        Ok lol noted


          I like force staff to push the enemy's in your bombs.


            This hero messing up with my brain lel

            LISAN AL GAIB

              Shadow Blade into Crystalis with BKB


                Pro tip: don't pick him the hero is pure toxicness for both your team and the enemy team




                    You will get relentlessly flamed for picking techies even if the team goes Drow, Sniper, WR, Lion, puck.

                    Early: <15:00
                    Soul Ring, Arcanes, start your scepter
                    I like to take away the other team's jungle and make them terrified to walk in it. Mine common choke points and walking paths such as staircases. If i am radiant, I love the left side of the dire staircase. Heros always walk to get the rune, then walk up the stairs to go to lane and BANG! 1B. Of course, this relies on your telling your teammates not to contest the rune, which they will do and push the enemy back towards the mid stairs. I also tend not to mine the runes as much since you can be seen from everywhere. you can instead mine the mid paths to the rune lessening your chance of being detected and making it just as effective. If you do mine the rune, ask your mid to take it at 1:45, 3:45 etc so it is actually good bait

                    Mid: 15:00-30:00
                    By now you have Scepter and Force Staff and are working on an Octarine. If you've lost a few T1's thats ok, just mine on the other side of the bridge to catch any heros trying to rat or push waves but scared to venture too far into your side of the map. Too many techies just lump mines in front of the towers. This is also a good time to mine secret shops since many heros are getting bigger $ items

                    Late: 30:00+

                    This is where stasis mines are probably the best non-ult spell in the game. At a time when most heros are 5-manning, you can lock them all in place to get mowed down, or control fights. you can walk into fights and drop them easily, force-staffing out if things get too hairy or just simply lob bombs into the fight dealing that sweet sweet scepter damage. If your team ins't winning, mine the snot out of the base and use, use, use stasis mines in lines. It will take multiple waves of heros in order to get through them all. High ground vs Techies is a nightmare. You should have Bloodstone by now too and transition to BoT's so you can TP to a lane, toss a remote, clear wave, repeat, TP out to keep your lanes pushed.

                    - avoiding detection is key, if they see you, you arent likely to get kills unless they are terrible
                    - use your remote mines as wards. they last 10:00
                    - Dont blow your cluster at the first chance you get. If the enemy carry is tanking down lane, his whole team may be behind him. Wait until you can get 2 or 3 heros (including supports) in the blast and nuke them. All of a sudden it is 5v2 and Sven trying to hit your T3 is in a lonely place
                    - Use suicide early to get kills, esp on enemy carry. After 20:00 dont use it at all unless it is to deny yourself. You only have so much time on the map to mine so dont waste it being dead.
                    - If they have a gem, mine high-ground so they cant see it in the fog of war. Put out a few sacrificial land mines ahead of your cache of remote mines so the enemy CM with a gem stops to right-click them down, then force her into your pile.
                    - Use the minefield sign but hide it near trees or battle flags so they wont notice it. Even though the sign protects the mines from true sight, they can still see the sign.
                    - Once you get remotes, I like to mine behind any T1's that are still up, just make sure you dont lob a mine into the creep wave. Get a nice cluster of 5, ping your team to attack the tower, watch the enemy run between T1 and T2 and get blown to hell.

                    All of this of course assumes your team is competent. Half of the time you'll mine your mid side of the river and your team will be in the river dying rather than baiting the enemy back.

                    happy hunting.


                      ^ why u give tips on a hero when u have 40% wr with it?


                        Because you're incredibly dependent on your team: Re my last 2 games where I went 24/8/22 and 21/7/8 and lost both.

                        not many people know how to play with a techies and a techies cant solo-carry. Aside from that, i play techies in unranked from time to time and you cant exactly hone your techies skills in bot games.


                          also u have 840 mmr. i dont think u should give tips on any hero sry.. when u lose game with 24/8/22 techie its ur own fault. with this score u should be able to take the whole map over and perma siege

                          Optimus Drip

                            Look up Broxy's tv on twitch. HE and robot vice are above 5k mmr and they both main techies. Both havery different playstyles. I play techies like broxy. 58 percent winrate with overy 600 techies games personal experiance.

                            Optimus Drip

                              Also u just read your stats for your techies game. IN general, get sold ring brown boot then arcane boot then force staff then Aghs then euls then travels. DON'T get bloodstone.


                                shadow blade and go boom toward them or use blink dagger

                                Use forcestaff to escape situationals and troll them to your bomb

                                keep planting and planting until you get bored or until someone steps on it and cries and abandons.

                                no one will buy a gem if your carry team is good pick.

                                Optimus Drip

                                  Also. Do not get shadowblade.


                                    Any tips about offlane techies?


                                      I'm not a pro but I got 70% win rate at techies on 10 games. You usually pick this hero if the enemy got 4 or 5 melee heroes. It's not a good offensive hero. First thing to know is you have to understand the flow of the game. If you're winning then its good to plant bombs on their jungle to minimize their farm and to force support to purchase a bunch of blue wards. If you're loosing or the game is even, then you have to do the other way around. Just don't rush aghs. Tranquil, soul ring and force staff is the best choice on the early game. Then in mid game if you have a good start then you purchase aghs or euls. The key for a good techies is good map awareness and good placement of bombs.

                                      Good nuker
                                      Good high ground defense
                                      Force enemy to buy early gem
                                      Doesn't need a lot of farm to feel his map presence
                                      Good for melee heroes

                                      Too squishy
                                      Not a hero for team fights
                                      He doesn't do too much when he is countered with gem
                                      Not good at laning

                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                        Lol,and i thought techies can solo offlane xD

                                        Optimus Drip

                                          Techies works best with levels. Usually you DONT need a lane partner. He is an awesome solo laner.


                                            Guys just go hurricane pike, crystalys, bloodthorn, skadi, hex, mkb


                                              Dont go tranqs get arcanes


                                                Jk phase boots r best


                                                  Wtf dude

                                                  0sfrog make techies a carry 0sfrog


                                                    U will go into low prio after this build but then just play it in low prio too 4Head


                                                      @A Sneaky Deer

                                                      Is the insta lvl 2 trick legit?Or just a waste of mana?


                                                        you will get low prio after any build with techies..


                                                          Lol Daddy

                                                          I hate low prio.I got 27% single draft winrate feelsbadman


                                                            ^Nah,make Techies great again xD


                                                              See if you can identify the report worthy player in this match:



                                                                Offlane>Soul ring>Mana boots>Bloodstone>Ahga>GG


                                                                  Wtf is he trolling or wut


                                                                    ^Bloodstone is good early-mid,but not for late game imo.In my last game i ended up selling it for more utility item.


                                                                      I like bloodstone actually, cause you can spam alot of mines over the map. But there is indeed better items for early-mid.


                                                                        Yup,and it would be much better when ure leading imo


                                                                          best tip i could give you is to not pick techies and ruin others games. You are welcome

                                                                          Optimus Drip

                                                                            Naw . Pick techies. The insta lvl 2 trick is awesome@op

                                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                              get on my techie lvl. it's all about mindgames.

                                                                              items -> tranquil, soul ring, arcane (u can skip them), force staf, aghs, afterwards it doesnt matter, eul and sheep is good

                                                                              dont get bloodstone on techies. it offers no ability to use. u have enough mana with item drop and soul ring.
                                                                              start items -> tp, courir, tangos, rest clarities -> tp offlane and mine on LANE and offensive. always play offensive with techies

                                                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                @A Sneaky Deer

                                                                                Yea its a good trick but then its hard to regain my mana during the laning stage lol


                                                                                  ^Finally,a quick Techies match