General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    ok i think i got it

    in a game as whole, all u gotta do is remember power spikes and act accordingly to them


      if u wanna practice decision making for cores i think u should try storm


        Or you can come to me and learn some grade A sub1k decision making

        კომენტარი შეიცვალა

          I like dying in a game.


            ^See grade A 1k material right here


              ey jacked u got out of lp yet? want me to heeeeelp you?


                I have one more game. And it will be solo


                  anyone wanna get some pt mmr? im 400 away from 4k dream pls


                    play with kyle or ahmed


                      4k pt is kinda hard to get if u queue w us noobs


                        Anyone wanna help me reach the 3k dream?


                          you are literally 3 mmr from 3k lol, get a couple more ppl and we good to go


                            I think I'm never getting out of Low Priority. Abandoning 2 games = 5 LP.
                            Thanks Volvo.


                              I'm already prepping for road to 4k


                                whatever you do, DONT INVITE ME IN PARTY GAMES.

                                it's almost an auto lose LUL


                                  apoo + alice = my back breaking
                                  especially if its a 3 man party
                                  edit: alices np = hardest game of ma life

                                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                    Lmao. Did u guys play with Alice again ? And the award for the Heaviest member of seatards goes to...


                                      It's like Alice is 2k all along but just somehow got to 3.5 and making games ultra heavy


                                        im the eziest to play with, i nvr screw up, im secretly 8k


                                          yep im mad never asking anything on this forum again fuck it


                                            lol alice its actually really hard to get specific advice without directing it to anyone or asking in a very specific way. no one good actually bothers except if you ask JD or Cutnpaste, assuming they are interested in your question


                                              plus you have to realize what you're asking is like saying how to git gud. you just have to get better at 1 v 1 matchups. it's as simple as that. you identify your advantage over your opponent in a 2 v 1 easily (through level advantage). But, you have to identify hero advantages in an equal xp lane.

                                              minor mid lane things to outplay, are things like getting level 2 first, or using creepwave advantage. it's very specific to the hero matchup and you need someone really good at this game to describe it to you if you provide a matchup example

                                              კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                you could just add jdf8, cookie, ela mai for advice, instead of asking in the forums


                                                  im just gonna bother salza from now on if i have something like this to ask rofl


                                                    i want to add benao for the lulz
                                                    edit: that PsyFi guy is quite an odd and dense fellow

                                                    კომენტარი შეიცვალა


                                                      yeah thats what i noticed earlier when i played against my friend (SPECIFIC SCENARIO TIME)

                                                      it was another jugg vs underlord lane, i was able to lower his hp down significantly by pulling his creeps to my ranged creep and positioning behind his melee creeps, this way i can get some reliable stacks for my aura at lv1 and he cant contest me for it. if he tried to go near i'll get to punch him rly hard so he missed a lot of last hits from lv1-2

                                                      the problem started around lv 4. at this point his bladefury started to deal respectable damage, and theres 2 options for me to take while he's spinning which is either run away or punch him

                                                      this is where i realize whats wrong. i didnt think about when he SHOULD spin. i was only tunnelvisioning on how to counterplay spin without thinking that i have the hero advantage in the matchup and spin was his counterplay (he will and SHOULD only spin in 2 scenarios: 1) i have no mana/cd firestorm 2) i have no dmg stacks)

                                                      then at 6 i almost got a solo kill on him, he was like 1 click away to death but i was scared of omnislash happening but apparently i didnt friggin check if he even had mana for ult lol so i just ran away and got killed later when i had no stacks + creeps beside me


                                                        Plox I'm not that hard to carry heck I have carried Bws and Alice 😏😏


                                                          also another thing i missed a lot of cs but thats something purely mechanical that i have to *shrugs* practice


                                                            And renshin you don't know heavy till you see my invoker


                                                              remind me to ban invoker whenever i party with you Kappa


                                                                "man ur playing some kinda bizzaro offlane where you aren't at a permanent disadvantage and supports dont pop out of the goddamn woodwork to sodomize you"
                                                                The story of low mmr


                                                                  @renshin then I'll just pick Shadow fiend😏😏😏


                                                                    id probably tilt whenever you miss a raze


                                                                      I dont mis razes that much but I manage to hit 0 heroes with requiem multiple times in a game

                                                                      კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                                                                        btw i fucking laned against high 4k support duo in a party ranked game as underlord and it was a fucking nightmare

                                                                        if i ever get to mid 4k i pretty sure i'll get to face those everyday so im really looking forward to getting dumpstered by them

                                                                        but for now i need to abuse the hell out of centaur and underlord and get a free ticket to 4k


                                                                          thats only possible if you have no souls or you dont know when to pop sf ult during teamfights or when to pickoff a hero
                                                                          anyways, its quite funny when alice gets mad


                                                                            I thought sf ult was supposed to be popped in ur fountain?


                                                                              that comment


                                                                                I thought sf ult was supposed to be popped in ur fountain?


                                                                                  I mean that keeps you from having mana problems

                                                                                  D the Superior
                                                                                    კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                      Magnus plox ur making this page harder for me to load

                                                                                      D the Superior
                                                                                        კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

                                                                                          lmao low prior is the place to git gud friends


                                                                                            Having played 1/3rd of my whole matches on lp I'm pretty sure it's not.


                                                                                              Hey Alice did you claim to be a void spammer


                                                                                                to get out of low priority you need 2k gpm ta


                                                                                                  Looks like my average ta game

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!