General Discussion

General DiscussionHow come core venge is starting to come back into relevence?

How come core venge is starting to come back into relevence? in General Discussion

    I don't really understand the prevalence of core venge, as every-time I've seen her be picked up she's been pretty underwhelming, usually ending the game with a HOTD, dragon lance and some sort of other item and in general being mostly ineffective as a position 1.


      In normal skill venge will go carry. Thats usual.

      Riguma Borusu

        ^no you fucking imbecile, in any skill venge can (and will) go carry with a proper lineup, even in a tournament, not that you would know because you've watched exactly zero competitive games in your life


          Ye recently ive seen a lot of core venges in tournaments. They usually lose tho and end up playing like a support without support items.


            List me an example of a professional match where Venge is a carry.


              And i saw rtZ going safe veno. Basically we have seen it all.


                Kaipi OG Elimination 2.0

                Giff me Wingman

                  Carry venge is extremely rare and very situational. usually fails, i think people are just trying to "find the new broken meta hero"

                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^admittedly, it can work pretty well in push-based lineups, the problem is that if it fails, it failed for good, and unless you can capitalize on really stupid mistakes your enemies might make, it's game over since you can't really come back through any mechanic

                    a well leveled and farmed venge will hit like a truck and aid a push based lineup with an early maxed aura really well

                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                    casual gamer

                      carry venge is lit

                      look u have treads hotd dlance (+ items), 68% damage buff and decent attack speed, tanky as fuck, ok stun, rosh fast, good push, much waow

                      Riguma Borusu

                        ^pair that up with dazzle and slardar and make the opponents cry

                        the hero's bashed for not being a quick farmer, but it can be pretty fast once you get some items going (not that you'd have any hope of outfarming the enemy medusa or sven, of course, but you're not as slow as riki or something stupid like that)

                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                          Did somebody say, carry vs? Lul


                            It is a very low investment hero that is nice to balance greed from your other picks, notice in any game with venge carry that there will be other heroes to play the more traditional '1' role. It lanes pretty independently and if you do end up feeding you can just play as a slightly more farmed support venge. If you do end up with a nice start it's not a terrible carry either with treads+lance+hotd you hit quite hard and you have decent survivability with swap and good natural str gain.

                            mentally handicapped

                              from what i know carry venge is used during the drafting stage to fuck the enemy's draft

                              like you draft venge, the enemy thinks that the venge is a support. next you pick a naga. enemy thinks that naga is your carry. so they draft based on how to handle naga's splitpush LATEGAME. like they make a draft that scales well into the lategame

                              but once you get into the game, you play venge as a safelane carry, naga as a roaming support further fucking up the enemy because they didnt draft for early game pressure. venge racks up those stats really fast, so she can push with her team easily. and the enemy, not expecting an enemy carry to have such an early power spike, is not well equipped to defend against the 5 man walking down mid. gg ez game ends at 25 mins or so

                              or maybe you can be 5k playing 2k and still wreck

                              Riguma Borusu

                                @chill the fuck out yall ☭ 7

                                That was quite a hilarious game to see. Am would not even expect to lane against naga (though they could still have trilaned him to mess him up, even if naga was the carry), but an important distinction between a carry and support naga is when you level your NET, and naga got net at level 1 or 2, so AM could never depend on blink to be able to escape a gank, as soon as he sees naga, he has to run away, or if venge is close, he can't afford to get stunned, because naga can follow that up with a rip tide and net, and he either dies or has to go to base with 20% HP.

                                That game was a showcase of what it means to outdraft your opponents, and much more importantly, how good naga is against AM early if she skills net, as well as how much damage venge can dish out if she gets proper farm (unexpectedly, a lot), and how hard it is to actually contest an early pus with that draft.

                                კომენტარი შეიცვალა