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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Fuck off magnus no one likes your furry fuckshit

    კომენტარი შეიცვალა
    D the Superior
      კომენტარი წაშალა მოდერატორმა

        Imma miss renshin. I just wish i knew the reason, if i did i could just accept it and move on. Also i need someone new to help me climb when i come back to doto.


          some games are unwinnable it seems


            nah, my tinker is 1000x more good than miyuki, u can compare with the winrate. And hes only ns scrub


              really? go play tinker if u think u can won with him, u didnt play tinker in few decades.


                in 4k here my team always force me to play support, it will be lucky if i can pick some cores with a normal support. That will be an ez game


                  lmao noob, even i can carry 4 feeder with my tinker, u just suck

                  კომენტარი შეიცვალა

                    ns pleb wont understand, just sdfu and play ur game thx


                      Where is @OP anyway?


                        OP is dead




                            how come i get in this super long winstreaks followed by super long lose streaks


                              can anyone play rn


                                I can play in an hour


                                  ill play 1 ranked game then and ill see if i can still play by then


                                    Hoho haha.


                                      Everyone is too saddened by renshin to play



                                        I always admired Renshin for being cool despite close to getting a blue star. No hints of superiority, no condescending words.


                                          I'm not that sad seeing renshin leaving tbh
                                          I mean yea he's a cool guy but he has to be responsible for what he did anyway
                                          Life is not just about being nice


                                            I feel like a cold evil motherfcker


                                              im even more sad of the fact that i cant ever hit my weekly benchmarks

                                              always so close... but not quite.


                                                i guess ill try to get 3300 back tomorrow and try to get those last 100 next week... again.

                                                3500 before 2017 is now rip


                                                  actually maybe i should take a break


                                                    you should alice.


                                                      You should stop trying to grind MMR for awhile and fix your gameplay
                                                      Insanity is doing the same fucking shit all over again expecting a different result


                                                        Why you bounty so noob yves


                                                          Fuck you


                                                            Listen its not abt just being sad and shit i can get over myself. Its more abt the implication that one day i may have to do the same, which really irritates me because im already restricted but for good reason (studying priorities). Once i get independence and am again forced into restriction after i feel like i shud have control but am pushed aside by circumstance is not something im a fan of. Also the way renshin left gives little closure, and tbh i just wanna know so i cud wish him gl or whatever.


                                                              This reminds me of my friend moving across the country last year, we were rlly close, ran track together, and at the end of the day it just leaves me fucking depressed and enraged cuz life is so fucking unfair. I almost always feel like a solution can be found, and where there is nothing clear and no right or wrong action and u just have to hope blindly or take wild guesses i just hate it. Why cant it be so simple? Fuuuuuck.


                                                                eyyy i might not be playing tomorrow then, need to get my shit together first

                                                                i hate it that im not good enough that the only way id lose is due to my teammates being 100% retarded


                                                                  guess ill do whats been told to me over and over again whether direct or indirectly

                                                                  take something im good at and improve on it

                                                                  good thing offlane is shitton easier nowadays, its almost braindead


                                                                    So many times i want to pass out and wake up in a place where i can just be free. Im still a fucking kid yet it still feels like my childhood is long gone sometimes. Whenever i dont feel like that im the happiest i ever am, around my close friends. Then i go home, back where i have to meet this and that expectation, and deal with a shitty parental relationship, and life, and resposibility, and the prospects of my future, and i just wanna let go man. Read "The Catcher in the Rye" its an extremely good book and tho a bit extreme shows how i feel in general to the dot. Fuck man. And im just 16 fucking years old i dont want to spend what seems to be my golden years preparing myself to just keep getting a fucking paycheck to just "keep going" until i die. I want to be somebody, and do what i love and be with the people i love and just say fuck it to everything else. I wish everything cud be set up for me. I wish i can grow up again.


                                                                      maaan i feel u bro

                                                                      my ultimate fear in life is that ill grow up to be just like everyone else


                                                                        waow Edgy teens. I belong here.


                                                                          Well in the first place why would you think of your job as "boring". In that case look for a job you enjoy doing and makes you fulfilled. Personally I see myself as a lawyer of sorts. Perhaps I'll go CPA (lawyer about financial shits, generally works for companies) or maybe to the military and get a desk job. Or do any kind of cases. Actually I talked to my dad about this, and wherever I go life seems pretty good.


                                                                            The vent is real. Sorry i dunno man i feel so fucking lost. I have no idea what im going to do and no idea how ill get anywhere, no clue how college will help me get there, no idea what i will be able to do there, no idea how much of me will be left at the end of it all. I respect renshin for manning up and taking responsibility cuz im some pu$$y ass b1tch and all i want to do is run away from all my problems. I feel overwhelmed. But i also feel sorry for the man cuz fucks sake its not much rn, but a story sort of tells itself in my head of him slowly just losing touch with himself until he is an amorphous blob like the rest of em.


                                                                              stop thinking about your future


                                                                                Sure i can get a job i dont hate or even like. But im not passionate abt anything except running and gaming/youtube. Im not passionate abt content creation (youtube) just watching content, know fucking dota is not even close to a shadow of a viable career, and im mostly passionate abt running cuz of the community we have and my coach (truly the best man i have ever met). But all in all im just fucking lost.

                                                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                  Yo. No time to get all philosophical now. What about we talk about being godparents to renshin's offspring?


                                                                                    This is a fucking junction from my dependence on my parents to independence (which i will cherish to all ends), and i wish i knew how i cud sustain independence while living a fulfilling life. My parents r good people for example, but they fight, and complain abt each other, and im not even sure if they r truly in love anymore you know. Maybe thats how it is for everyone, but i dont want to be everyone i want to be myself, and not have that kinda shit in my life. I wish it was easy to explain. I wish it was all easy.


                                                                                      I understand how u feel Daddy,but life is beautiful on the layer but dark inside its core.

                                                                                      We can dream for all those happy thing but in the end we can't control everything.

                                                                                      The only thing that matter is yourself,no matter what ur parent expect u to be,no matter what ur dream is,just go on your own path and reach your final destination.

                                                                                      We both the same age so i know the trouble.If u want to be free,then be free but remember life is not perfect.Nothing can be achieved without something else to let go.


                                                                                        Dog and may wud be renshins godparents lol.


                                                                                          Your parents are preparing you for your future, maybe not perfectly (too strict), but definitely on the right path
                                                                                          My ultimate fear is NOT growing up
                                                                                          Mu ultimate fear is not being a grown up when I'm already supposed to
                                                                                          Life is not just about having fun
                                                                                          You have responsibilities, and the older you get, the more you have to take
                                                                                          When I was 14 or shit I would babyrage everytime I got punished when I did a simple mistake and wasn't allowed to play
                                                                                          Now I know why, sooner or later you'd be thankful for what your parents have done
                                                                                          You just have to find your talent and passion and focus on it
                                                                                          Picking the wrong college subject is what leads people into thinking life sucks
                                                                                          It's cool, as long as you make the right choices


                                                                                            I know that ashrel i ubderstand the state of life, i just wish i didnt had to be that way. Maybe i cud be special. I just dont want to let go of the last strands of childhood, but i dont want to stay here where im sorta under lock and key and not fully independent. Im just whining like a fucking b1tch. Thanks tho :)
                                                                                            As my coach says if you work harder than everyone else then u will go farther than them. I just wanna find 1 fucking thing that i am fully and deeply passionate about that i can pour my soul into, and just work harder than everyone else at, and become a successful person.


                                                                                              I've seen enough people getting their life fucked up because of shitty education from their parents
                                                                                              I'm not saying strictly controlling children is good, but it's still better than LET IT GOOOOO MAN GO OUT IMA GIVE U MONEY U CONTROL URSELF KAY???


                                                                                                Go try shits that has to do with theorycrafting and logical thinking
                                                                                                You seems pretty good at it
                                                                                                I know the transition is hard, but it's better for the long term


                                                                                                  Renshin better be posting his forced wedding here lul


                                                                                                    Im not rlly babyraging at my parents in the way u might think. I love em (WOW NO SHIT) but sometimes they rlly trigger me. Guys lets just stop u r telling me how life is and i already to most degrees ubderstand. Im just sitting here b1tching that i cant have it better than i already do, even tho im so lucky to be here. I dunno so many fucking mixed emotions man fuck. I just wish life wasnt how it rlly is even tho that makes no sense and nothing will change.


                                                                                                      Let's see how much MMR I can lose in a day