General Discussion

General Discussionis there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr?

is there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr? in General Discussion

    i've been watchin some people recently, and they do the same mistakes every match, enemy always abuses those mistakes.

    those players obviously see those mistakes, but they never do anything about this.

    then they come onto this forum to ask: how 2 git gud, how 2 vhs, what stat i need for vhs, how 2 calibrate

    and my personal favorite(not): spamming me on facebook to calibrate them

    so my questions to you:

    is there something actually preventing you from gaining mmr?


    in the last month, how much time did you dedicate to actually practicing/learning/thinking about/analysing the game?

    did it work out?

    if not; why do you think it didn't?

    p.s playing the game, smurfing and spamming me on facebook to calibrate you is not learning.

    p.p.s excluding watching videos

    p.p.s.s for the question about preventing you from gaining mmr, i mean it personally; i don't care what your teammates nor your grandma has to do with your mmr

    Tldr: the title


      im sick dat quetion in dotabuff.


        started with:
        complain about not getting hs/vhs

        moved to:
        complain about the ones complaining about not getting hs/vhs

        I can't wait about it going to:
        complain about the ones complaining about the ones complaining about not getting hs/vhs

        I wonder where this recurion will stop and if the universe will survive it's final form.


          im just wondering, since it keeps just coming up.

          so they might as well help me help them to actually git tu vhs

          because i, personally, can get at least 500 mmr a month if i practice.

          i don't get how other people just can't do this

          because whoever i've seen use my tactic has at least grown by 1k mmr

            კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

              low iq jointly absence of motivation and free time


                Cookie where can i watch ur arc warden replays can u add me coz i wanna watch them and learn. Ty


                  If you guys (myself included until a recent time) had used just a tiniest bit of your time and effort to gain imaginary points to a virtual number between 1 and 10000 into another occupation, you would have mastered it by now.

                  Face it, this is an endless cycle... "I'm going to increase my MMR, I am going to be sooo much better. I know I can, it's just my teammates are holding me back."

                  I'm not saying gaming is waste of time, no, but dota completely is. This is coming from a person who have played this garbage for over 7000 hours, over 7000 matches.

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    I find asking myself the question "What could I have done to prevent myself from dying?" is a good way to discover bad habits I may have developed.

                    bum farto

                      The thing that prevents me the most is meta playing and consistency. I have never been known to play meta heroes and even sadly missed the Axe boat when it was around. I usually just pick what I feel like playing at the time and most of the time it's subpar and I recognize that's my own fault. I have been really enjoying Undying recently but that has dropped my rating by about 200 but it's not a massive concern of mine.

                      I also don't play solo enough and I will play 1-2 games a week of solo and these will usually not allow me to get into the swing of being a solo player vs being a party player with ridiculous friends. Something I should work on but I honestly (actually truthfully) stopped carrying about being an amazing solo player, at this point if I dropped to 4k again I would be disappointed in myself but not too bothered in raising it back up as I enjoy tournaments, playing with friends, and faceit a lot more, alll of which I do successfully enough not to let my solo rating get me down.

                      I came close to 6K recently but then retired trying altogether. I would personally take Ywn's advice and change your picture to an anime one and build dragon lance on every hero if you want to climb.

                      bum farto

                        This is where I met you when I was about 5.8K and spamming WK after that I just really started liking OD, Slark, and Undying all of which I am good, but not great with. Love WK so much and I am so good with him but I won't get top rating on DB cause I play him in party stacks so I am like Plat with him now, used to be top 150 at one point.



                          it's my internet

                          if solely in-game tho, it's my incosistency


                            yep i member dat, i got so rekt by havoc so hard that i had to make a thread about learning to offlane XD

                            usually if i can learn something i'll just do it myself, but offlane was a real challenge as it was insanely conflicting with my gameplay.

                            like, i won't lie i'd rank it up as one of the most difficult things i learned as it was sooo tempting to walk up to the enemy supports and start punching them.

                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                              Some mistakes are not so obvious and more abstract. It's hard to learn those without someone pointing it out. Some mistakes are just downright hard to practice. Such as map awareness. "Oh just keep looking at the map". Yea maybe for first 5 min then basically forget because Dota has a million things. Let's say u do check every 1 sec. Then how do u practice predicting? Some ppl don't have very good working memory to remember all the information last seen within 5-30 sec to try and then analyze where everyone may be.


                                oh those 2 are actually really simple to practice as fuck

                                you practice map awareness by watching games from 1 team's side of view for like 30 seconds, then pause and try to exactly pinpoint the position of every enemy hero.

                                if you're correct, you keep going then you just jump ahead 1 minute and do it again.

                                if you're wrong, then you go back and rewatch it from the enemy team's perspective to know what/why the enemy team was doing.

                                i'd recommend using 6k+ games to watch, as low mmr players have bad habbits, and most of the time they actaully aren't doing anything.

                                and to practice predicting i use 1v1 gamemode and just a simple mirroring technique

                                mirroring technique s: ''what would i do if i were the enemy" then if he doesn't do what i'd think he should do, then i punish him.

                                as agressive as i can be

                                and if i get punshed for pushing him, i'll know that my enemy knew it better and fix my idea for the next attempt in like 5 seconds.

                                and the mirroring technique is like amazing at learning to predict

                                you can literally learn to predikt like a 7k in a week using that

                                the mirroring technique is so good, as i remember that one 700 mmr player got to 3k in like a month from doing it

                                but of course, like you said:

                                you need the mental capacity to do it

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                  The First game i met havoc i carried him Hard. 1 k mmr under average. But After that i lost 20 games in a row and now i dont give any more fucks.
                                  Btw can some1 tell me why i suck so Hard? Beside dying like a monkey and missing half of the lh on lane i mean.

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                    კომენტარი წაიშალა

                                      I only lose when I smoke before a game, Kappa



                                        Daily golden Kappa check boys


                                          how to get to vhs? pls help


                                            Climbing MMR is kind of simple. You just need to know what to improve. If you know that you need to improve your positioning in teamfights then you play games and keep paying attention to that. Once you figured it out you are gonna climb MMR naturalliy, that's it.
                                            Problem is people most of the time have no idea what to improve on or are overwhelmed with the mass of stuff that needs to be improved.


                                              Cookie thx for sharing your technique. But please don't say it is easy. Let's be real here. It really is time consuming and effortful to do it. A lot of attention is required.

                                              I was thinking also more of in game practice. Like u start off a game saying to yourself, to look at the map and try n predict every 5 seconds. It's not easy to do. Of course offline practice helps (such as offline last hitting).

                                              Sitting down and trying to think what x player would do. Or what 5 players on the enemy team would do at any given point in time is incredibly effortful and time consuming, assuming u even know why someone does something. U may have a gift for understanding game concepts, so some things are obvious. But to average players of the game it really isn't obvious if they haven't learnt a framework for doing so.


                                                not really, yo ucan do it whenever you want

                                                and it has no consiquences as the 1v1 games arent counted towards anything

                                                it's just an trial-error guessing game.

                                                the thing is, if you go into a game and just say to yourself ''watch the map every 5 seconds'' you'll watch the map every 5 seconds

                                                but you have no idea what you're looking for, and everything will pass you by, and you'll still die.

                                                so first learn what you're looking for, then checking the map should become a thing of the subconscience

                                                anyways for sitting down and doing it, obviously it'll be time consuming, but also obviously after you learn something you don't have to keep learning it again, you just verify it. all you really need is a big sample size and time to throw away.

                                                it's just a giant trial and error guessing game

                                                i dont know anyone who'd be that stupid that he can't make at least 1 correct guess in 100

                                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                  I know it's useful. I'm just saying it's not easy though. It really isn't. Trying to think why someone does something without anyone to guide u/ without any specific personal experiences to tie it to is very difficult to learn. Dota is all about learning to have the correct reflex in any given time. That's something u practice in game. Sure u can memorize scenarios of why something happens. But then remember that that's just one scenario In a million different ones because Dota is so complex. Of course the better u get and the more game experience u have the easier it is to apply a more general framework to ease the cognitive load.

                                                  The key thing here is experience. As good as u are u still need thousands of games to get better. And u need probably more time analyzing those thousands of games. Time consuming is an understatement. Of course the assumption here that getting good means getting to 5k plus. But in reality anything over 3.2 is aready exceptional


                                                    Lashing out at a teammates for costing the game (do they really cost it? I will never know from my flawed perspective.) is a terrible thing to do and one of the reason why I can't git gud yet I couldn't stop myself from doing it everytimes. I tried to not rage but ultimately, seeing all of an efforts trying to make a comeback being burned down to hell along with ancient is very frustrating. Why is it so hard for me to keep up PMA for the entire game without suddenly going barbarian flaming at the teammates when realized that I'm going to lose and I can't change anything?

                                                    Edit: I don't want a hug. Just an answer to why I couldn't keep the PMA up for the entire game even if I lose.

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                      yeah there is, my disgust of the game


                                                        im actually quite positive in my games

                                                        but if someone starts tilting me, i just mute everyone and listen to music so i can untilt instantly

                                                        Mode adiman

                                                          reason some people are better than the others. dont know why u should be questioning this

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            I just accept the tilt a sink into the abyss


                                                              I keep doing the same mistakes really often.

                                                              It may be just lack of focus as it also is difficult to keep "my cool" when I play and see the mistakes I'm making.

                                                              Sometimes for some odd reason I see that I'm doing a mistake and proceed on doing it anyway.
                                                              It's hard to explain to you exactly what I mean, it's just like that.

                                                              The fact I don't play regularly is also adding to the root of the cause, considering I tend to need a "warm up" time when I stop playing for prolonged time periods.


                                                                How could I know my mistake if Dota replay system now broke


                                                                  Yes, I don't have motivation for it and sometimes pubs feel very cancerous, so I rather play leagues or tournaments, cuz I enjoy those.


                                                                    Mainly I don't have time. Id like to sit down and watch some of my replays or practice basic things like last hitting, but life and studying kinda get it the way. I sometimes wont have time to play for a couple of weeks then I spend my next 20 games just relearning everything I forgot during my break to get up to my original skill level.
                                                                    I'm sure a lot of people here would like to put more time into improving, but time is unfortunately something not everyone has in abundance.


                                                                      @cookies, could u share your method of replay analysis? Like what are the things you specifically look for, what are the stuffs that u deem necessary to analyze and those that are mundane/useless to look at, etc. Pls share your train of thoughts when doing a replay analysis if u dont mind.. thanks

                                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                        @cookies, can I suck your penis please? Like I'd totally love your cum in my mouth.


                                                                          I cant share you my train of thought as that requires actually knowing everything i know

                                                                          Aka you'd literally need to be me

                                                                          But the formula is simple: keep guessing till you hit it correct, then try to find if the pattern ever appears again

                                                                          Dr. Banana

                                                                            Because I simply don't care. The only thing I care about in doto is tower damage (but my previous games say otherwise). I used to care about wins, but I don't get as angry when I lose now (in the past I was the guy who flamed people for the slightest of mistakes).

                                                                            Practising: Let's see. I don't even have enough time to play dota (I have ~330 matches in 2 years) so practising isn't for me. I still try though. Like last month I loaded up demo mode and tried last hitting with naga. But yeah the lack of understanding, mechanical skills, farming technique and practise is keeping me back.


                                                                              Not enough time for doto😵


                                                                                Boredom/ being tilted. I can 1v5 carry my team, I gained 300 mmr in 2 days just picking heroes who can 1v5 but it gets so boring that I don't have fun, then I end up shit picking a support and my carry has no idea what he's doing. Then there are games I get tilted and just stop having a want to win.
                                                                                I'm positive I can carry my way out of my bracket, but I get so bored doing it.


                                                                                  that's a new one, how do you get bored from raping scrubz?

                                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                    cockies can anser my question plis?


                                                                                      Stop making fucking excuses for sucking bananas


                                                                                        OMG Spunki

                                                                                        < blank >

                                                                                          I came here to read Yoshi's post where he writes "Age." and drops the mic

                                                                                          Got bigly disappointed

                                                                                          Cristiano Ronaldo

                                                                                            add me on Steam pls sir :P

                                                                                            Cristiano Ronaldo

                                                                                              Learning how to play Arc Warden atm. You are good


                                                                                                @cookie because instead of feeling like I'm playing a game it feels like a routine, dont get me wrong it's fun shitting on a team while your people on your team say ez bc you carried them, but it just gets stale, rinse and repeat you know?


                                                                                                  im not totally sure what makes me so bad, but ive been gaining mmr for a while so i guess im doing something right.


                                                                                                    doto its there for being played, why so serious. And things that prevent me from gaining mmr are scrubs and a fckin power failure. Also the only vid i watch is dota wtf or smth similiar.


                                                                                                      I don't gain MMR because I don't even try after -200MMR in one sitting. NS is love, NS is life.


                                                                                                        I dont know if anyone mentioned it but actually people rarely see their own mistakes. For example - decision making. Its really hard to estimate if u make good or bad decisions eg. as a carry when to farm and when to help your team. And those decisions are often crucial cos if your team dies 4v5 it will be hard for u to comback, unless u play shiet like meepo or sven or am.