General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    I'll play again on the 5th probably if anyone wants to lose games with me


    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    i have 5 reports to use

      Rubicks cube in 2k17 Lul. I can do 20 second solves but that's not even good. Real pros solve them under 10 seconds


        fok you 30 secs is great also chicks love it xD real life xp


          this is how you win with invo


            pudge > invo that match xD
            and wtf with svens items


              lol pudge had kill challenge stood front of base and hooked enemy lycan didnt move heroes also bought ward for shaman's ward challenge xD

              FREE PALESTINE

                @Jacked I max boars and aura when I play beastmaster, and I can actually manfight early on and jungle well with it, and pretty much every time I see beastmaster picked in the pro scene (I think the last time I saw him was before 7.00 though xx) his passive and boar is maxed because he's gonna be pushing with his team, so I was wondering of there's a situation where you'd want to max axes

                FREE PALESTINE

                  If mmr impressed chicks irl bitches in my school would be sucking mah deeeeek


                    yo school is for sub-3k scrubs then xD


                      I remember people sucks 4k+ dicks until they realize they're scrubs with 5k play hour xd


                        I have a friend who grinded his way up to 4.5k and dropped back to 2.7k
                        Well that's what you get for fully relying your gameplay on individual skills instead of both strategic thinking and skill


                          Another 4day wo dota time to study


                            Bryant r u proud I won with am


                              Considering you were playing against SB OD nice job man although your item timings after VG were so delayed
                              Also I would've gotten a BKB if invo or OD was a threat


                                if youve got an enemy od get a bkb as soon as you have lockdown so you can counterkill. am has natural defenses vs magic bcs of the spell shield, and he counters physical damage with items. what you cant protect yourself against is pure damage, and od's is one of the most potent


                                  I Duno any girl who would get impressed by solving a cube. U nerds.


                                    If you dont want to get a BKB hex would be an ok alternative
                                    2 seconds of lockdown isn't reliable enough to shred OD to pieces and he'll just proc essence aura in 2/3 hits after you suck up some of his mana and hp


                                      hex wouldnt allow anti mage to actually deal damage. i tried it once and it was awful

                                      2 seconds of lockdown with mana burn and two illusions is reliable to get a targets mana into at lesat 1/4ths of it, unless you jumped on a sven in which case he doesnt have mana any more. even if od has remainder of a mana hes gonna explode his entire team with a mana void from the am


                                        I didnt get bkb cuz of sb, linkens seemed better to dodge one stun then blink out. We had a bloodthorn on qop so bursting od was usually reliable.

                                        mr. rabbit

                                          hey people im up for some games now, whos alive?

                                          mr. rabbit


                                            i cant believe i won a game with these scrubs, jesus christ all they did was keep on flaming me while theyre running around while having zero concept of what to do

                                            i have to spoonfeed them every single objective jesus christ its like playing with toddlers


                                              Lets meme but i got 2 friends to play with so we either 5 stack or just duo meme


                                                Just meme on your main u fucker my 3k acc is limited

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  2700 on this account boys, ill reach 3k before bws does on either of his acounts

                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                    i added you on this account bws


                                                      At the current rate bws will get 3k in 2 years


                                                        3 years*
                                                        also I did the phantom riki build


                                                          ill reach 3k before bws does on either of his acounts

                                                          I wont drop back to 3k flat dont worry


                                                            Won't drop. That's assuming u get there in the first place. Or are u still pretending that u earned that 3k rating lul


                                                              who party mmr with me i never get to play party mmr :[

                                                              FREE PALESTINE

                                                                I'm gonna party meme with you


                                                                  OH SHIT SON
                                                                  PULLED OFF AN ACTUAL DRAFT
                                                                  GUESS WHAT
                                                                  ONLY 1 PAPA SMURF

                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                    lmao my laning stage farming sux ass xd

                                                                    btw bws ur spectre is horrible me and clement were casting ur shitty game how come u thought its a good idea to use blademail while ur getting omnislashed l o l

                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                      let me guess who the papa smurf is



                                                                        I didnt play up to my standards that solo spec game
                                                                        I kept going for kills that isnt possible, popped BM at the wrong time, etc etc
                                                                        Maybe I can blame the draft but hey, a good player don't give a damn about their counters, right?

                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                          honestly i dont think spec is the kind of hero that will suit you

                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            why arent you playing any of the micro intensive farming heroes anyway


                                                                              micro intensive farming heroes

                                                                              Nature$ prophet?


                                                                                I'm trying out different playstyles to see things from different perspective

                                                                                  mr. rabbit

                                                                                    lost 3-0 against clement 1v1 boys, apoop will beat me up now

                                                                                    mr. rabbit

                                                                                      nvm dumpstered his puck with my wr hehe

                                                                                      sf sucks


                                                                                        How do you even lose as puck against WR

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          now my furion gets dumpstered by his wr

                                                                                          wr confirmed op hero






                                                                                                OP laner*


                                                                                                  You haven't seen me landing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                                                                  10 cs in 10 mins as pos1 bois

                                                                                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                                                    You haven't seen me playing pos 1 as an agressive active carry( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
                                                                                                    *goes into every potential teamfight*
                                                                                                    *gets abandoned by teammates*
                                                                                                    *teammates leaves me to die and comes back again to take all the glory*

                                                                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა