General Discussion

General DiscussionLooking for someone to calibrate for me. If not, would appreciate som...

Looking for someone to calibrate for me. If not, would appreciate some advice to calibrate well. in General Discussion
Mic Check...

    This is due to me being a huge mess and dont want to do it myself. I play in the vhs and is currently calibrating my PARTY mmr and it is turning out to be around 4k last calculation worked out from average mmr and teammates mmr from the list at end of game means it is currently around 4060). Calibrating is pretty bad for me as I seem to always mess up (messed up party and solo mmr calibration on my main too). I believe my solo mmr is therefore around that same area because i didnt play much party unranked beforehand so my calibration starting point for my party mmr is very close to solo mmr.

    I hope to get around 4.3k from calibration.

    If anyone is willing to help me out on this through calibrating for me or giving me advice, it would be great.

    P.S. If there are any popular calibrators on dotabuff, feel free to forward them to me, ty.


      Just spam roaming riki


        There is a profession now called "mmr callibrator"

        Mic Check...

          I heard in calibration kda gpm and hero damage is key. Im not that good at riki. Roaming riki can end really badly for me. Proffesion? more like a trade i guess. I fail at calibration always, FeelsBadMan :gun:

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