General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
mr. rabbit

    idk gsun seems pretty easy to build

    isnt it just heal minions that have 4 def up evo'd or not + removal minions/spells that have 4der evod or not + gsun + satan

    mr. rabbit

      whyd u remove radiance angel thats like one of ur best heal minions after maybe frog cleric both gain ward from gsun too

      dont ever run rabbit healer in gsun LMAO its 3 def on evo exdee if u badly need 2/3 drops run prism priestess/frog cleric/temple defender/snake priestess (run 3 of the 3 cards u chose from the 4)

      usually its a toss up between snake and froggo but personally ive tested both and frog is more useful

      may vary for u tho

      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

        am i the only person whose print screens from osu are delayed?
        like i press it and it captures a moment like 3 mins ago


          anyway fuck this stupid map there are like 2 rather fast sections going for like 10 seconds each and in the end there's the similar difficult one but much much longer and i eventually fuck up and can't catch up again

          always have like 800 combo and ~98% accuracy and then it falls drastically in this last part

          mr. rabbit

            also curate is also one of the best healers u can put on gsun also its free iirc

            if want overkill board presence run shrine knight maiden so that ur wards are almost unkillable (but as i said its overkill already)

            no idea about moon almiraj tho never used that card outside of storm but if its left alone its gonna destroy people for sure

            doc joferlyn simp

              why are you so fucked up arin

              doc joferlyn simp

                yep running curate radiance angel + a few canoness and two unicas to get back from being face'd

                i would rather go lucifer but unfortunately i dont have that card, 6/7 UNevolved 9/8 when evolved, sick animation, only 8 pp, not to mention the artwork

                im not that good at deck building lmao i looked at the play curve and thought howd i get that far if i dont go for ultra heals


                  been listening to this cover for the past 30 min
                  SOO good


                    whoever came up with this map deserves to get hanged
                    the keys aren't even really difficult but the speed changes CONSTANTLY
                    i remember when i was playing it for first time i mashed f4 because it felt super slow and suddenly it sped up and i had like 0.1s reaction time for each key while barely seeing them

                    why are you so fucked up arin

                    in what aspect so i can answer you specifically?

                    mr. rabbit

                      aaaand amulet haven is probably the worst "legit" haven build ever dont ever run that shit it has less than 1% global playcount

                      especially any form of hybrid with amulet haven (yes amulet sucks shit that much) just go pure gsun and u'll dumpster people for sure, also u dont need gabriel and maybe even olivia on that deck, all u have to do is keep on removing cards on ur opponents board until u spawn satan and gab nor oliv helps with that

                      i dont see the value of canoness at all honestly it trades poorly and there are better gsun ward fodders that are also effect minions

                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                      doc joferlyn simp

                        i put moon to clear minions. every 2/3 game there is a forest with a roach or a sword running the skyknights, i find myself losing just because they can just fuck with me for free early, not enough for an autolose but enough for their albert backed up by left over cards from early game to kill me

                        once im able to get themis though pretty sure im taking moon out

                        BSJ. LGD

                          dont go pure gsun, go elana sun

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            i have 3 papa banish and 3 lion spirit, all of that just to deal with board flooding. have three blackened scriptures and a tribunal, and i run a baha just in case i dont draw my shit and im left with nothing

                            im that scared

                            mr. rabbit

                              baha doesnt do jackshit if its DoD. what are you gonna do after u play baha? get DoD'd and lose anyway cuz u broke ur own gsun?

                              spam radiance angels and curates instread late game (or leftover papabanish/lion) until u draw satan instead

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                my fucking god elana exists thats retarded

                                BSJ. LGD

                                  i once lost to elana sun even though i bahad his amulets twice, and after that i put in stan in my deck so that shit doesnt happen again

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    going elana and gsun looks good imo since much of the defensive cards are the same, even then if i can just get lucifer up and evolve that shit get sick heals unless they have board clear

                                    man the game seriously wants me to put money into it fuck it


                                      I gain only 6 raw pp everytime I tryhard and it's not going to be easier from now on


                                        Shocked shy pinoy teen gets ravaged by indog guy @YVIDEOS.COM

                                        doc joferlyn simp


                                          mr. rabbit

                                            I WAS DEAF U CUCK



                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                Damn this thread has gone full osu BrokeBack

                                                mr. rabbit

                                                  LMAO GOLDEN SKY IS ADDICTING ROFL BUT I CANT FC IT

                                                  LA DA RI DA RI DA RI DA


                                                    Golden sky
                                                    >nomod FC
                                                    >then HD FC
                                                    >lost 3 pp
                                                    >Well Played!


                                                      Golden sky on dt is fun


                                                        do u use the touchpad for osu?


                                                          I'm legit mouse player I'm not that desperate lol


                                                            "So ill beat my meat like I'm a fuckin' butcher
                                                            and I'll punk the pousti like I'm Ashton Kutcher!"

                                                            კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                     - Golden Sky [Mythol's Hard] +HD,DT (98.92%)
                                                              about a year ago
                                                              weighted 90% (110pp) ★

                                                              BSJ. LGD

                                                                penoreri - Everlasting Message [GRAVITY] (97.30%)
                                                                about an hour ago
                                                                weighted 100% (350pp)




                                                                    Noob acc im better than u kappa


                                                                      looks like I will be tryharding at dota 2 again 1 last time

                                                                      fear is the mind killer

                                                                        i'm a simple fan i hear hollywood undead i hit Like

                                                                        კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                        doc joferlyn simp

                                                                          post the game here so i can laugh at you while you lose

                                                                          jk lmao get em old man renshin. r they going to stream it btw?

                                                                          კომენტარი შეიცვალა
                                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                                            turtle just had the best time of his life


                                                                              hopefully not, i think team baguio tnc is gonna win anyway

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                alice did you suck turtle off

                                                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                  I was like: fuk yea touhou. next minute it's my boi Justin bieber


                                                                                    I ALMOST PASSED A 5.7*
                                                                                    A STREAM

                                                                                    i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                      Hmm loss 2 ranked games in a row, about to win my first game and then boom maintenance

                                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                        Self-reminder: never drink alcohol and softrinks with ice before singing your fucking lungs out unless you want to hurt your throat


                                                                                          Bot games are so dank
                                                                                          I got min 13 bloodstone on lina


                                                                                            tfw only aa1 with 400+ wins

                                                                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                              Tfw you're done with everything and have nothing to do anymore, then Shadowverse is on maintenance

                                                                                              Tfw you're forced to do community service on your own birthday


                                                                                                BTW gsun only counts base stats evo stats won't give you ward so frog cleric is shit


                                                                                                  whats the difference between golden and rainbow 300s
                                                                                                  and which one is better







                                                                                                      what did u guys get
                                                                                                      62 packs opened for me